Recent Content by creaturezoid

  1. creaturezoid

    Cat is doing weird gagging/coughing thing

    I sent the videos to the vet and they said they didn't think it was related to the surgery because enough time had passed where there would be complications? They also just recommended that if she starts doing it more on a daily basis and especially if its combined with not eating or lethargy...
  2. creaturezoid

    Cat is doing weird gagging/coughing thing

    She's been doing it maybe once a week since her surgery a little over a month ago. Does it look like coughing? I honestly don't know if it could be an allergy thing or a surgery related thing? I'm definitely going to call the vet and see what they say. Thank you!
  3. creaturezoid

    Cat is doing weird gagging/coughing thing

    It's not everyday, it's been maybe once a week after her surgery
  4. creaturezoid

    Cat is doing weird gagging/coughing thing

    Good idea about sending the videos to the vet, I will do that and keep you all updated!
  5. creaturezoid

    Cat is doing weird gagging/coughing thing

    Hi there, my cat is a little over 2 years old. She does have a bad habit of chewing and eating things she's not supposed to but I heavily monitor her and have taken away all dangerous toys, especially after a recent accident where she actually had to get surgery for ingesting a bunch of stuffing...
  6. creaturezoid

    Why is my cat laying in her litterbox?

    Thank you so much for all the help, I think I'm just gonna try to be more aware of when she goes into her box and see if it's connected to anything because I think the vet will just stress her out even more at the moment. That guide has a lot of good info too, thank you for sharing!
  7. creaturezoid

    Why is my cat laying in her litterbox?

    When she was in her litter box this morning, the outside cat wasn't around from what I could tell but maybe I just couldn't see it. I made an appointment to the vet for tomorrow morning but now I'm reconsidering taking her and possibly stressing her out even more for nothing. Do you think it's...
  8. creaturezoid

    Why is my cat laying in her litterbox?

    She has not peed outside of the litter box since then. And none of those situations really apply except maybe the neighborhood cat that roams around outside often. They're always yowling outside several days a week it seems so maybe that's it? I've been thinking that maybe she doesn't have...
  9. creaturezoid

    Why is my cat laying in her litterbox?

    Sorry I forgot to put her age! She just turned 1 year last week. And I am just as confused and worried - the vet did not take any blood work, just a urine sample. They told me it was positive for cocci when they ran it in their office the day of, but then a week later after it was sent to the...
  10. creaturezoid

    Why is my cat laying in her litterbox?

    Not sure if this is a behavioral issue or a health related one but I am worried about my kitty. She has been laying in her litterbox more frequently lately even right after she poops in it. Sometimes she will lay right outside of the box on the mat also. Another change I just experienced was...
  11. creaturezoid

    Are these white hairs normal?

    Okay thanks for responding! So you think it's normal for their fur to change as they're growing into adulthood?
  12. creaturezoid

    Are these white hairs normal?

    My lil kitten is about 6 months old and she's always had stray white hairs here and there but I've been noticing more white hairs popping up lately. Is this normal or could it be a sort of deficiency or something?