Recent Content by QooQooQitty

  1. Q

    Cheers to Cheetah

    Chapter 1. Contact and Touch I have been saying for quite some time how I’ve been attending to this ex-alley cat for a several years – a couple in the alley, and a few years now here on the property, without ‘being able to touch him’. Well, I must confess to my error. I have touched him...
  2. Q

    News Cats On The Block

    Thank mews and ankle rubs! Glad to be here. Old oldest resident is a little Tabby that came tears ago and never left. She and i DEFINITELY have a thing. Not necessarily on my lap, but in the same room, nearby, you know. Anyway, she started out as Cissi. Somehow Cissi stretched to CissiPants...
  3. Q

    News Cats On The Block

    Meowswers! I am new to the group. And HOPE I don't trespass... A few years ago, we had a few indoor cats. Then a few outdoor ones showed up. And all was well. Then the house caught fire. And i was presented with a whole new meaning of homeless. When we moved back in, somehow they started...
  4. Q

    Recurring stomatitis after complete dental extractions in brothers

    THANK MEW!!!!! I've my work cut out for me!
  5. Q

    Recurring stomatitis after complete dental extractions in brothers

    Will have to check with the vet. Between the two of them, in a matter of months, have burned both of out 'stimulus' checks, and all of our tax returns, that was supposed to supplement us fo 8-9months. They alone have been about $5-6K. We have two others that were showing significant weight...
  6. Q

    Recurring stomatitis after complete dental extractions in brothers

    How 'deep' could the infection get that the 'time-release' meds still aren't gettin to the core inflammation/infection? We have been waiting until we see him not eating before getting him new shots. We are hoping to be PRO-active and be able to dose him at first onset, or just on a time based...
  7. Q

    Recurring stomatitis after complete dental extractions in brothers

    Greetings; I am mew to the Forum, and I realize meds, diets, and the like can be 'borderline' topics for non-professional or 'lay' people. I do hope I am not out of bounds in asking for some OPINIONS and IDEAS. I have written to our vet, and have spoken with staff at the animal hospital we use...