Recent Content by Opalarcade

  1. Opalarcade

    Getting My Kitten Spayed

    On a bit of a budget, this was the closest clinic that does cheaper spaying. I can't really afford to go anywhere else to get her spayed. I am going to call the clinic today and see if there's any way to get her in sooner.
  2. Opalarcade

    Getting My Kitten Spayed

    I do my best to keep her inside, but I have another cat and dog that go outside too, so she slips out a lot with them. I always make sure she's inside for the night though. We do not have any male cats. She's a longhaired cat, looks a bit Maine coon-ish.
  3. Opalarcade

    Getting My Kitten Spayed

    Just made the appointment to get my kitten spayed, but the soonest time was three weeks from now. I'm worried she'll get pregnant in this time because she is just reaching 4 months of age. Are there any ways to prevent pregnancy for these few weeks before her surgery?
  4. Opalarcade

    Cat Is Unhappy With My New Kitten

    Thank you but I'm not asking for advice on the pregnancy of my cat and I know how to find a clinic by myself.
  5. Opalarcade

    Cat Is Unhappy With My New Kitten

    She actually is pregnant again. We were planning on getting her spayed after this previous litter but we were still looking for a clinic when she got pregnant. Planning on getting her spayed as soon as this next litter is gone. Could this be the reason she's acting so moody?
  6. Opalarcade

    Cat Is Unhappy With My New Kitten

    I've had my cat for about 2 years and she just had her 2nd litter. We decided to keep one of the kittens because they seemed to get along well. Now the kitten is about 3 months old and my cat is not happy. She never wants to be inside anymore (only comes inside to eat and then meows to be let...