Recent Content by carolk1955

  1. carolk1955

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    I know that. The problem is that neither my doctor nor my therapist are "comfortable" writing a letter for me allowing me to have a 2nd cat or an ESA animal. They think I am basically capable of caring for only one animal. This is partly because of me being in a wheelchair and needing an aide to...
  2. carolk1955

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    Now that's a good idea. How do I get my current cat registered as an ESA? And BTW I do play and interact with him.
  3. carolk1955

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    My therapist does believe that my current cat could be my emotional support animal, you are right about that. I have had many cats in the past. Some of them I have felt very bonded with, especially the ones I raised from being kittens. Some I was not so bonded with. Most were rescues. I think I...
  4. carolk1955

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    Unfortunately, because I need an aide to do my housekeeping since I'm in a wheelchair, and the therapist says she has not seen me interact with my current cat when I'm online with her via telehealth, she is "not comfortable" writing a letter requesting an ESA. She herself has 4 cats. But she...
  5. carolk1955

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    My therapist has been treating me for anxiety, depression and PTSD for some years now. She is well known in her field, she's one of those written up in Psychology Today. So if my landlord wants to research her credentials, let her go ahead.
  6. carolk1955

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    UPDATE: I asked my doctor for a letter to request an ESA be allowed. She informed me that she didn't feel "comfortable" doing that since the lease says only one pet is allowed and I already have one. I have now asked my therapist for a letter. She and I have talked about ESAs before and I know...
  7. carolk1955

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    Thank you! I just wrote a message to my doctor asking her to write a letter. She knows I have emotional problems.
  8. carolk1955

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    I am disabled, in a wheelchair, living alone in an apartment. I do have one cat for company. I think my cat is lonely and I know I am lonely. I found a cat I'd really like to adopt which is said to be "cat friendly". I was approved by the shelter. I talked to my landlord who said I have one...