Recent Content by joehandy

  1. joehandy

    I just got my christmas Tree yesterday....

    Raintyger, mine does pretty much the same thing. EVERY once in a while a piece might fall off then off they go but I always make sure to find the piece of tree to get it put in the trash. I appreciate ALL the responses because each one helped help me gain some knowledge of what I'm dealing...
  2. joehandy

    I just got my christmas Tree yesterday....

    Please. Somebody help me with this?? I'm terrified of harming my babies...
  3. joehandy

    I just got my christmas Tree yesterday....

    I just got my Christmas tree yesterday. 7 1/2 ft. Frasier Fir.  Are Frasier Firs poisonous to cats?  My little girls are really loving this tree and I need to know. Thank you so much for any answers you can give me... Thanks... Joey
  4. joehandy

    Pet Ease

    Hey guys! First time poster! My local pet supplies store used to carry pet-ease for cats and dogs. The guy that runs the place said that he was having trouble getting the pet-ease for cats and was only able to get the pet-ease for dogs for some reason. He ALSO said that there was no difference...