Recent Content by cameo

  1. C

    Three is not a charm: HELP!!

    I know exactly what you are going through because I have had as many as six indoor cats at one time. They fought for dominance quite frequently. For the most part I left them to their own devices, knowing that it was instinctive to protect their own turf. However, if one got rough, he went...
  2. C

    Hello (again)

    Hi Mr. Cat! I have been meaning to tell you how much I love the Cheshire cat that disappears leaving only the grin! How did you do that??
  3. C

    Hello (again)

    It's really great hearing from so many of you! It sounds like I'm not the only one who wants to find self-employment from home. Since I love plants and animals so much, there must be something I could do. Rescue shelters are great, but cost money rather than make money. Raising Maine Coon...
  4. C

    Hello (again)

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I will certainly stay and, as long as I'm between jobs, I'm sure I'll be posting quite a bit. Speaking of which, does anybody here know of a legitimate "work at home" job? I've heard of all kinds of pyramid schemes and spam-type computer jobs, but I'd love to...
  5. C

    Hello (again)

    Well hello again all you wonderful people:. I am of the firm opinion that people who love cats must be nice people! First of all, let me apologize. It seems I have started out on the wrong foot. That could be because the other one was in my mouth. I never meant to hurt anybody's feelings. It...
  6. C

    Please? Help me quit smoking?

    Well Debby, I am also a Debby, so right off the bat we have something in common . I did not mean for that email about smoking to go to someone that does not want to quit, but I was just encouraging those that did and needed some extra help. I respect everyone's right to do as they wish in that...
  7. C

    Old fur verses new fur

    Thanks Hissy for your suggestion. Yes, it sounds crazy, but if it works...then it's NOT really crazy, right? I'm going to try it anyway. I was thinking it was messy too, but it might be good for hairballs if he licks himself clean. He's the only cat I have that isn't wild about the hairball...
  8. C

    Old fur verses new fur

    One of my furbabies (Simba) is a dark gray cat with several thick layers of fur. Every spring, I have the same problem...the new fur comes in and the old winter fur loosens and gets stuck in wads underneathe. I can't brush him, it's too thick. And when I try to comb him, there are so many...
  9. C

    Please? Help me quit smoking?

    Hi, everybody. I'm new to this site even though I have been reading it with interest for a few months now. I saw Blue's request about helping her to stop smoking. Although I have never smoked myself, I think I can offer a few tidbits. The reason I never smoked was when I was seven years old...