Recent Content by sally Payne

  1. S

    New Queen To A Litter Of 5 A Month Ago Panting Occasionally Since

    The thing that's confusing is that she's completely content now nursing the kittens and she eats a lot. Sometimes 8 packets of food a day. I'm wondering if it could be trapped wind causing her distress sometimes as she has a distended tummy sometimes and lots of flatulence.
  2. S

    New Queen To A Litter Of 5 A Month Ago Panting Occasionally Since

    Hi, thanks for the quick response! I have taken her to the vets 3 times and 2 different vets. They checked her temp and heart rate and poked around but have not been able to tell me what's wrong. The first vet visit she also had worming treatment and since that didn't fix the issue I took her...
  3. S

    New Queen To A Litter Of 5 A Month Ago Panting Occasionally Since

    I am fostering a cat who came to me with 5 weeks left until giving birth - she seemed fine (other that huge poo's) and relaxed until she gave birth 4 weeks ago. Since then she has been open mouth breathing and occasionally panting initially with constipation (which is what I thought was the...