Recent Content by MissileCatrisis

  1. M

    Told I Spend Too Much Money

    Yes! not my friend, but someone told me I don't care about people. Because I had posted an anti-fur post. Said, should care about people too. Which doesn't mean people whom love animals are putting off people as well. Pretty much just like you said. I have fed strays as well. They deserve food...
  2. M

    Told I Spend Too Much Money

    Yes, this is very true! Yes. With one blood test for my oldest cat, the vet told me to watch her, as her glucose level was slightly low bring her if constant vomiting, etc.Otherwise, it was not a huge deal because her glucose did not alert him. She does have pets but only if it there is...
  3. M

    Told I Spend Too Much Money

    I was told by a friend I spend too much money on my cats. Friend said I do unnecessary vet visits for my cats 2 years old and 4 years old. Vet visits as in vaccines and blood tests as well as a test for parasites She told me those visits aren't necessary.i also buy higher end more healthy cat...