Recent Content by munchkin1021

  1. munchkin1021

    2 litters born 10 days apart by same mom

    sounds like she went into preterm labor with 2, and then 10 days later, had the 2nd half of her litter. its not really 2 litters, because they were growing inside her at the same time. good luck with the survivors. 
  2. munchkin1021

    kitten has a cyst on his butt and it popped :( *****WARNING - Semi- Graphic pic!*

    called the vet. they only have 3:30 open today, which i cant do. bringing kitty in on monday.
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  5. munchkin1021

    kitten has a cyst on his butt and it popped :( *****WARNING - Semi- Graphic pic!*

    I was doing my daily inspections on the kittens. I noticed the first born black kitten had a weird looking white thing on its butt. i went to wipe it off and the thing POPPED!!!! i am pretty sure it was a cyst. i wiped off the pus with the closest thing i could grab. more pus, then blood gushed...
  6. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    also, may i add, im pregnant myself, so it might just be me that thinks she smells bad. even coffee smell induces nausea. lol
  7. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    i think i am going to give her a bath with dawn. it the only thing my vet recommends other than baby shampoo because she has sensitive skin. and its not her stuff that stinks, its her fur. she has gotten herself clean, but i can still see residual blood cuz she is all white. i think im also...
  8. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    she smells like old dirty blood. its gross.
  9. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    Mommy and all 6 kitties are doing great. They all have gained at least 2 ounces. the orange kitty has both eyes opened and he now weighs the most. we aren't keeping him, but we've nicknamed him buddah, cuz he has a big ole belly.. We are naming the torti-tabby mix Pandora. The kittens were born...
  10. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    Okay. I gotta cut the amount in half. she had BAD runs last night, poor thing (and my poor nose!). she got it all over the nest bedding and i hadda change it. i gave all the kittens a look and they were clean. she was a mess though. i will have my fiance help me give her a bath when he gets home. 
  11. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    this one is in liquid form. I'm going to give it to her once a day, at night, as is. i gave her a full bottle which is 3.5 table spoons. she had it all gone in a matter of a minute. 
  12. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    Okay. how much at a time? and how often?
  13. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    question, i thought i was going to need some KMR, filled a bottle and none of it got used...i dont want it to go to waste and it was $10 for a 10 oz bottle. can i give this milk to chloe??
  14. munchkin1021

    Pregnant Chloe - due date unknown

    waiting on callback from vet. we may figure out a therapy plan. what he has may just fix itself when he begins walking.