Recent Content by cinderflower

  1. cinderflower

    Carrying toy and yowling?

    well you guys i have a male cat who does this, so unless he's a female cat trapped in a male's body, i don't think it's strictly feminine behavior. i thought he just wanted attention.  he does it when i'm almost asleep, stands in here by the computer and yells loudly with it in his mouth.  he's...
  2. cinderflower

    Switching Foods is HARD!

    that disdainful look they give like, "have you gotten so stupid that you don't even know what to feed me anymore?" and then the poop-covering move is the worst.  i just switched my three to all canned and then grain-free about three weeks into that, and i'd say the first month is the hardest. ...
  3. cinderflower

    Colloidal Silver

    silver is an excellent anti-microbial and for whatever topical external uses, it's great.  i wouldn't give it to a cat internally.  i know there are people who ingest it but i wouldn't do that either.
  4. cinderflower

    How to keep a cat out of the closet.. suggestions?

    great. :( oh well.  i was actually going to buy the ones you have to screw in but a friend of mine said, "oh you don't need that, you need better tracks."  "there used to be some on there but they were plastic and one broke and the other one just came out of the floor." "whoever did it then...
  5. cinderflower

    making a cat a vegan vs. processed food vs. raw

    "organic" really just refers how the animal is fed and raised (organic feed or grass, no GMO crops, growth hormones or antibiotics unless there's an outbreak) and free-range animals are allowed to roam.  as usual, the multi-billion $ factory farming industry will find a way to read between the...
  6. cinderflower


    i wish i did.  i just never have my camera out when she does it but i saw one on youtube doing the same thing.  she hugs me too, which i think is cuter.  (trying to get her to do it on command is probably impossible, she seems to do it when i'm not really paying attention to her.)
  7. cinderflower

    Hello from Colorado Springs, CO

    hi back from denver.  she's adorable.  and i can understand why you want to change her name.
  8. cinderflower

    Any toys that 'looks and feels' like cockroaches?

    ew.  sorry, but ew.  i don't think i'd let my cats play with a cockroach because they carry all kinds of disease-producing contaminants.  (yes, i know they use a litterbox and lick themselves in unsavory places, it's probably just the thought but the idea still makes me sick.  plus a lot of them...
  9. cinderflower

    Where to Buy Cat Food Online   has the best prices i've been able to find out of several, including amazon.  not huge differences in price, but over the months add up.  over $49 you get free shipping, over $100 they usually send you a code for 15% off. CONS: you have to order an entire case, and if your...
  10. cinderflower

    My general advice for everyone regarding nutrition

    ^^^THIS it's a message board on the internet.  you're liable to get anything.  anyone posting or asking for advice should take that into consideration before anything else.  just because someone says something online doesn't make it so--you usually have  no idea who you're talking to. ...
  11. cinderflower

    New Declawing?

    i haven't heard anything about it.  of course i don't look anything up on it so i wouldn't be a good person to ask.  it seems like just another new thing, like a new way to pierce ears or do body modifications.  or abortions. lol.  it's all the same in the end, more or less. now if they could...
  12. cinderflower


    i bought the furminator sergeant's knock-off (groominator) for $12 and it works fine.  my vet just advised me that it's possible to be too rough with it or overgroom and make bald spots on the cat so it's best to do it lightly.  one of my cats will grab it with her front paws and brush her own...
  13. cinderflower

    Don't Understand Why My Cat Does This! Help!

    they might not be trying to be mean.  i know nothing about persian cats' intelligence, but i do know that afghan hounds are a "thicker" breed, border collies need tasks to occupy them because they're very "busy" dogs, and jack russells need a lot of interaction and mental stimulation or they get...
  14. cinderflower

    How to keep a cat out of the closet.. suggestions?

    i had the same problem but for a different reason.  i had no track on the bottom so if the cat pushed, one door would kind of swing in, and then they could just walk in.  i pushed them all the way in with heavy things, but then it was a hassle for me   here's one that's adhesive only...
  15. cinderflower

    Mickey, my 27 lbs foster and his journey back to a healthy weight

    too bad the cat flap is too small for you to get down and show him what to do lol.  he might just be a slow learner at some things. wow, you have a video recorder set up.  you could have a "paranormal activity 4: the cat's story." there is a way to calculate calories based on fat content...