Luxating patella, 5yo outdoor cat turning indoor?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 2, 2023
I haven’t been able to find a single thread or comment on the forum about this.
My male cat was neutered late, at 5 years old. (Many reasons why, please do not judge, it’s better that he is now rather than not)
Before this, he was an indoor/outdoor cat, until recently he kept getting into too many fights or possibly suffered a traumatic injury(s), I’m not sure what happened exactly. He was recovering from a previous injury and doing really well, it was about a month post injury and as he was unneutered it was difficult to keep him indoors so eventually he was let out, only for him to come back home limping. The next day I took him to the vet and they said he had a luxating patella, so his knee cap dislocates on/off. If it gets worse he will need surgery, which they said is likely. They also neutered him for me on that day.
I don’t want to get to the stage of him needing surgery, it’s already been difficult throughout this recovery period.
He’s been on gabapentin for two weeks now, which they’re extending for a little longer as there’s some improvement, he is able to put weight on it but the limp is still there. I fear the limp will never really go away.
obviously the advice I was given was make sure he gets lots of rest, no jumping or running or playing, which has been difficult and he loves to jump up to my bed even though I have places items to create “stairs” for him.Keeping him in my room most of the time, occasionally I let him roam around the rest of the house. However, he has been wanting to go to the garden more and more lately. I’m wondering when or if I should ever let him out again? Of course I won’t whilst he has a limp, but I do live with my family who seem to be persistent on letting him out and guilt tripping me for keeping him in, even though I know it’s the right thing to do as advised by the vet. Without delving too much into my family problems, if I was to never let him out again, I’d have to be at home 24/7 for the rest of my life to ensure that doesn’t happen. My parents are always in and out of the garden, so even if it wasn’t intentional, he could get out accidentally. I fear one more injury and he will not make it back alive.
also, me staying at home for the rest of my life is just unrealistic. For the times I’ve had to leave for groceries etc., I’ve FaceTimed my laptop at home as a camera to watch him for the hour that I’m out. But this isn’t a long term solution and I’m unsure how to go about this moving forward.
Has anyone had experience with their cat having patella luxation?
Any advice on how to help my cat recover, other than what was said? Cat food recommendations? Cat supplements? As the gabapentin he’s on seems to be only for pain relief but I’m not sure he’ll be able to walk and run like normal.
Any ideas on what to do with the letting him out situation? It sounds simple enough to just say “keep him inside” but that’s extremely difficult given my family situation, who are extremely stubborn btw and even if the vet themselves came to our house and said not to let them out, they’d still persist or carelessly leave outside doors open. I also would feel like I can’t really go out anywhere as the anxiety of not knowing would eat me alive. He’s also a 5 year old male cat who loved outdoors and only got neutered now, so that adds to the difficulty of trying to turn him from what he was, to fully and strictly indoors for the rest of his life.

Sorry for the long essay.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi, can you take him for walks when he's better or build an enclosure on your property so he is safer yet still able to be outside?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 2, 2023
Hi, can you take him for walks when he's better or build an enclosure on your property so he is safer yet still able to be outside?
I’ve bought him a leash and harness, from the first injury but every time I tried to take him out the garden way he tried to jump up over the fence so I gave up with that, we live on quite a busy road with (speeding) cars so going for a walk the other way just feels more dangerous and I’m uncomfortable with that, even though back in his unneutered days he would go all over our area. I could try once his leg gets better but genuinely not that hopeful. We are also renting so not allowed to fix anything onto the property, and a catio /similar things are way out of budget for me I’m only a student and have been using my student loan to pay off vet bills and other accessories for him. My family won’t be able to purchase something like that either so that option is definitely a no unfortunately.
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 2, 2023
Just as he hit the 2 week mark today, since that day of him coming home limping today he decided to jump out of my window which is on the 1st floor. Just 5 minutes of leaving him alone, I’ve had the window open several times to air out his litter smells, and as I’m getting ready to go pick up more of his gabapentin so I’m in the bathroom and he decided to jump out. Luckily he didn’t go far so I was able to bring him in straight away. Just as he was making progress and putting some weight on the leg now he’s back to limping and avoiding that leg completely. I’m scared he’s injured another one. Called the vet straight away and I’m going to bring him in about an hour for them to have a look.
this is honestly so stressful. Just as I thought, things couldn’t get worse he decided to injure himself even more. Now I feel like he definitely will need surgery


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Luxating Patella in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals

I do understand that you have some conflicts with your family about the cat going outdoors, but if you live on a busy road that is the best reason that he needs to be kept inside in some way. He already has an injury. Now that he is neutered, he may feel more like living inside if you can get your family to be cautious with the doors.

If this is an early grade LP, he needs rest to help it heal.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 2, 2023
Luxating Patella in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals

I do understand that you have some conflicts with your family about the cat going outdoors, but if you live on a busy road that is the best reason that he needs to be kept inside in some way. He already has an injury. Now that he is neutered, he may feel more like living inside if you can get your family to be cautious with the doors.

If this is an early grade LP, he needs rest to help it heal.
Thank you, that was a very informative link! I should’ve asked the vet today what grade they think he is, I’m presuming 1 as there’s no need for surgery and he’s putting some weight on the leg. Just need to hope it doesn’t develop into arthritis, or get any worse as it is now. Definitely no more open windows either 😔. I’m keeping him confined in my room for now as I have been for the last 2 weeks but I just don’t know how I’m going to convince my family to be more cautious as time goes on and when I’ll need to start going back to uni… they seem extremely careless and they don’t really care if he goes out seeing as he did already for 5 years of his life. They seem to think he’s absolutely fine as if he’s a human baby who will hurt and scrape their knee but be able to get back up again, when it’s not like that.. (ethnic uneducated parents)

I guess I’ll just keep updating this thread regularly as it may help someone else in my situation too, while allowing me to get some things off my chest!
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 2, 2023
So it’s been a month since my last update. I asked my vet for a copy of the medical history. It’s grade 5 luxating patella’s on both legs.. I thought it was only one. Turns out it’s more serious than I thought. But his walking has improved, he runs even and gets zoomies sometimes. No signs of pain at all. For some reason his voice has disappeared though.
As for the challenge of keeping him indoors - miserably failing. For almost every day this week (as temperatures have risen), whilst I’ve been out for only a few hours at a time, my parents let him out. Although he does come back, the principle of not letting him out at all doesn’t seem to go through into their heads. Him being out has high risk, he could land badly and need surgery straight away. He could get attacked by another cat/bigger animal, he could get hit by a car, etc. Before, sure he was a healthy cat and he’s been able to get through wounds and whatever else. But luxating patella’s don’t just go away with time. His symptoms and pain has lessened, but the X-ray clearly shows his kneecaps are out of place. That can only be fixed with surgery. And my parents not understanding all of this has been extremely difficult for me.
it breaks my heart to consider rehoming him, but I have been… although I have been trying my hardest to be the best cat mom my parents make it 100x harder on me and the only other options I can do is just to lock him in my room for any times that I’m out. Although that would work for now, whilst I don’t have a job… and I only really go out for errands, grocery shops or the occasional gym session..I do need to get a job but no idea how/if he will be able to handle being locked in my room for longer hours. He would probably scratch my door down. I wish he could roam around the house freely but it’s risky to do this while I’m not at home to ensure my parents don’t let him out. As this whole week has proven, I can’t even go out for an hour without coming back to him being out. I’ve never had that great of a relationship with my parents but this has truly topped it off. No matter what I have always respected them and did what they asked, it truly hurts me that they can’t respect my wishes, not even for myself but for a cat. This whole situation has honestly been tearing me apart, and my anxiety has heightened at the worst it’s been in years. I also wish moving out was an option but I genuinely can’t afford it at all. Can’t even get a job in order to save up as I have to be home majority of my time.Either way, that’s the update so we’ll see how things go and I’ll continue to update as much as I can.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Thank you for letting us know what is going on. I am sorry that this has remained so complicated with your parents. How does he react when you get home from an errand or the gym? Completely anxious to get out or sort of accepting that he is indoors for a while?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I so feel for you, --not that it helps one tiny iota but oh my word, I wish I could carry some of your load :vibes::redheartpump::grouphug2::redheartpump: