Recent Content by ognstub

  1. O

    Cat Sitting....

    Play with them and just hang out with them. Spoil them! That's what I do when I cat-sit. How about taking some pics and print a couple of nice ones off for the humans? People like to see their animals having fun especially when they were gone. Good luck !
  2. O

    Help? Pax is breathing funny....

    hello, i once heard that cats won't eat what they can't smell. when OG was ill with a URI the only thing that got him to eat was a little bit of tuna juice into some watery soft food and he would lick it off a spoon. he would only eat a few licks but it was better than none. to you and Pax
  3. O

    cat "talks" about his business

    at my house it means 'scoop it right now!' LOL
  4. O

    Wow...a fantasy cat tree!

    thank you for sharing the link! those are the coolest trees i eva saw!!
  5. O

    Torn ear

  6. O

    Stubby has lung cancer...

    thank you so much everyone. stubby left us last night. i am a better person for having known him ....and i still have two fur-snakes at home that are also adjusting to this new lack of stubby-ness in our home. its only been one night but there are different routines already. it still hurts so...
  7. O

    Stubby has lung cancer...

    and omg its so hard on him. its heartbreaking really. he's my first cat and is 13years old. we have only lived together for 8 years. he is my alpha cat and my kitty boyfriend. stubby is such a good boy. im sobbing my face off right now typing this. but i dont want to sob in front of stubby. he...
  8. O

    Sick and tired of my second cat

    that could very well be the problem! my cats have me trained to scoop in the morning and at night. i have three cats and four boxes.
  9. O

    My cat is urinating where he sleeps

    poor guy. did you check for other illnesses? hows the litter box situation? is he stressed out?
  10. O

    Joey spraying ME

    i agree with emmylou, i read that book too! my cat peed on my leg while i was sleeping - i had just gotten back froma four day trip. mine. another time the cat peed on a boyfriends shoes hehe i just got rid of the bf LOL
  11. O

    I just off the phone with Chip's vet...

    i am so sorry chip is gone. i posted vibes and luv for chip in your other post right before i found this one. these vibes are for you
  12. O

    Am I watching him die?

    chip chip
  13. O

    Want to Strangle the Cat

    REHOME THE CATS!! "I also never actually beat the cat." yeah right then rehome the baby cuz it will probably end up frustrating you too
  14. O

    "kneading" with hind legs

    of my three only the one female does this. she does it when shes really excited or when shes playing with catnip or the honeysuckle wood. its cute when she kneads or stomps with her back feet
  15. O

    Scratching Deterrant for Rugs?

    how about spraying cat nip spray on the spots he is allowed to scratch? praise him when he scratches in the right places. say no when he scratches inappropriately then move him to a proper place.