Recent Content by crazycatdude15

  1. crazycatdude15

    Hey There!

    This is my diary now. I swear I've spent 5+ hours just reading the different topics. LOL thank you
  2. crazycatdude15

    Organic Kitty Litter / Deodorization

    Wow! Thanks for the detailed reply. I was looking for something that is naturally Organic. I heard about baking soda being the number thing to sprinkle in and I will probably try it. Maybe I am going to be one of those snobby organic only cat owners :P who knows. I was thinking of feeding our...
  3. crazycatdude15

    Hey There!

    I absolutely will!
  4. crazycatdude15

    Organic Kitty Litter / Deodorization

    To start off this thread, I will just say this: I am allergic to a lot of different things (even cats). My girlfriend and I want to get a kitty in the next couple of weeks we are getting a hypoallergenic cat probably a shorthair oriental or a sphynx. I already bought some organic kitty litter...
  5. crazycatdude15

    Hey There!

    I am new here, I will be getting a hypoallergenic cat next month. I have been allergic for a while, but my girlfriend and I have thought it through and in this stage really want to get a cat. I figured I would register and learn all about maintenance and get to know everyone!