Kitten diarrhea, what to expect/insist on from vet?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 23, 2021
Hi everyone, I’m back again needing more cat diarrhea advice, this time for our 4 (maybe 5 at this point) month old kitten. I’ll try to make this short. We got her at the beginning of this month, and a day or two after having her home her poops started to become runny. Apparently the day before we adopted her she was spayed, not sure if this is significant (maybe caught something during the spay? or recovery?). She was eating purina kitten chow at her foster home, and we kept her on that. After a week of runny poops we go to the vet, they do a fecal float, no worms, but deworm her again anyway because it’s part of their protocol. I pressed a little about a solution to the diarrhea but they didn’t seem concerned, they said to give it some time, maybe it’s stress. Poops are still runny, so we start to slowly transition her to Leo’s food (LID rabbit kibble) since she’s trying to eat it all the time anyway, and poops stay exactly the same. It’s been about 3 weeks and her poops are still quite runny, like if I try to scoop after it just sleeps through all the cracks on the scooper. Sometimes they are more like a pudding like blob, but nothing resembling a log or anything even remotely normal. We have kept her on Leo’s food since the transition because I am trying to avoid changing the food too often. She also just won’t eat enough wet to get near enough calories, I’ve been trying the boiled chicken thing with her and she just isn’t interested.

My main questions, outside of general advice, is what to expect for and ask for at the vet. I feel like last time I went they didn’t really do anything, but I also didn’t argue, so this time I want to make sure I advocate for her better. I know that there are fecal floats, fecal analysis, and a fecal pcr panel. I was planning on asking for the pcr panel, but I worry they may think I’m asking for something unnescessary. Really, I just don’t want a situation where we’re sent home with antibiotics treating something that may not even be there. I also don’t want to get sold some vet diet or have them accuse the food she’s on for the diarrhea. Maybe it is the food, but I’d like to start ruling out other things too. She’s otherwise healthy and playful and gaining weight, so I don’t see the harm in waiting on diagnostics. What do you all think?


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi! This time I would ask for the full fecal PCR panel, which looks for a number of parasites, but also includes testing for various bacterial and viral conditions as well - as you apparently already know. If she hasn't had a full blood work up, it might be a wise idea to do that as well - and a urinalysis too.

In the meantime, I agree - don't do another dietary change just yet. Although I would have thought you should have seen some improvement with the food change, it is possible it could take a bit longer - I've heard it be recommended to keep at a new food for up to 3 months to see a change, despite that it seems quite a long time.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 23, 2021
Did he try Albon or Metrodiazole?
No not yet, I am thinking that will probably be what they suggest when we go to the vet next. I just hope they also want to do some testing though. I’ll post an update whenever we go. I planned on waiting until the end of the week to make the appointment but it’s been bothering me so much I think I really need to just call today. I just can never tell if I’m overreacting or not :ohwell:


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
No not yet, I am thinking that will probably be what they suggest when we go to the vet next. I just hope they also want to do some testing though. I’ll post an update whenever we go. I planned on waiting until the end of the week to make the appointment but it’s been bothering me so much I think I really need to just call today. I just can never tell if I’m overreacting or not :ohwell:
I don't think you are overreacting, that's a long time to have diarrhea, I have 2 cats on Albon right now and both fecal tests were negative. I had a foster who had chronic loose stools and after all the aforementioned treatments she was put on the Rx diet which helped her. I agree to get more testing.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 23, 2021
Hi again, so we took her to the vet today. I am not sure if I am happy with the outcome. They immediately didn’t want to do the fecal panel, but they did a fecal smear and float. They said they did see bacterial imbalance, but nothing in particular. I pushed for the fecal panel, and they did do it. They gave her back to me covered in poop and leaking, and said she was like that because they have to stick a finger up there to get it. Not sure about that but, ok. She’s still leaking and we just got her home, will probably have to do a bath. Anyway, they sent us home with forti flora and pro pectalin. To me, those really aren’t treatments but maybe it is good to wait on the panel. But also forti flora kind of sucks so I don’t know, I’m starting to get frustrated with the vets here. I’m not even entirely sure I got the fecal panel I wanted, it was only $62 and was called “Fecal Dx w/ giardia (antigen and O” and maybe the rest is cut off of the receipt. I don’t know. My husband thinks I should have pushed for antibiotics but I already felt terrible about pressing about the fecal that is causing her to leak poop everywhere. I just am starting to get worried about figuring this out. I already went through this with Leo and the vets weren’t super helpful so it just is getting more and more frustrating going through it again.


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
Hi again, so we took her to the vet today. I am not sure if I am happy with the outcome. They immediately didn’t want to do the fecal panel, but they did a fecal smear and float. They said they did see bacterial imbalance, but nothing in particular. I pushed for the fecal panel, and they did do it. They gave her back to me covered in poop and leaking, and said she was like that because they have to stick a finger up there to get it. Not sure about that but, ok. She’s still leaking and we just got her home, will probably have to do a bath. Anyway, they sent us home with forti flora and pro pectalin. To me, those really aren’t treatments but maybe it is good to wait on the panel. But also forti flora kind of sucks so I don’t know, I’m starting to get frustrated with the vets here. I’m not even entirely sure I got the fecal panel I wanted, it was only $62 and was called “Fecal Dx w/ giardia (antigen and O” and maybe the rest is cut off of the receipt. I don’t know. My husband thinks I should have pushed for antibiotics but I already felt terrible about pressing about the fecal that is causing her to leak poop everywhere. I just am starting to get worried about figuring this out. I already went through this with Leo and the vets weren’t super helpful so it just is getting more and more frustrating going through it again.You
You shouldn't feel bad for pressing for more answers, but that is easier said than done. I agree that you should wait for the results as that may help determining which type of medication to give. Keep us posted.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 23, 2021
I agree waiting on the results is probably best, but the panel they did for me only checks for worms and giardia. I was really hoping for a full diarrhea panel, which I said multiple times, so I’m not sure why I got this one. Part of me wants to call and ask about antibiotics today, but I doubt they’ll prescribe over the phone. This vet is about a 30 minute drive so, at this point, it’s too risky for me to go and stress my cat out without knowing if they’ll actually give a prescription for something. I can’t even really get her to take the pro pectalin without her screaming and running around the apartment in a panic. This poor cat is so stressed, I don’t have it in me to give it to her today because I’m worried the stress of all this is going to really cause her to get ill. We live next to an emergency vet that we have had luck with in the past, I am thinking we probably just do that next. Maybe after we get the test results back, or if things get worse in the next week.
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  • #9


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Young Cat
Sep 23, 2021
I called yesterday and the doctor said they overnighted the panel and it came back negative for everything (everything being worms and giardia). So she prescribed metrodinazole and I picked it up yesterday afternoon. She said if we don’t see improvement by monday to call her back and we will try something else. So I feel a little more hopeful.


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
I called yesterday and the doctor said they overnighted the panel and it came back negative for everything (everything being worms and giardia). So she prescribed metrodinazole and I picked it up yesterday afternoon. She said if we don’t see improvement by monday to call her back and we will try something else. So I feel a little more hopeful.
I hope that helps :vibes:
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 23, 2021
So she’s been on the metro for about 4 days and her poops seem slightly better, but still pretty runny and smelly. The start of her poos sometimes starts to look semi formed and then by the end it’s a puddle, if that makes sense. I’m hoping we continue to see some improvement, I’m not sure how long it typically takes to see improvement on Metro. The vet said she would call on monday to see how things are and if we need to adjust the treatment plan, so maybe she will be able to tell us if this is a good sign or not.


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
So she’s been on the metro for about 4 days and her poops seem slightly better, but still pretty runny and smelly. The start of her poos sometimes starts to look semi formed and then by the end it’s a puddle, if that makes sense. I’m hoping we continue to see some improvement, I’m not sure how long it typically takes to see improvement on Metro. The vet said she would call on monday to see how things are and if we need to adjust the treatment plan, so maybe she will be able to tell us if this is a good sign or not.
Yes that makes sense sometimes it’s a mix.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 14, 2022
So she’s been on the metro for about 4 days and her poops seem slightly better, but still pretty runny and smelly. The start of her poos sometimes starts to look semi formed and then by the end it’s a puddle, if that makes sense. I’m hoping we continue to see some improvement, I’m not sure how long it typically takes to see improvement on Metro. The vet said she would call on monday to see how things are and if we need to adjust the treatment plan, so maybe she will be able to tell us if this is a good sign or not.
the same thing happened to my kitten…she started having watery diarrhea after we spayed her and all fecal tests came back positive. our vet recommended we feed her boiled chicken and rice and prescribed her metronidazole and pro pectallin as well. although it was working at first, her diarrhea became a yellow type liquid and it was foul smelling, probably due to dehydration (she wouldn’t drink water)

we came back to the vet after and I know you said you didn’t want to be sold a vet diet, but our kitten got the Hills prescription chicken and stew wet food and her stool has improved significantly ever since! her stool went from yellow watery to almost normal in just about 2 days. if nothing else works, I highly recommend that. (It is a bit pricey though). Best of luck :)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 14, 2022
the same thing happened to my kitten…she started having watery diarrhea after we spayed her and all fecal tests came back positive. our vet recommended we feed her boiled chicken and rice and prescribed her metronidazole and pro pectallin as well. although it was working at first, her diarrhea became a yellow type liquid and it was foul smelling, probably due to dehydration (she wouldn’t drink water)

we came back to the vet after and I know you said you didn’t want to be sold a vet diet, but our kitten got the Hills prescription chicken and stew wet food and her stool has improved significantly ever since! her stool went from yellow watery to almost normal in just about 2 days. if nothing else works, I highly recommend that. (It is a bit pricey though). Best of luck :)
i meant the fecal tests came back negative, my bad!
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 23, 2021
So the vet sent me the test results and they didn’t run the PCR panel I wanted, which I am sad about but expected, but they ran one that checked for worms/Giardia. At the bottom it does recommend the test I wanted. I am trying to decide when to ask for this. She’s on day 5 of the metro and maybe there’s a 30% improvement in poops, but still stink up the entire apartment and are quite soft.

Should I ask for the pcr panel now? Or should I wait until she’s done with the metro? I am having hard time finding information about if the antibiotics will mess with the results. I am suspicious of her having T foetus which isn’t treated using Metro, so maybe the metro would not affect the result if that was what we were dealing with.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I would call the vet and ask about what you posted. Your questions are valid and you have been taking your cat in for treatment, so I don't think this should create another bill. The vet may have thought that the entire panel was not necessary, but you do want to know if it was overlooked. The time frame of running it is also important since you are giving medications which may or may not affect some results.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 23, 2021
So she’s finished up the metro and her poos are definitely not solid but they have a little shape to them now, they are definitely not puddles anymore. Since finishing the metro I’ve started giving her a proviable dc capsule everyday,
haven’t seen much improvement yet but it has only been a few days off the Metro. I plan on still getting the PCR panel done in a week or so if she’s still having soft/runny poos, but for now I think she’s ok. The only thing I am really worried about it T foetus, and even then I’m not sure if it would be worth treating for her since she’s doing fine otherwise.
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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Glad that there is some improvement; often it is not instantaneous, but keep your eye on her given her young age.


TCS Member
Dec 25, 2023
Hi everyone, I’m back again needing more cat diarrhea advice, this time for our 4 (maybe 5 at this point) month old kitten. I’ll try to make this short. We got her at the beginning of this month, and a day or two after having her home her poops started to become runny. Apparently the day before we adopted her she was spayed, not sure if this is significant (maybe caught something during the spay? or recovery?). She was eating purina kitten chow at her foster home, and we kept her on that. After a week of runny poops we go to the vet, they do a fecal float, no worms, but deworm her again anyway because it’s part of their protocol. I pressed a little about a solution to the diarrhea but they didn’t seem concerned, they said to give it some time, maybe it’s stress. Poops are still runny, so we start to slowly transition her to Leo’s food (LID rabbit kibble) since she’s trying to eat it all the time anyway, and poops stay exactly the same. It’s been about 3 weeks and her poops are still quite runny, like if I try to scoop after it just sleeps through all the cracks on the scooper. Sometimes they are more like a pudding like blob, but nothing resembling a log or anything even remotely normal. We have kept her on Leo’s food since the transition because I am trying to avoid changing the food too often. She also just won’t eat enough wet to get near enough calories, I’ve been trying the boiled chicken thing with her and she just isn’t interested.

My main questions, outside of general advice, is what to expect for and ask for at the vet. I feel like last time I went they didn’t really do anything, but I also didn’t argue, so this time I want to make sure I advocate for her better. I know that there are fecal floats, fecal analysis, and a fecal pcr panel. I was planning on asking for the pcr panel, but I worry they may think I’m asking for something unnescessary. Really, I just don’t want a situation where we’re sent home with antibiotics treating something that may not even be there. I also don’t want to get sold some vet diet or have them accuse the food she’s on for the diarrhea. Maybe it is the food, but I’d like to start ruling out other things too. She’s otherwise healthy and playful and gaining weight, so I don’t see the harm in waiting on diagnostics. What do you all think?