Recent Content by 2ketzels

  1. 2ketzels

    Constipation tips

    may i also suggest pet store Omega-3 oil? i use Miralax too - on the advice of my Vet - on every meal (twice a day, once at 8:30 morns and then 5 PM, small-ish portions). The Vet advised pate only. however, my cat is now 18 years old & never had had poo probs until these latter years. good luck!
  2. 2ketzels

    Fish/Salmon Oil

    does anyone know how much to give my 17 year old? in the pharmacy they had anywhere from 300 mg to 1000 plus there was Omega 3 and salmon oil or just fish oil. it seems i should go to a pet store??? perhaps i should call the Vet; i can't afford a consultation.
  3. 2ketzels

    kitty just died - 20 years old. how will her brother cope? what should i look out for?

    thank you for your advice. :) i'm treating Boy well (when have i not?) & i might have found a new companion - 3 years old, shy, like Luna. by the way, i did a check on cat years versus human years but the calculator i found said that 20 year old cats are 96!! wow!! [hope i live that long]
  4. 2ketzels

    kitty just died - 20 years old. how will her brother cope? what should i look out for?

    THANK YOU so much for your kind reply. i'm not sure if Boy saw Luna at the foot of the stairs or not. i had decided to do everything 'naturally' since the Vet had said she wasn't in pain. she was incredibly courteous in her dying...just like the kitty she has always mess for me to...
  5. 2ketzels

    kitty just died - 20 years old. how will her brother cope? what should i look out for?

    they are brother & sister as far as i know. THANK YOU for your advice!!! i felt the same way: keep her at home to die, gradually - the Vet had told me she wasn't in any pain so i felt good about just keeping her here in familiar surroundings. it's a relief to know that you think that Boy will...
  6. 2ketzels

    kitty just died - 20 years old. how will her brother cope? what should i look out for?

    i've never had an animal die. i don't know how this will affect the brother, Boy. will he be in any danger? please advise. is there anything i can do for him?
  7. 2ketzels

    how can i tell if kitty is dying these days?

    yes i did that search at the time luck. i had no idea that these toys would become unavailable but then again i had no idea we would have Covid
  8. 2ketzels

    how can i tell if kitty is dying these days?

    i didn't actually 'beat him off' - i never do but he can be quite a pest. lately he's underfoot all the time, blocks my path & howls when i go into another room. still...i give him much attention & even hugs! Mr Kitty no longer plays with toys and now hates catnip; i accidentally vac'ed up his...
  9. 2ketzels

    how can i tell if kitty is dying these days?

    thank you so much for your advice! and caring!! she won't eat at all, today the same but...she does drink. the Vet told me she has no pain. today she walked very very slowly & managed to sleep on the ouch instead of hiding away. does it take a long time for 'her' to die? i have no idea.
  10. 2ketzels

    how can i tell if kitty is dying these days?

    thank you; i've researched a little further since then - i've been up all night. so...i went & offered her some treats - since they are stronger in smell, i believe and...i left her a very small bowl (Japanese) of fresh water. she ate some, drank some & then i lifted her from the floor to her...
  11. 2ketzels

    how can i tell if kitty is dying these days?

    sorry, i forgot to mention i took each one of them to the Vet's not long ago. Miss Kitty has kidney disease & i give her pills. Mr Kitty has digestive problems so i must give him laxatives, as recommended by the Vet. i do this every day. i don't expect them to improve - they are between 15...
  12. 2ketzels

    how can i tell if kitty is dying these days?

    i've never been witness to an animal's death. i think Miss Kitty is dying tonight. she refused food all day ONCE i could find her (hiding); i had to move all the furniture; she usually comes to her name but....not today. i saw her take some water once but ... that's all. she continues to...
  13. 2ketzels

    older kitty

    no, she isn't constipated i don't think. her poop is firm not dry. i understand what you mean about her water intake but all her food is wet; she drinks sometimes at the fountain and...i asked the vet about her water level &, after testing, they said she was ok on that issue. thanks for...
  14. 2ketzels

    older kitty

    I see! i love goat's milk (i lived in greece for a while, in the 70's). Luna's diet focusses on tuna & salmon (Fancy Feast) - she won't eat anything else. 'Boy' is a bully, it's true, but i ward him off with a 'tssssh & Luna uses her hiss. no, i haven't changed litter boxes or type of litter...
  15. 2ketzels

    older kitty

    thank you for the article! the poop issue is only with Luna - it was her firm 'tootsie roll' next to the box in the middle of the floor which i stepped into (twice in 2 days). Luna has always been very fussy about toilette issues altho' she doesn't groom often. i have stepped up my cleaning...