Recent Content by Callas

  1. C

    Please Help Me Determine Gender...

    I second your opinion!
  2. C

    Kitten Stopped Eating - I'm Super Scared

    Thank you for suggestions! I've bought a bunch of different flavors/brands wet food and some cheap tuna one made the trick! The same moment I've opened it, kitten went bananas, climbing my leg and screaming that I was keeping him starving :livid::biggrin: The explanation that he somehow...
  3. C

    Kitten Stopped Eating - I'm Super Scared

    So... 2 days ago my 4-month kitten stopped eating normally. He doesn't seem to be in pain, looks quite interested in food but only sniffs it or eats a couple of pieces and that's it. Today is the third day when he's refusing food and I'm extremely worried. I have already brought him to the vets...
  4. C

    New Kitten - Strange Meowing

    If I'm stroking or cuddling him while he is on the ground, he's fine. Sometimes he starts purring, sometimes sees that as invitation to play. He also follows me around like a doggy and often rubs against my legs, so he doesn't seem too scared of me. The strange meowing happens only if I put him...
  5. C

    New Kitten - Strange Meowing

    A couple weeks ago I've adopted a new kitten. He's the most active kitten I've ever seen - constantly playing, chasing toys and ghosts (?), flying around the house - and flowers flying down the windowsills - in others words, always on the move and searching for new ways to make some mess. I...
  6. C

    We Still Don't Know What's Wrong With Her. (with Video!)

    Has vet checked Pebbles' heart?.. Not sure if it might be a reason for a cat... But my senior dog used to make the same sounds (which you call "reverse sneezing"). He has a heart condition and it got much better with medicine. One of the symptoms was that he started to cough/sneeze after...
  7. C

    Cats Kittens & Vets

    I am so sorry to hear that you had such a negative experience with veterinarians. Is there any other clinic in your area you can try visiting? Once I had terrible experience in one of top-rated clinics as the vet told me that my mixed-breed dog is vomiting because "those mixes eat anything they...
  8. C

    Very Sick Kitten - Worms? Corona?

    Unfortunately, the worst guesses were true... My kitten not only had lots of worms but also a nasty case of coronavirus. He passed away this morning...
  9. C

    Very Sick Kitten - Worms? Corona?

    A week ago I've adopted a tiny kitten from an animal shelter. He was 9 weeks old, playful and adventurous. I've brought him to the vet the very same day where he was examined and dewormer was prescribed. The vet expressed a bit of concern of his development (told me he looks ~6 weeks even though...