Recent Content by kutoja1987

  1. K

    Copper intake in the finicky cat

    Thing is, she's not vomiting every day - I think the last time she did was in October(ish). But then, October was the last time I tried her on anything even marginally more complicated than Sheba Delicato or Meowing Heads (about once a week for each, and topped with human-grade Lactobacillus...
  2. K

    Copper intake in the finicky cat

    Hello! I'm a little concerned about Suzie's copper intake. Since mid-July, the only food she can consistently keep down (and not throw up within a couple of hours of her meal) is plain Applaws/Almo Nature/Thrive Complete chicken - which, in all but the latter case, is basically boiled chicken...
  3. K

    How does your cat let you know they want fed?

    If I'm sitting at my desk around dinnertime, Sammy will stand up on her hind legs and give my upper arm a polite tap followed by an expectant look. In the morning, she takes great delight in plopping herself down on my side to annoy me into feeding her. Silky will sometimes wake me up by...
  4. K

    weirdest food item your cat has ever ate

    Suzie loves most salads containing cabbage for some reason (it might be because of the mayo/dressing) so Mum and I have to watch our plates and the salad containers very closely. She's also been interested in bread in the past. Silky, my big, squishy boy, likes to chew clear plastic wrappings...
  5. K

    Corn silk dosage?

    Hi! Does anybody know whether I can use the (adult?) human dosage of this corn silk extract I bought from my local nature food shop on Silky? He's about 4.7 kilos at the moment. The instructions on the bottle are as follows: "1 ml of extract = about 1500 mg of the fresh plant. Dosage: 15-20...
  6. K

    Cystitis and holiday problems

    Hi! Five(ish)-year-old Silky was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis yesterday, and now I've got a bit of a problem. My brother's getting married in Scotland in November, and my mum and I (aka both of Silky's humans) are going. Unfortunately not negotiable: the tickets were bought and paid for...
  7. K

    Fun with bladder infections

    ...Shoot! I thought we were out of the woods, but it turns out that since the vet went on sick leave on Monday, right after seeing Silky, she probably forgot to ask the nurse to call me with the results. There was no bacterial growth, which means it's cystitis. But that pretty much requires a...
  8. K

    Fun with bladder infections

    Phew! After a badly slept night and a day spent chewing my nails, there was no dreaded phone call; it's "just" a bladder infection. Now I just need to pick up the new prescription tomorrow and we're (hopefully) good to go! Thanks for your help, everybody! Kutoja
  9. K

    Fun with bladder infections

    Right, so I took Silky to the vet frst thing this morning (last night he was uncharacteristically touchy about me rubbing his belly - he normally loves his tummy scritches) and they did an ultrasound, took x-rays, ran a blood and urine test, and ruled out renal problems, diabetes, crystals and...
  10. K

    cat-safe houseplants?

    According to the ASPCA list of toxic and non-toxic plants it should be safe: If I were you, I'd do an image search to be sure we're talking about the same plant...
  11. K

    Fun with bladder infections

    Yeah, we're getting a culture and whatnot done when we get back to Helsinki - Tuesday at the very latest. The appointment on Thursday of last week was a semi-emergency one (I set the land speed record to get there before closing time: it's about an hour's drive from our country place and I...
  12. K

    Fun with bladder infections

    Hi! I'm a long(ish)-time lurker, but I don't post very often. Background: My roughly five-year-old neutered boy, Silky, has a bladder infection. We've already been to the vet nine days ago, who gave him a course of amoxicillin, but it only seems to have worked partway. Before we went to the...
  13. K

    Finnish newbie

    Hello everybody, My name's kutoja1987, but I'll also answer to Kutoja, Amanda or "Hey you, crazy cat lady!" I'm a 24-year-old bookworm of an IT student who still lives with her mum because we'd both go stir crazy living on our own (I've tried it, not fun). Besides, this way I have help with the...
  14. K

    Conjunctivitis(?) and vaccinations

    Oh dear, I suspect Sammy would turn her nose up at her food if I added that to it - my (three) cats eat wet Applaws and Almo Nature (and dry Applaws in the evenings: it's only got about 20 % carbs) regularly, neither of which has a very strong taste. They only eat strongly-flavoured food (Sheba...
  15. K

    Conjunctivitis(?) and vaccinations

    Hello, My three-ish year old rescue, Sammy, seems to have pretty constant reddish-brown discharge from her eyes. No other symptoms, and she doesn't rub them or anything. The last time I took her to the vet, she reckoned it was conjunctivitis and prescribed eye drops. Well, the discharge stopped...