Did I mess up not releasing 2 kittens?


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 9, 2011
Iowa City, Iowa
I trapped a litter of kittens and their mom 3 weeks ago. I got 2 kittens back yesterday after being spayed/neutered and vaccinated etc. They were in foster and I was told they don't seem tame enough to be adopted out. I was to release them back outside but I was so worried with how small they are that they'd be hurt or killed. We have many tom cats, coyotes, and very fast cars. I was hoping they wouldn't have to be returned and would be adopted.

They hiss, but don't attack. They are a bit skittish, but don't go run and hide everytime in the carrier like they used to. I have been able to hold and pet both of them and even had the male lick churu treats off my fingers. They even interact with my other cats through the cage. Am I wasting my time trying to tame them? They are estimated to be 16 weeks old. I had someone tell me I should just put them outside.


Mama never came back after I released her so I'm worried something happened to her.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 26, 2023
Melbourne, Australia
The fact that they allow you to hold and pet them and have interacted positively with treats is a good sign. Keep in mind that some feral kittens take more time to socialize than others, and patience is key.

It's also important to consider their safety. If you release them back outside, as you mentioned, they could be at risk from various dangers. It might be worth continuing your efforts to socialize them, as it can lead to a better quality of life for these kittens and increase their chances of finding loving homes.

You're doing a commendable job by providing them with care and attention. Keep working with them, and with time and patience, they may become more comfortable and trusting. If you can, consult with local animal rescue organizations or experienced cat fosters for additional advice and support in socializing these kittens. Your efforts can make a significant difference in their lives.


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Cute kittens! I agree with the above. From what you say, they sound very tamable, and seem to be coming around already. If you can, keep them and work with them - at that age, it is more about socializing them than taming them.

I am sorry about the mom. She survived long enough to have kittens and take care of them. It seems like she did her job with the kittens and has moved on. She is likely out there somewhere. Let's hope that to be the case.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
They hiss, but don't attack. They are a bit skittish, but don't go run and hide everytime in the carrier like they used to. I have been able to hold and pet both of them and even had the male lick churu treats off my fingers. They even interact with my other cats through the cage. Am I wasting my time trying to tame them? They are estimated to be 16 weeks old. I had someone tell me I should just put them outside.

for taking them in and having them neutered/spayed and vaccinated

I agree with what the above posters mentioned and yes, please give them time and also it's good that they are interacting with your other cats. They just need some time to to adjust to the change.

The only thing you did not mess up is that you got them to the vet and do the necessary and most importantly, you kept them indoors and not letting them out again and if you did that, it'll be the biggest mess you've ever made to these two lovely kittens.

Please keep them inside.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 8, 2016
southern IL
Yes, I think if they are kittens, it is far too early to give up on socialization. I brought Jemmy and Leo indoors when they were about 6 months old. They did know me as the person who appeared just before food appeared, but I had not been able to touch them prior to trapping. I brought them into my bathroom, got them neutered and healthy, then introduced them to the others. While Jemmy remains a little shy around all other humans (with me, he is attached--I can pet him in any location or even pick him up, he'll sometimes walk up to me and demand my attention; my son who lives in the house has always desperately wanted to pet Jemmy but Jemmy would run. He now will go on top of my printer and my son can pet him when he is there (including belly rubs--Jemmy's favorite things are belly rubs or if you make a fist of your hand and let him head butt and gently push back) or when Jemmy is on my bed but nowhere else. Though lately Jemmy will head to one of those spots if my son comes into the room.) Leo, on the other hand, loves everyone and frequently door greets at the front door and you would never guess that he had been born feral. Those boys are now approaching 3.5 years old and show zero interest in going outside.

I think those two darling orange babies will be quite tame and ready for a forever home (with you or someone else) sooner rather than later. It may be that one remains a little more reticent than the other (as my Jemmy and Leo), but they both don't sound like they are still truly feral.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 10, 2021
keep them! They seem like they're on a great track with you. Will you be able to adopt them yourself?

About mama...I had on experience trapping a feral mom and 4 kittens for TNR when the kittens were 5 months. It was dead of winter. They used heated shelters in my yard so I figured they'd come back and use the shelters after release. Two of the kittens returned to my yard fairly immediately without mom and so they are now my indoor pets. Mom and the other two didn't come back and I was 100% certain they died a horrible death in the bad snowstorm we had a week after release. I had an outside camera and sometimes I'd see one of them run by but they would never stop for food or shelter. But...lo and behold, about 4-6 months later all three showed up regularly again, mom and daughter usually together and sometimes the son with them too, sometimes by himself.

I read somewhere that once you return them they get a little freaked out about the experience and they might not come back for a while. Cats are so smart and resilient. I am betting your mama is doing ok and will come back eventually.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
fleshflowers fleshflowers

I'm really saddened by anyone who releases a kitten,actually I'm sickened by it.I recently ( almost 4mos ago) took in a completely feral 7YEAR old boy- he was TNR'd about that age,a tiny little baby-he hid under bushes surrounding my Condo parking lot,terrified of people,all alone,never had a cat friend ,he was emaciated because he lived on cat TREATS put under a bush for him by the woman who had him captured & nuetered- he was parasite infested and 3yrs ago hit by a car and couldn't move for a month- that's when I discovered him and befriended him-it was pathetic,heart-breaking

Imo there is no kitten that cannot be socialized and I've yet to meet a feral adult that could not make for a great house cat,maybe not a lap cat but certainly a loving companion

Thsts my 2,cents and that is the life you saved those 2 darling little furbabies from suffering through,if they lived so long

Here's:"Timmy the housecat" former feral rogue untameable,unadoptable ,unwanted....may my boy Encourage you & I'm sure he'd say: " thank you for taking those kittens in because it's no picnic out there:


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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 9, 2011
Iowa City, Iowa
The babies are settling in nicely! They are still a bit skittish but are now receptive to pets and handling. They are purring when being held and pet (it seems like actual relaxed purring vs stress purring but I could be wrong). The female now comes up to our hand and boops it and rubs her face on it. The male will play with my hand and let me pet him. They are so cute. They are playing so much! 20230930_190948.jpg 20230930_191311.jpg



Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
fleshflowers fleshflowers
Over 30( maybe 40?) years ago I had 4 wonderful cats and then a little stray female showed up ( in my son's closet!!!!lol) -he begged me to keep her and of course I did and then there were 5

Soon after there were 9-the little darling was pregnant and we just couldn't part with the litter of 4...... I think we always say" oh what's 1 more,2 more "

Anyway- you said you already have 7 ,if you have the room and can afford it " what's 2 more " lol

They look very content ,healthy and irresistibly adorable....They are very adoptable but I do hope you can keep them❤