Recent Content by jumperdog

  1. J

    Am I selfish for wanting a third cat?

    Thanks everyone for your words of advice - it seems there is really no way of knowing how things will turn out! It is good to know at least that there isn't a consensus that it's a terrible idea. Our boy is much like yours vince - he hisses to hear the sound of his own voice, half the time his...
  2. J

    Am I selfish for wanting a third cat?

    Hi, just looking for some external advice about whether I am letting my own heart overtake prioritising my cat's needs. Any insight very much appreciated. As some background, I have two Devon Rexes, one male who is 2.5 years and a female who has just turned 1. We had the boy for about 1.5 years...
  3. J

    Adult cat changed in attitude to kitten

    Thanks for the advice both. They have claws trimmed regularly as I was worried about exactly this! I was hoping to avoid separation if I could, just because as soon as I separate them they are both clamouring to be allowed near one another, but of course willing to give anything a try for the...
  4. J

    Adult cat changed in attitude to kitten

    Hi ll. Thanks everyone for the advice I have been given so far on introducing our new kitten to our resident cat. For context, new kitten is a female and now about 4 and a half months. She was 12 weeks when we introduced her to the house. Our resident cat is 22 months, nearly 2 now. We...
  5. J

    Cats and kittens sharing food

    Hello! I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice to help my cat and new kitten ensure they're eating properly. I've recently brought home a new kitten, who is 13 weeks. Introductions have gone well and she's rapidly becoming firm friends with my resident cat, who's 19 months. They play...
  6. J

    When is chasing going too far with resident cat and new kitten?

    Just wanted to follow up to thank everyone for their advice - as everyone assured me, in time (after about 5 hours straight of play!) they wore each other out and slept in the same room. They've since made great progress and have spent all day together much more calmly. Here is them this afternoon.
  7. J

    When is chasing going too far with resident cat and new kitten?

    Thank you again all. Sorry I wasn't clear, it is the resident cat who is chasing, not the kitten. We remove her when it gets too much and put her back in her room. Resident has many perches which he claims proudly. This is the issue for me, kitten stands little to no chance of seriously...
  8. J

    When is chasing going too far with resident cat and new kitten?

    Thanks both, that is reassuring. Its quite scary/stressful doing it for the first time! My concern is that it'll get to a place where she just retreats repeatedly while he pursues her, and won't let her rest. We did another play session today and it just went on for about two hours, where he...
  9. J

    When is chasing going too far with resident cat and new kitten?

    Hi - I appreciate questions about introducing resident cats and kittens are asked a LOT in these forums, so I hope another can be forgiven. I have read whatever I could find on the forum and just had a clarifying questions around behaviour in my resident cat around the new kitten we have brought...