Recent Content by mistercheddar

  1. M

    Pregnant stray help?

    We have a bus/rv that drives to neighborhoods and spays/neuter animals right there in the rv. Maybe your city has a resource to help!
  2. M

    Fat Cat

    His stomach has been upset because he ate a leaf off a lily of peace plant which is a super irritant to kitties. He puked for two days but he's right back to normal now.
  3. M

    Fat Cat

    Please! His stomach is sensitive!
  4. M

    Pregnant stray help?

    Cats are super sensitive to their litter or maybe she just wants to hijack your bed! =p maybe she's moving them over because she trusts you and has decided to adopt you!
  5. M

    Fried Chicken

    So Cheddarwurst is pleasantly plump. I brought home kfc today and he lost his mind. He wanted fried chicken sooooo bad. Now of course I wouldn't give him any, but even after the left overs were put away and the wrappers thrown in the garbage he still got up on the counter and was looking for...
  6. M

    Very vocal kitten...among other things

    My cat is 8-9 years old and he won't ever shut up =p. Sometimes he losses his mind and starts running around like crazy and growls and yells. I chalk it up to him being a cat =p when he wants to scratch/bite during play I just walk away from him and I know he gets bummed out. It's a gradual...
  7. M


    Welcome!! Your kitties are adorable. Lots of knowledge and information here!
  8. M

    Tortie or Calico?

    Oh those kittens are so sweet.
  9. M

    Do cats really love their owners ?

    Cats love when they are loved. My cheddarwurst knows when I'm sick, when I cry and he's always right next to me to ride through the storm. People say they are indifferent but when the important stuff happens they respond!
  10. M

    New kitten dark spot by tear duct picture included

    Looks like an eye booger! Id watch it and if it gets bigger or doesn't fall off have a vet look at it
  11. M

    Fat Cat

    He's about 8 years old and he's been all over the country! Moved with me to Boston (was naughty in Boston he didn't like the cold) to Nashville (he loved the music) to Cali (his cat nip fit right in) and now back to Texas! He's tuckered out from our walk and I'll be sleeping without a pillow...
  12. M

    Fat Cat

    Yeah I didn't know if I should get a flea collar for him or if I should get the stuff you apply to them. I live smack in the middle of the desert so not a lot of ticks or fleas but I still want to keep him safe.