Recent Content by Leo_The_Cat

  1. Leo_The_Cat

    Is There Any Way For Me To Stop My Cat From Waking Me Up 6 Am In The Morning?

    My kitten is 7 months old, not 6 (typo).
  2. Leo_The_Cat

    Is There Any Way For Me To Stop My Cat From Waking Me Up 6 Am In The Morning?

    When I adopted my 6 month old kitten (he was 4 months back then), he would start playing around 0200-0300 and 0600-0800 in the morning. He did that for several weeks. Now he goes right to sleep when I go to bed at around 2300-2400 (he's sleeping in my bedroom). And he doesn't wake up until I...
  3. Leo_The_Cat

    She Has Hurt Herself

    Looks similar to what happened to my cat: Do You Recognize This Type Of Wound? I concluded that he probably hurt himself by accident, but there were no puncture wounds. I treated the wound and talked to my vet. The wound is healing fine now, but it will take a few more weeks before it's...
  4. Leo_The_Cat

    Do You Recognize This Type Of Wound?

    Doesn't seem to be possible to edit/update messages, so I'm posting an update here: I now believe that the cat most likely cut himself by accident with his own paws (I don't really see any other plausible explanation). When he's playing, he sometimes kicks himself in the face, and it could be...
  5. Leo_The_Cat

    Do You Recognize This Type Of Wound?

    Yeah, he might have caught his face on something, although it's hard to say for sure. I've been unable to find the patch of missing fur. I've also talked to the vet and the wound is healing well.
  6. Leo_The_Cat

    Do You Recognize This Type Of Wound?

    The photos were taken shortly after he got injured, by the way.
  7. Leo_The_Cat

    Do You Recognize This Type Of Wound?

    A couple of days ago my cat (about 6 months old) got an injury near his mouth. It happened indoors. I've tried to figure out how it could have happened, but so far I've not managed to come up with any clear answers. If I can find out what happened, I can take steps to try to prevent it from...