Recent Content by CatGuitar

  1. CatGuitar

    Cat Want To Jam Jimi Hendrix

    Thanks for that! He’s a natural. Bit of a spotlight hog though. :rolleyes2:
  2. CatGuitar

    Cat Want To Jam Jimi Hendrix

    Chesterfield seems to have a thing for Jimi tunes whenever I’m messing around and wants to strum along.
  3. CatGuitar

    Hi! Here's A Camera Inside A Cat Scratcher Video And Improvised Song!

    I could have sworn Chester sang a Bb today as I played a cadence in that key. So weird! Violin can be a hard instrument to tolerate others' practice on, but at least it's not drums? :)
  4. CatGuitar

    Hi! Here's A Camera Inside A Cat Scratcher Video And Improvised Song!

    Maybe they're just searching for an instrument to accompany!
  5. CatGuitar

    Chester The Rescue & Brendan's Weird Cat Jazz

    Thanks for the having me and the welcome! And that was hilarious. Guess who is cackling at me to be (over)fed as I type this!
  6. CatGuitar

    Chester The Rescue & Brendan's Weird Cat Jazz

    Uh oh. This gives me an idea. I only started singing recently, so perhaps one of yours will too!
  7. CatGuitar

    Chester The Rescue & Brendan's Weird Cat Jazz

    Aw, thanks for the welcome! I'll tell him!
  8. CatGuitar

    Chester The Rescue & Brendan's Weird Cat Jazz

    Hi All! I just discovered the site and thought there might be some like-minded folk here. Meet Chester! He's an incredibly vocal rescue who was simply too demanding of attention for a small family with a new baby and two other cats. He seems infinitely happier being the centre of attention at...
  9. CatGuitar

    Hi! Here's A Camera Inside A Cat Scratcher Video And Improvised Song!

    Wow, thanks! Here's an even sillier video where Chester plays the piano? Your cat is *huge,* btw! :)
  10. CatGuitar

    Hi! Here's A Camera Inside A Cat Scratcher Video And Improvised Song!

    I just told him you said that! Thanks for having me! :hyper:
  11. CatGuitar

    Hi! Here's A Camera Inside A Cat Scratcher Video And Improvised Song!

    I'm Brendan. I make songs and movies of my pet cat! Meet Chester. Last night he was gifted an upgrade Kong scratcher. Here is his first night with the Incline model and a hurried soundtrack.