Recent Content by apocalectric

  1. apocalectric

    Cat Aggressive When On My Lap

    So I've grown up with cats all my life. Patch was my mums cat who died at 13 (she had her before I was born) she was sweet and cuddly also an outdoor cat that loved that loved to bring dead presents to my mum. Rose was my dads cat who belonged to an old neighbour who passed away. She was also...
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  3. apocalectric

    is he tabby x bengal or something else?

    We suspect he was a stray, (no microchip not desexed) he literally followed us home one day and we've been caring for him ever since (roughly 3 weeks) the vet said he was 2 years old but no insight on the breed. Just wanted to see if anyone here could identify it. :) his name is Sterling, named...
  4. is he tabby x bengal or something else?

    is he tabby x bengal or something else?

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