Recent Content by khin mya

  1. khin mya

    2 meals or 3 meals a day?

    All my cats can eat whenever they want to, I have bowls of food for them all over the house :-)
  2. khin mya

    What do you feed your cat/s?

    If I could afford it I would feed my cats with raw meat only, but I have 11 cats, and for the moment 6 kittens. We use Feline Porta Grain Free  as dry food and Feline Porta 21 as wet food. Once a week we give them either chicken,fish, lam or beef meat.
  3. khin mya

    What's for dinner?

    We had stuvet hvidkål og medister....sorry I tried to translate on google, and it came up with stewet cabbage with sausage...but thats not quite right. Its a very old danish dish.and not very healthy, but my husbond has been working odd hours, he was wet and cold. Therefor I have cooked him one...
  4. khin mya

    Hello from Denmark

    Hello Well almost......if it had to be absolutely right you must translate......."Hello with you" :-) Translate this :-) Tak for velkomsten, dejligt at føle sig velkommen.
  5. khin mya

    Does not like to cuddle

    First of all off course I have sience back the things I say. My knowlegde come from many years with animals....the last 10 years I have been a breeder. My friend whom I wrote about DO have a lot of knowlegde, and is one of the most spoken for behaviorists. I could give you a link to her...
  6. khin mya

    Does not like to cuddle

    Well you dont disagree then :-) I wrote: " When cats lick our faces or hands.....they like the salty taste of us, and they do not like the way we smell, they try to remove that smell of human.:-)
  7. khin mya

    Does not like to cuddle

    One of my friends is veterinarian and animal therapist.....her speciality is animals social behavior......I learn a lot from her :-) To your When cats is taking a short look at each other, they are good friends......when cats rub their noses together they are family :-) Have...
  8. khin mya

    Danish ??

    I would love to learn about food from other countries......okay most people know about, frensh, italien, greek and do I, but I do not know about american food....english food. I am so happy I found this group, now I can learn :-) If anyone would like about Danish...
  9. khin mya

    Does not like to cuddle

    My eksplanation would be :-) People who know people with Downs Syndrom know how loving they are, and how they hug and kiss when they meet us....right.? For some people that is too much hugging and kissing :-) Our cats se us as people with Downs Syndrom.....we are too much. When 2 cats, that...
  10. khin mya

    What could the kittens look like???

    You will get bluetortie maybe lilactortie females and cream males :-)
  11. khin mya

    Birman or Ragdoll?

    Well I think you can choose either of them. Birmans and Ragdolls are very simmilar (please spell it for me) only differens is size and the colors :-) I have both a Cavalier and a Chihuahua, and 10 Birmans + 2 Maine Coon kittens all living here in my house.
  12. khin mya

    Hello from Denmark

    Thank´s Carolina.  Shortly I will post some new pictures as one of my females (Venda Nova is her name) gave birth tuesday night to 6 kittens. 3 boys and 3 girls :-)
  13. khin mya

    Hello from Denmark

    Hello everybody My name is Lone, I live in Denmark, have a small scale cattery breeding Birmans. I have been breeding Birmans since 2000 . All my spare time is used on my cats, my friends (most of them owns/breeds cats) and my work as a board member in the largest cat club in Skandinavia...