Recent Content by NoxfordComma

  1. NoxfordComma

    Cat Injured By Neighbor Cat

    Howdy y'all! My indoor/outdoor cat* (1 year old, in great shape) got into his first scuffle with the new neighbor's ornery lil guy. I am totally new to pet injuries of any kind and unsure if he needs to go to the vet for his slight wound. He has a shallow gash on the length of his nose -...
  2. NoxfordComma

    Kitten To Adult Food Transition?

    Hello, I have two healthy male kittens who are going to be 10 months old next week. I am struggling with cutting back on their food and even knowing how much to give them in the first place. I feed my cats approximately 1.5 ounces of wet kitten food 4 times a day, and they get a cup of dry...
  3. NoxfordComma

    Long-term Cat Sitting Prep & Advice

    Hey all! I'm going to be traveling abroad for 3 weeks in the spring and I'm already anxious about how to arrange care for my kittens while I'm away. They will be about 10 months old when I go on vacation, so I don't know how much their behavior/habits/routines will change between now and then...
  4. NoxfordComma

    What Behavior Does Your Cat Annoy You With?

    Nox is content to knock every single one of my knick knacks off my shelf, no matter how heavy, even though when they hit the ground it TERRIFIES him. Also, we have floor-to-ceiling bamboo blinds in our kitchen so once a day Bowie and Nox (litter bros) play a rousing game of "I'm going to crawl...
  5. NoxfordComma

    Cuddle Time!

    my boys don't cuddle with me anymore but they're obsessed with each other!
  6. NoxfordComma

    Occasional Accidents (that Are Totally On Purpose)?

    Nox went 2 weeks without another incident and just today peed in a brand new bag of clothes that my brother bought. The last 3 times he's peed inappropriately have been when there were visitors in the house and I was not home, but he in no way showed any other signs of aggression, fear, or...
  7. NoxfordComma

    How Do I Stop My Cat From Begging For Human Food.

    Your little guy looks just like one of mine! And it's the one that begs for my food, too ;) Bowie is 5 months old now and will get up on my lap to sniff my food once in a blue moon. I always just pick him up, turn him around, and set him down with a firm no. He is resilient and will do this 5-10...
  8. NoxfordComma

    Occasional Accidents (that Are Totally On Purpose)?

    I have three; two in our bedroom and one in an open area of the house. Those are the only places they can cleanly and safely fit for the kitties. They definitely have their favorite box but they do use all three! Nox just peed on the beanbag chair again right as I was finishing scooping the...
  9. NoxfordComma

    Occasional Accidents (that Are Totally On Purpose)?

    They are both neutered, yes! This most recent occurrence was strange because he did it 4 feet away from one of the litter boxes. It may have been because I hadn’t cleaned it for the day yet so perhaps it wasn’t clean enough for him to use. thanks for the links!
  10. NoxfordComma

    Occasional Accidents (that Are Totally On Purpose)?

    Both of my kittens (4.5mo) know they're supposed to go in the litter boxes. Bowie exclusively uses the litter box to do his business. Nox goes in the litter box 95% of the time. About once a week Nox will have an "accident" on whatever item left on the floor that he fancies (towels, bags, etc.)...
  11. NoxfordComma

    How Much Freedom Should My Kittens Have Outside?

    I forgot to come back to this thread but thank you all so much for your input! This is my first time raising my own cats and I'm still trying to shake the ways of how my family raised cats. I got harnesses and leashes for Bowie and Nox which I am slowly introducing them to so we can peruse the...
  12. NoxfordComma

    How To Discipline Shelf/counter Climbing?

    Hi all! I am having a lot of trouble teaching my two kittens to stop climbing where they're not allowed to climb. There are four off-limits spots in my house: The shelves in my room, my dresser, the kitchen table, and the kitchen counter. My 4 month old boys have made it their goal in life to...
  13. NoxfordComma

    Both Kittens Randomly Started Wheezing?

    I have two 4 month old kittens with no known health issues. This morning, thing one (Bowie) wheezed with a closed mouth for about thirty seconds and didn't seem bothered at all - he ate food and played with his water before, during, and after the fit. Just now, about 12 hours after Bowie, thing...
  14. NoxfordComma

    How Much Freedom Should My Kittens Have Outside?

    I have two 4 month old kittens (brothers). They received their last round of vaccinations about 2 weeks ago so I have been letting them explore outside. We live on a dead-end street with 5 houses on it, and our front yard is enclosed but they are able to get out via both above and below the...
  15. NoxfordComma

    Why Do My Cats Like The Wrong End Of Wand Toys?

    My two 13 week old kittens have several wand toys that I have lovingly picked out for them over the course of the month I’ve had them. The wand toys are their favorite. However, as much as they like the toys dangling off the end....Bowie and Nox are OBSESSED with playing with the stick end. I’ll...