Cats traumatic death


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2023
Hello All,

I am having a really difficult time since my cats passing on friday . Sorry this is long bare with me.
My cat was 15 1/2 years old. Overall as far as l knew he was healthy. Two years ago he was diagnosed w hyperthyroidism. He would get his blood drawn every 6 mos to check his thyroid and kidneys etc. He was normal every time. Vet always said he looked great for his age. Chance was a very vocal cat. Sometimes way too vocal!!
He will pace around house meowing all hours. I figured this was an old age dementia thing as well. He did this ehen his thyroid was high but it never stopped once we controlled it.

I did take note about 6 mos ago his breath began to smell bad and he would have bouts of sneezing episodes. He chewed his food fine & never acted like he could not eat. Bit l did note l eould bring this up at his next visit.

About 3 weeks ago, l noticed he was quieter than normal. Then l took note he seemed to not eat when l put food out. Its not uncommon for him to walk away from his food bowl, he is a very picky eater!

I decided since he wasnt himself and close to his thyroid check anyways to call vet and let them know l wanted a full exam when he gets his blood drawn.

I got an appt 2 days later. The vet drew blood and examined him. I mentioned his teeth. He looked and said, "well these are not the worst teeth l have seen". I mentioned his breath, he said bad breath could also be an underlying issue like kidney problems. The next day, his blood work came back and it was all normal except for dehydration and anemia which the vet said would be common since he was not really eating or drinking. He said the next step would be to possibly get some x rays or an ultrasound. I told him he was eating a bit and drinking again and the vet said okay lets give it a few days then.

But A few days later he seemed to get worse. He had pus in his eyes and nasal discharge. I called the vet. He said lets get him an antibiotic injection and fluids. Perhaps he is getting an URI. He said wait about 2 to 5 days and if no improvement lets move ahead w xrays. He also gave me a food stimulant. My cat seemed to be just okay. Still accepted pets but rarely moved from the bathroom which is not a place he usually lays. I could get him to eat with assistance. Syringe water he would lick. Breaking up food by handing it to him. He loved the nutri cal so he would lick that off a spoon. But he was still lethargic and never meowed too much. I decided to call the vet last Monday and left a message. When the vet called back l told him what was happening. He asked me if he was eating and I said yes but w assistance. I said I don't know my guts telling me he is in pain or dying. I questioned euthanasia. He said let's not make any drastic decisions right now. Continue to give him the home care & I would give him a few more days since he only received the antibiotic injection 5 days ago. By wednesday my cats paws were swelling and he was no longer eating or drinking and my gut told me he was very ill & dying. He had dropped down to 5 pounds too.
I called Wednesday to ask if I could bring him in to put him down l didnt want him suffering anymore and his weak state told me he was very much done. They told me that they did not have any appointments until Monday. I was really upset l knew he wouldnt make it. I had to call around to find a vet who would take him sooner. The only one I could find could take him friday morning.
I drove my cat 25 minutes to an animal hospital. I was only there 10 minutes. As l sat talking to the vet tech, my cat jolted his head back making a choking noise. The tech grabbed him from my arms and screamed for a dr. Five min later They walked back in the room with my cat wrapped in a blanket and said that he had passed. I fell to the floor. The vet explained to me that his heart had just stopped and that those noises he was making were normal in death and he felt no pain.
Needless to say, I am devastated beyond words. This was not how it was supposed to end. But I joke and say that my cat always did things his own way & he was bound to go out on his terms.
My heart feels like l failed him & didnt do enough.
Was it his teeth that caused a bacterial infection? Was it undetected heart disease? Was it cancer?? I will live life never knowing ehat took my cat down in a short time.
I have regrets. I have anger. I guess all normal emotions with grief.
Chance was my baby for 15 years & l honestly thought he'd be with me for a long time. I am trying to navigate such a traumatic experience and its been very hard moving forward.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Hi. I am so sorry for the loss of Chance.
Those questions will haunt you, unfortunately. There is no way of knowing what happened with out a necropsy, which I am not suggesting you do.

I am not a vet and am only guessing here. Heart disease is common in cats with hyperthyroidism. The swollen paws were most likely fluid building up from what I would assume was congestive heart failure. The discharge in the eyes could have been from severe dehydration. There was nothing you could have done to change the outcome. I am a little disappointed that your vet didn’t take you seriously and get you in sooner.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2023
Hi. I am so sorry for the loss of Chance.
Those questions will haunt you, unfortunately. There is no way of knowing what happened with out a necropsy, which I am not suggesting you do.

I am not a vet and am only guessing here. Heart disease is common in cats with hyperthyroidism. The swollen paws were most likely fluid building up from what I would assume was congestive heart failure. The discharge in the eyes could have been from severe dehydration. There was nothing you could have done to change the outcome. I am a little disappointed that your vet didn’t take you seriously and get you in sooner.
Yes, l called him to let him know Chance passed and that l had to drive 30 min to get him help! He said he apologized he was not in the day l called or he would have called back sooner. I know end result prob would have been the same. But his last moments were so devastating for me. I waited a day too long but not by choice. And my vet is around the corner from me. I think the 30 min ride prob stressed his little heart more. Even though l held him the whole time. He looked so scared. I cant beat myself up about it. The would of, could have's will eat me alive.
He is free of pain now.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I cant beat myself up about it. The would of, could have's will eat me alive. He is free of pain now.
Yes, he is pain free and no longer suffering. And no, you should not beat yourself up since Chance lived 15 1/2 long years and found his forever home with you. For that he is grateful and his memories will live on in your heart. My sincere and deepest regrets on the passing of your dear boy. :angel:


TCS Member
Apr 24, 2022
I am currently going through the same thing as you and I feel your pain. It really sucks. Just the fact that you're on here questioning if you've done enough tells me you've done more than enough. You're a great cat parent. When our babies die, especially traumatically, we always want an explanation and not having one is like torture. We beat ourselves up and blame ourselves and get angry at possibly being misdiagnosed or not being seen soon enough or maybe we as cat parents missed something, but maybe we need to turn it into self love instead and tell ourselves we did more than many would've done and our beloved kitties love us no matter what. We did right by them and did the best we could and that's what matters. I know...easier said than done. I'm still working on it myself. It's been almost 3 weeks since my soul kitty who was 12 died at home, and not exactly peacefully, after a 4 month long battle with a disease she should have recovered from if it wasn't for the underlying dry FIP that was missed and I'm still beating myself up over it sometimes. She was blind from birth due to a raging infection and she taught me so much and she was mine from day one. But I tell myself I gave her an amazing life and she did the same in return. I was lucky to have 12 wonderful years with her.

I'm so sorry you lost Chance and especially in that way. I'm sure you had an amazing 15 years together and he forgives you for whatever you think you did wrong regarding his passing. You are a wonderful cat parent and did everything you could. He was very lucky to have you. Sending healing and hugs your way ❤