Recent Content by Beacon80

  1. B

    Helping a cat get over touch aversion

    I'm fostering a cat named Cashew, and I got helpful advice last time, so I thought I'd see if anyone has any thoughts on my current situation. All in all, Cashew's doing pretty well these days. But he's very averse to being touched (by me. He has no issues playing with or grooming my other cat...
  2. B

    Helping a foster feel comfortable

    Just an update. Things are going pretty well. Cashew hangs out in the open a lot more often now, often completely relaxed, as seen in this picture. He doesn't want pets, and I doubt he ever will, but he doesn't flee for cover if I take a step towards him. He occasionally roughhouses with...
  3. B

    Helping a foster feel comfortable

    Also, when putting up that last post, I ended up looking at the original picture, and I feel much better about my performance as a foster for him. We're still working on his social issues, but it's plain to see that he's gotten much healthier under my care, so if nothing else, I've given him that.
  4. B

    Helping a foster feel comfortable

    Things are going slowly, but they are progressing. I will occasionally wedge myself in the corner near Cashew's hiding spot. He's not happy to see me, but he tolerates my presence, and will even sniff at my hand if I offer it. He's definitely getting more comfortable in the apartment. While he...
  5. B

    Helping a foster feel comfortable

    There wasn't much of the way of updates until this morning, which was super eventful. Cashew had left his hiding place some time while I was asleep. It took me most of the morning before I figured out he'd hidden under my TV stand (his color is pretty good camouflage for my carpet and walls)...
  6. B

    Helping a foster feel comfortable

    About twelve days ago, I got a text from my local foster group asking if I could foster a cat. It turned out this poor guy was found in the attic of a puppy mill, ran by abusive owners (there was also a mother and two kittens, who went to a different foster). We don't know specifically how the...