Recent Content by momtoagraygirl

  1. momtoagraygirl

    Naughty Cats

    What kind of birds do you have? Do you watch 'Mr Max Tv" on youtube? It's about a cockatoo
  2. momtoagraygirl

    On The Subject Of Ibd..

    My little girl is about 4 years old. Her first symptoms of possible IBD were frequent UTI's, then vomiting, diarrhea with mucus and sometimes blood, and finally ravenous hunger. She also gets sick with certain anti biotics like amoxicillin. For a while now my vet has said she strongly believes...
  3. momtoagraygirl

    IBD cat success!

    My little girl is about 4 years old. Her first symptoms were frequent UTI's, then vomiting, diarrhea with mucus and sometimes blood, and finally ravenous hunger. She also gets sick with certain anti biotics like amoxicillin. For a while now my vet has said she strongly believes IBD is the cause...