Recent Content by blazewind

  1. blazewind

    Attacking my bed (with me in it)

    I actually didn't name her.  She's a shelter adoption, and Josephine was the name the shelter staff had given her.  When I first went to choose a cat, I had every intention of renaming her/him, and but when I learned the name of the one that was obviously coming home with me, I loved her name...
  2. blazewind

    Attacking my bed (with me in it)

    She is 3.  I just started a new job recently and with hours different from the ones she was used to, perhaps she does feel a bit deprived of my attention.  I will have a longer play time with her tonight.  If anything that may just also tire her out more and allow us both to sleep later, lol...
  3. blazewind

    Attacking my bed (with me in it)

    Same routine every morning for weeks now.  As much as I love my fur-baby, I'm quickly reaching my wits end with this.  At the crack of dawn she's on top of me or right beside me, literally ripping at the bedding with her claws extended, running around a bit on the bed and then right back to...
  4. blazewind

    Post pictures of your precious Blue / Gray / Maltese cats here!

    Super cute kitty pic!  LOL @ his "I'm gonna  getcha!" look and pose.
  5. blazewind

    Post pictures of your precious Blue / Gray / Maltese cats here!

    Thanks. She does like her tummy rubbed, but most often that will just trigger her " Oh lovely, lets play and get hyper" mode, lol.
  6. blazewind

    Cat attacking damp hair?

    I hadn't thought of that of course, but it does make sense.  Interesting to know that mine is not the only cat to do this one.  lol, I suppose the simply answer here is too simply not go to bed with damp hair anymore and the cat will have nothing to  suck and bite.  I always end up  regretting...
  7. blazewind

    Post pictures of your precious Blue / Gray / Maltese cats here!

    My Josephine here is clearly very much a grey cat too, so I thought she could join in this thread!  :)  I caught her here a while ago chilling on my bed in the morning.  I'm really not sure what breed Jo is exactly, other then simply "grey, short hair."   She was a rescue from a shelter, and I...
  8. BeFunky_Josephine on bed.jpg.jpg

    BeFunky_Josephine on bed.jpg.jpg

  9. blazewind

    Cat attacking damp hair?

    I decided to post this here because if it would really be called a cat behavior issue or just some feline strangeness. But I wonder if other cats have done that same and how to stop mine from doing it.  I've noticed that on those rare occasions I end up going to bed not long after washing my...
  10. blazewind

    Pawing at a bedroom window

    Thanks for the hint about this.  The window faces the parking lot of the apartment complex I live in.  There are trees out there too, and birds, but they haven't come back  from winter yet.  Other than that, we don't really have much wildlife here.  Its too urban of an area.  I'm honestly not...
  11. blazewind

    Pawing at a bedroom window

    When this happened yesterday I figured she was just having one of those weird cat kind of moments, and thought little of it.  This morning though for the second morning in a row my cat has been pawing, quite persistently at the window in my bedroom.  Obviously I'm worried that this is likely to...
  12. blazewind

    Anyone else only have one?

    I'm the owner of  (or is it owned by,) a single cat.  While it seems very common to have 2 or 3 ,and certainly 5 is hardly unheard of, I'm  not sure I'll ever get a second cat.  Though I suppose, never say never.  I'm curious though for you other owners of single cats, what you think of having...
  13. blazewind

    What time did they get you up this morning?

    My small fuzzy alarm clock woke me up at just after 6 this morning, which is quite typical of her.  Usually I'll go back to sleep again after being woken by the cat stepping or sitting on me.  This morning though not a chance.  She decided it would it would be so much fun to paw at the bedroom...
  14. Fresh-Baked Catloaf!

    Fresh-Baked Catloaf!
