Recent Content by porkie12

  1. porkie12

    Cat hard bump on nose bridge

    Hi Emma. This looks very similar to Pepi's lump which came on when he was about 18 months! He is now nearly 3 years old and still absolutely fine (touch wood!) the lump has remained but not changes shape or size. When he went for his annual jabs a couple of months ago the vet said it is likely...
  2. porkie12

    Cat hard bump on nose bridge

    Hi There. It does look similar! I was meaning to update this thread actually. Pepi had his annual healt check and vaccinations earlier this week and the vet said it was probably just excess cartlidge which can happen in flatter faced breeds, which is encouraging :) :)
  3. porkie12

    Cat hard bump on nose bridge

    Hiya yes my cat's is the same. it tapers down towards the end and is completely hard and feels like bone. His lump has stayed completely the same for just over a year now. He is due his check up in July so i will ask them about it then! I'm wondering if it might be something to do with...
  4. porkie12

    Cat hard bump on nose bridge

    Hi both. To be honest there has been absolutely no change in the bump on Pepi's nose. I had a video consultation with the vet a month or so ago after i posted on here, and he said we can try steroids to bring it down but he isn't concerned with it. Once lockdown is over, i will take him in for a...
  5. porkie12

    Cat hard bump on nose bridge

    Thank you so much for your advice! Really appreciate it :) Alice
  6. porkie12

    Cat hard bump on nose bridge

    Hiya. Thank you for your reply! I am unsure if it is changing size be honest it is so hard to tell! I have attached two more photos to the above response..... Many thanks Alice
  7. porkie12

    Cat hard bump on nose bridge

    Thank you so much for your reply. Now i look at photos of him before - it is so hard to tell if it has actually increased in size! I think it might just be the angle of the camera - it is so difficult to work out. I have attached a photo here from June as a comparison - see what you think. These...
  8. porkie12

    Cat hard bump on nose bridge

    Hi all my cat is a 2 yo British shorthair called Pepi. In May i Noticed a hard lump on his nose bridge, it basically felt like bone and was totally under the skin/fur. Didn’t seem to bother him at all! I took a photo and asked the vet who didn’t seem that bothered. He has had a few problems...
  9. porkie12

    Swollen Bridge Of Nose

    Did you ever find out what was wrong with Aussie? My British shorthair has developed a similar nose bump with no other symptoms either 🤷🏻‍♀️