Recent Content by calicowhirlwind

  1. calicowhirlwind

    Recommendations for Anxious Behavior

    She attacks feet in general- but food has a huge role to play! She eats 1 can of high calorie food 3 times a day (as in, 1 can split into 3 meals). She's eaten at the same times every day and any time we're late the foot attacking gets worse...So that's definitely relevant!
  2. calicowhirlwind

    Recommendations for Anxious Behavior

    And here's the girl herself :lovecat2:
  3. calicowhirlwind

    Recommendations for Anxious Behavior

    Hi all, I appreciate all the advice. We are actively using Feliway and have been for about two months now with some notable improvement. I'll give a little more detail in a sort of long-winded response to answer everyone's questions: I adopted her in 2017 while living with my grandmother. I had...
  4. calicowhirlwind

    Recommendations for Anxious Behavior

    Hi all, I have owned my cat Jane for her entire life, a whole 7 years as of June, and safe to say she is at both her best and her worst right now. She has always been an anxious animal, we believe due to being inbred (she is not quite behaviorally or structurally correct) however I left her in...
  5. calicowhirlwind

    Sudden Fear?

    We actually think they have a small dog, that could be it! She never barks but we hear her running around on occasion. With her food, we've had to up to three ¼ cups of the vet prescribed food, which she barely finishes. Water is added to every meal she eats, she never has just dry. We've...
  6. calicowhirlwind

    Sudden Fear?

    We have zero access to the landlord's house, we're an individual unit. The fenceline is directly parallel to our window, but there's about a three-foot gap, so I guess it's possible other cats could climb our fence and wander. It definitely doesn't happen often though, we have quite a few...
  7. calicowhirlwind

    Sudden Fear?

    (Photo for tax!) Hello all. I'd like to preface this post with a few things: Jane is actively seeing a vet. Her last appointment was May 17th. She got two vaccines and was prescribed a diet food and we were given a kit to collect urine (unsuccessful thus far) for a urinalysis. She is 17.8lb...
  8. calicowhirlwind

    Last Resort

    I got my cat, Jane, on August 24th, 2017 at 8 weeks old. She was feisty back then, and that's something that hasn't changed. I moved away for college, and left her with my grandmother, who is now threatening to get rid of her because of her behavior. Had she been well-behaved, this wouldn't be...
  9. calicowhirlwind

    Nictitating Membrane Showing-- Causes?

    I ABSOLUTELY forgot to reply..... Beast (the cat in mention) was taken to the vet, looking awful; received two steroid shots and, after a day or two, was completely fine. Nothing cancerous, nothing ultimately serious; she just had an abrasion at the roof of her mouth after we'd administered...
  10. calicowhirlwind

    Nictitating Membrane Showing-- Causes?

    We have an update to the situation: we just left the vets office. The doctor came in and examined her, and she's got a lot of swelling in her mouth. He isn't sure if it's a burst salivary gland, or if it's cancerous, but the swelling only started within the last ~24 hours. The only options...
  11. calicowhirlwind

    Contest May 2019 Picture Of The Month: Yogi Cats

    Some satisfactory toe chewing.
  12. calicowhirlwind

    Nictitating Membrane Showing-- Causes?

    My partner wants me to ask-- do you think burning incense could harm anything, or be a possible issue / amplifier to her illness? It's not a kind you absolutely shouldn't burn around cats; we're concerned either way, though. Thank you for the advice...We're going to try our best to find a vet...
  13. calicowhirlwind

    Nictitating Membrane Showing-- Causes?

    About a week ago, my girlfriend's seven-year-old cat, Beast, starting to get lethargic. When we looked at her, we noticed her third eyelid (or, nictitating membrane), was showing. She was an indoor-outdoor cat (until this happened, and we made her a permanent indoor cat) and we believed she...
  14. calicowhirlwind

    Bad Behavior, Or Playful Kitten?

    She definitely is. :lol:
  15. calicowhirlwind

    Bad Behavior, Or Playful Kitten?

    I tried the baby hold, and then I tried putting her over my shoulder. She seems to like laying over my shoulder best! If I'm close enough, she'll also jump onto my shoulders and lay across them.. I only got her yesterday but she seems to warm up quickly! :kitty: