Recent Content by Masha1983

  1. Masha1983

    Very Young And Pregnant: Risk Of Spaying?

    Sorry Talkingpeanut, I just saw this. No, all my other cats are either too young or already fixed. Quick update on her health: I took her to the vet the next day and he confirmed the pregnancy, fixed an appointment for the surgery for the next morning and all went fine. Now her stitches are...
  2. Masha1983

    Pete & Me

    Hello Barbara. Sorry for your loss. I can only speak from my own experience, as my job and living conditions take me to different places all the time. I have moved from one house to another almost every single year for the past 13 years, and have been caring for cats of all sizes and shapes...
  3. Masha1983

    Very Young And Pregnant: Risk Of Spaying?

    Hi everyone! One of my kittens, who is barely 6 months old, is showing signs of pregnancy. Her nipples are all pink and out there and I noticed since 2 days ago that her belly is growing bigger by the hour. Needless to say, she's eating way more than before and has gone from a jumping kitten...
  4. Masha1983

    6/w Old Siblings - Front Legs (arms) Paralyzed

    Highly likely to be the case. We are already treathing symptoms for FHV, and FCV is not much different in terms of controlling symptoms, antibiotics + antiviral eye drops is what we have been using for the past 3 weeks. If you have any better suggestions, do please let me know. This morning...
  5. Masha1983

    6/w Old Siblings - Front Legs (arms) Paralyzed

    Updating: 8 hours after the vet gave the kittens a couple of shots and we started vitamins + minerals, we can already see signs of recovery. Pepper, who showed the symptoms this morning, is recovering faster than Salt whose symptoms started to show 4 days earlier. If things go well, we can...
  6. Masha1983

    6/w Old Siblings - Front Legs (arms) Paralyzed

    Ok as expected, the vet didn't have an immediate answer. He said it's better to start on the nutrition side since we have no idea how long the kittens have been nursed by their mother, but we surely know not long enough. So he suggested we start with a good dose of vitamins and minerals so at...
  7. Masha1983

    6/w Old Siblings - Front Legs (arms) Paralyzed

    Thank you Duckpond :clover: I will definitely update here after our vet visit.
  8. Masha1983

    6/w Old Siblings - Front Legs (arms) Paralyzed

    Hi everyone. We took in Salt and Pepper 3 weeks ago when they were about 3-weeks old. They were kept in a very damp place with no sunlight or ventilation whatsoever, really bad conditions, and both had breathing problems, flu symptoms and herpes. Of course we took care of all that and they made...
  9. Masha1983

    Eclampsia: No Iv Treatment Available

    Kittens are fine and extra playful. :) We managed to finish their toilet training while mama was sick, so here's their new hobby :dance::
  10. Masha1983

    Ants/Borax/My Cat

    Hissy and Courtney are right. Cinnamon and cucumbers work. I can also add lime/lemon zest, and basically anything non-sugary with strong smell. They will deter ants and pose no harm to your cat. Even if she is too playful and -unlikely to happen at all- may lick them.
  11. Masha1983

    Eclampsia: No Iv Treatment Available

    Hi everyone! I thought I should post an update here to share the good news! Max started showing signs of recovery since Saturday. First, her neck came back. She started to hold her head up for a few seconds. Over the next few days, it followed by gaining back the control of her hands, then upper...
  12. Masha1983

    Eclampsia: No Iv Treatment Available

    Ok... So... It seems that things are way worse with Max than we initially thought. I drove her to the vet today and she underwent a full calcium gluconate IV + hydration therapy. It's now been 6 hours and the poor thing is still fully paralyzed from neck down. Doctor is also puzzled and looking...
  13. Masha1983

    Eclampsia: No Iv Treatment Available

    Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions. 48 hours in and I don't see any sign of recovery. She is almost totally paralyzed from neck down. I'm going to take her to another vet for calcium IV today.
  14. Masha1983

    Eclampsia: No Iv Treatment Available

    Oh I see... OK. I'd try my best with the supplement and egg shell. Hopefully, it works. If things get really nasty I'd probably have to drive her to another city and seek emergency care. :-/ Thank you for your thoughts and help Stefan. It means a lot.
  15. Masha1983

    Eclampsia: No Iv Treatment Available

    Thank you for the messages Stefan. Yes, tried the egg shell last night. But she didn't want any. Even for these supplement pills, I have to crush them into powder and just pour it into her mouth as she almost completely has lost her appetite. :-( Separated the kittens since yesterday so at least...