Recent Content by countrygirl576

  1. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    I asked someone I know who is a vet tech and they told me because her last reading was in the 70's and now 253 if she has insulin again it could drop down to 70's again. It goes by the lowest reading. My other cats lowest reading was 300. Wish they had just explained that to me instead of...
  2. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    I took the cat with the heart problem ect back to the vet today to recheck her sugar since she hasn't had insulin since last Thursday morning. Her sugar level is 253 and the vet is ok with it. I don't understand the levels anymore. Last week it was in the 70's and he was fine with that. Today...
  3. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    The cat who is now off of insulin has not changed in her energy level so it might be her thyroid medicine needs to be lowered but will give it some more time. I did take the cat with seizures to the vet today and saw one of the floater vets. It never goes well when I see a floater. This will be...
  4. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    Her thyroid pill is 5 mgs. Two years ago she did get so sleepy I took her as an emergency and found out her thyroid levels had dropped to much which has also happened with her sugar levels. She was off the thyroid medicine for some time and then had to go back on it. That is why for now start...
  5. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    The thyroid is 1/2 pill in morning and 1/2 at night. Her thyroid level is good now after they upped it from 1/4 in morning and half at night because her level was going up. She was doing good until last week and I thought for sure she had another infection, but blood work and pee test said no...
  6. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    She was still sleepy today like last week. Vet called me and I told him. He suggested not giving her insulin anymore and see what happens and then retest it later on. I agreed. Also told him she now acts like she is starving again and wants to eat all the time. She used to do that to where she...
  7. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    I don't know which number would be the Creatinine. The only high number in December was the bun and that is back to normal now.
  8. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    First off I got the dates wrong. I took her on Dec. 27th 2022 and was told enlarge heart and early stage of kidney failure. I realized I had both results when I left today. The vet I saw today always prints them out and shows me and he printed out the results on Dec. 27 to compare. He will...
  9. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    Not two vets looking at the same blood work today. A different vet did blood work today (the one who owns it) and a different vet on Jan 1st. The one on the 1st never showed me the results. The one today did and her kidney levels are good.
  10. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    I had to take her back to the regular vet today. She's been acting really tired and a blob since last week. I wanted blood work done on her back on Monday (Jan. 23rd) to check for an infection which she has had a hard time with in the past but they said no because the next day was the...
  11. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    Today was the cardiologist visit. She has Hypertropic cardionyopathy--end stage. Not really sure what that means but she said she couldn't tell me how long she had. She has some mild thickening of the left vetricle and decreased systolic function. Severe left atrial and right atrial dilation. No...
  12. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    Her thyroid check is this Thursday. January 24th is to see the heart doctor and do the cardiogram or ecogram. I can never remember which one. She is super skinny because of her thyroid, and I've been told more than once by my vets that she can't put weight on because of her overactive thyroid...
  13. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    Well, if my cats problem isn't bad enough my mom has tested positive for covid today. :( Since it all started, she has stayed home and only gone to Doctor appointments when needed. I and my brother (who help her out..she was living alone but we have been going through the medicaid process to...
  14. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    You have given me a little bit of hope. The Xray was sent out to be read by a specialist (which I paid for) and they said enlarged heart. My vet then suggested the echogram. She told me she could go into congestive heart failure if I don't, but they wouldn't tell me just how serious it was and...
  15. C

    Elderly cat with enlarged heart

    Thank you. I don't think my heart can break any more than what it already is.