Rabies Vaccine reaction


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 17, 2022
Hi all! I'm so glad I found this forum as my cat baby, Umi, also experienced a reaction from the Zoetis rabies vaccine. This thread allowed me to go to my vet confidently and state that she's having a reaction to her vaccine vs. them trying to figure out what's wrong. She's only 5 so that may also play into how this is unfolding for us regarding recovery. I haven't seen exact symptoms and timing of symptoms quite like hers on this thread yet, so I thought I'd share my experience/questions just in case anyone else is going through it!

Umi got her rabies and distemper vaccines (stacked...I know UGH...never again!) on Friday 9/9 and began vomiting that same evening. I'm talking like 5 rounds of vomiting. The next morning (Saturday) she vomited about 3 more times, and we were thankfully able to get her in to see a vet as soon as they opened. We were really worried about dehydration from the vomiting. They gave her (1) a steroid injection (2) Cerenia injection to help with vomiting and (3) a fluid injection, and then they sent us home with more Cerenia tablets.

She was doing better Sunday and Monday (better appetite, more movement), but was still lethargic from the medicine, so I decided to pause Cerenia thinking she would bounce back. Nope. On Tuesday, she vomited again and began to have frequent diarrhea episodes, which was new. I immediately called the vet and brought her in on Wednesday. They gave her (1) a Benadryl injection instead of a steroid shot bc apparently the steroid is "long lasting" (not sure about this, but fine) (2) another Cerenia injection, and they sent us home with:
- antibiotics (for diarrhea)
- probiotics
- Cerenia
- an appetite stimulant
- Benadryl

That night, I gave her the antibiotics as directed and noticed that Umi became lethargic and drowsy pretty soon after - she even tried to lie down in her litter box, and I'd never seen her do that. I chalked it up to the meds + coming down from anxiety from being at the vet, and I think I was right because she was SO MUCH better the next morning, and has been since (fingers crossed).

Now it's Saturday (8 days post vaccine), and I'm happy to report that she is doing well. She has a great appetite (even without the stimulant) and is acting much more like herself! She hasn't had a bowel movement since starting antibiotics, but I know that's normal for the antibiotic she's on. However, I do catch myself worrying about symptoms returning once she's off all of her medication since so many folks on here are describing a delayed reaction. I know she didn't have a delayed reaction, as she began showing symptoms the same day, but I'm nervous. I'm trying not to worry too much, and I know I'll have to cross that bridge IF we get there, but sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me.

Has anyone had a similar experience in terms of symptoms and the timing? How did you know your cat was officially on the mend and all better?

Sending hugs to everyone on this thread past, present, and future! I will keep you all updated!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I hope Umi is doing much better now, that's a horrible thing to have to go through (for both of you).

Regarding Rabies vaccine, if anyone is interested, my vet is now giving them in the tail. I had read an article and asked her about it, and they've been getting tail vaccinations ever since. I know this has nothing to do with the reaction your Uni experienced, but for anyone worried about injection site cancer, as I was, this has been a godsend.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I had a cat that became very lethargic for two or three days after vaccinations and didn't eat much at all. I told my vet who gave him Benadryl 30 minutes before the next vaccinations and he was fine. I know people on here say that Benadryl doesn't work for vaccinations, but it sure did with him. After two times with adverse reactions, he never had any more as long as the Benadryl was given. I'm glad your little one is better! Thanks for the info!


Queen of the Crazy
Alpha Cat
Apr 9, 2016
If it's an allergic reaction, I should think it would need to get a large portion diluted first in the body. I've not had this with a cat, but had it with my son. Any long acting drug can do this, if the body reacts badly to what's inside the meds/vax.
It took my son a good 2 weeks of Benadryl and steroids to feel better & not need them regularly.
Hope your baby feels better soon & thank you for sharing the experience. Hopefully it will help others.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 17, 2022
I had a cat that became very lethargic for two or three days after vaccinations and didn't eat much at all. I told my vet who gave him Benadryl 30 minutes before the next vaccinations and he was fine. I know people on here say that Benadryl doesn't work for vaccinations, but it sure did with him. After two times with adverse reactions, he never had any more as long as the Benadryl was given. I'm glad your little one is better! Thanks for the info!

Yes! So, Umi actually did get a Benadryl injection beforehand. The vet said that for next time (to be honest, I don't know if there will be a next time because I'm terrified she's going to experience an even worse reaction), they should give her a Benadryl injection, the vaccine, then monitor her at the hospital for 24 hours with another dose of Benadryl. Maybe the Benadryl made her reaction less severe than what it could have been, but I don't know that I want to risk it in the future.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
Research the laws in your state and see if they allow a medical exemption. It's something to consider, especially as she gets older and if she does have a reaction in the future.
I had a horse have a near deadly reaction to one dose of the West Nile vaccine. He went from showing to being unsafe to ride. IDK if there was an underlying condition or if the vaccine really hit him that hard, but it was a really bad experience. Needless to say, he never received it again.