Help with my sick kitten


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Vent away — we understand how frustrating it can be. Coccidia usually shows as bright yellow poop, and Albon or Ponazuril are the recommended treatments.

Not sure your little guy needs the doxy, but Albon may help.

Please buy a box of gloves and wear and dispose of them to prevent transmission and prevent your skin from getting raw. Get a quality moisturizing skin cream such as Cera Ve and apply as needed.

I’m so sorry things are not going well. I wish I could help to give you a break.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I’m no expert but I think mom has Coccidia.
Both Coccidia and Giardia have a 14 day gestation and it sounds like you've had her for longer than that. If this is correct, I don't see how it could be either of them.
The poop is an orange color and kind of grainy. Metro and Panacur will eventually get rid of it, but the main thing to do is to keep everything clean. And I mean cleaning constantly with an ammonia/water solution. Bleach will kill coccidia but not giardia. Also, keep the litter box and surroundings very clean.
The mixing of the two makes mustard gas and will kill you and the cats. Even wiping down with bleach and then later with ammonia will cause major issues.
Like I said before, I don't see how it could be, but just in case, keep things clean.

BTW - 'Lost' fan?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 3, 2021
Both Coccidia and Giardia have a 14 day gestation and it sounds like you've had her for longer than that. If this is correct, I don't see how it could be either of them.
The poop is an orange color and kind of grainy. Metro and Panacur will eventually get rid of it, but the main thing to do is to keep everything clean. And I mean cleaning constantly with an ammonia/water solution. Bleach will kill coccidia but not giardia. Also, keep the litter box and surroundings very clean.
The mixing of the two makes mustard gas and will kill you and the cats. Even wiping down with bleach and then later with ammonia will cause major issues.
Like I said before, I don't see how it could be, but just in case, keep things clean.

BTW - 'Lost' fan?
Yes. I was a huge “Lost” fan. His siblings are Claire, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer.

I thought of Coccidia for mom as she’s had diarrhea since I’ve gotten her. Deworming for 3 days 3 times would have taken care of giardia? I’ve read it does. I don’t know anymore… I’ve done sooooo much research but it all starts to blur.

I know not to mix bleach with ammonia….I am old lol

ANYWAY. He seems to be rallying. I am cautiously optimistic. He’s gained an ounce since my last post…. He’s finally started eating gruel also. Could 2 days of Albon and Doxi helped already? Idk but what I do know is that syringe feeding him 2-3 mls of pedialyte and 2 mls of gruel every 4-5 hours for 3 days definitely helped. (That’s a pat on my own back). And a pat on all of yours for being there while my rescue wasn’t responding.

I will post an update when he’s out of the woods.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I thought of Coccidia for mom as she’s had diarrhea since I’ve gotten her. Deworming for 3 days 3 times would have taken care of giardia? I’ve read it does. I don’t know anymore… I’ve done sooooo much research but it all starts to blur.
My kittens had Giardia. They were dumped in a bowl and left on the side of a hwy at 10 days old (I had them to foster within an hour). They started with giardia poop at around 16 days. So I know a bit about it. I know very little about coccidia, but it's basically the same from what I understand. (the cat in my avatar is one of them)
It is a protozoa which is nastier than just a parasite. This means it is a microscopic parasite. Mine were treated with both metro and panacur and it took a while. The shelter first thought it was coccidia and the treatment they gave did nothing. Once switched to above, I started noticing improvement in about 5-7 days. Keep in mind, I was bottle feeding KMR with goats milk instead of water so they never faded or lost weight.
But keeping things sterile was the key. Fortunately, they were so young that they were easy to keep contained in one small area.
I seriously doubt yours has either coccidia or giardia. Like I said, it only has a 14 day gestation and unless you brought it in by messing with an infected cat or their litter, the chances are almost zero. I ended up giving mine some probiotics and plain yogurt to help with flora (which you said you are doing)

You are doing great with all the kitties, keep it up and don't lose hope.
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  • #45


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 3, 2021
My kittens had Giardia. They were dumped in a bowl and left on the side of a hwy at 10 days old (I had them to foster within an hour). They started with giardia poop at around 16 days. So I know a bit about it. I know very little about coccidia, but it's basically the same from what I understand. (the cat in my avatar is one of them)
It is a protozoa which is nastier than just a parasite. This means it is a microscopic parasite. Mine were treated with both metro and panacur and it took a while. The shelter first thought it was coccidia and the treatment they gave did nothing. Once switched to above, I started noticing improvement in about 5-7 days. Keep in mind, I was bottle feeding KMR with goats milk instead of water so they never faded or lost weight.
But keeping things sterile was the key. Fortunately, they were so young that they were easy to keep contained in one small area.
I seriously doubt yours has either coccidia or giardia. Like I said, it only has a 14 day gestation and unless you brought it in by messing with an infected cat or their litter, the chances are almost zero. I ended up giving mine some probiotics and plain yogurt to help with flora (which you said you are doing)

You are doing great with all the kitties, keep it up and don't lose hope.
Ahh. Well…. When I agreed to foster the pregnant mama ( I’ve named her Delilah but should change it to dharma) I told them I was going away for 4 days in September. They lined up a temporary foster who wound up with them for 8 days due to conflicts. 6 days after I got them back 4 of them started feeling ill. It sounds like they picked up something at that house then…..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Or Claire, she was the only one that gave birth (that I remember)

Mamma could have picked it up there, but with all the meds and wormer she's been given, I'm leaning more towards something else. When did the kittens start showing signs of sickness? How many days old were they?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 3, 2021
They were 31 days old when symptoms started. 17 days old when they went to the temp foster


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
But that means they had to have contracted it 2 days prior to the other foster, if I did the math right.
I'm not saying that there is no way that it is either, it could be. But the timing isn't adding up. It's a 14 day gestation and I've never heard of it ever going 12.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I checked on the CDC page and according to them giardia can incubate in as little as 7 days. So the possibility is definitely there and I admit to being wrong on that one.
However, if they have been under meds and are still not better, this means they are being re-infested. Once again, the key is sterilizing.
Confine them if at all possible. The smaller the area, the easier to get under control. Wash their bedding in HOT water and dry on HOT, everyday. Use a water/ammonia solution to clean surface areas. I believe it's a 1:5 ratio, but I can't remember so look it up to be sure. Clean and scrub cat boxes at least twice a day with HOT water. Steam clean area if possible.
Remember to use a mask and gloves when doing this and make sure room/area is well ventilated and cats are not in the room/area when cleaning.
If it's giardia, remember YOU can get this, so make sure you wash your hands in hot soapy water after cleaning or messing with the kitties.

Even if this is a virus and not giardia, keeping the area clean won't hurt.

Edit: It can live in the environment for 6-12 months, so don't foster again for some time.
didn't notice the siblings names....Dharma works.
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  • #51


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 3, 2021
Hello cat friends. Happy update. All is well and little Jack is fully recovered and has gained back all the weight he has lost and then some!

I still don’t know what caused it. I have been cleaning as much as possible but honestly if it was giardia or Coccidia I know I haven’t been able to disinfect appropriately … having a while foster room as opposed to a bathroom or crate has it’s disadvantages in times like this…

Mom still has pudding like diarrhea so I am feeding her pumpkin and probiotics separately from the kittens…. I’m starting to think it may be due to overeating. I’ve read somewhere overeating can cause that.? All she does is eat.

I do have one more question… my cat condo was in the same room although they were never in it. I want to put my 5 week old bottle baby in it soon. (In another room). How to disinfect? Would spraying it with vinegar and water or peroxide and water be enough?
Thank you all for all of your support… out of all the kittens I’ve fostered I truly believe I’ve saved this one’s life and a lot of that is due to you.