How do I teach my cat meowing wont get him what he wants and other problems.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 29, 2020

So I have 2 cats one Casper and the other Kovu. Casper I got from a rescue place where he had a foster parent and Kovu I got from the shelter.

Kovu seems to be my problem kitten. He can be a bit talkative and it can drive me crazy. He is very vocal when it comes to me feeding them and when I let them out of the room when I get up in the morning. I am trying to teach him to be quiet during those times.

When I get up in the morning he meows the be let out and I try not to let him out until he is quiet but I feel bad that Casper has to suffer and not be let out until Kovu is quiet since they are both in the room but Kovu does not seem to be getting it. We have done this for a little over a month.

When it comes to feeding it is the exact same thing just about except I feed Casper 1st because he is quiet and with hold food from Kovu and make sure he doesn't try to eat Casper's food. Then I feed when he is quiet but in the morning as soon as he knows he's about to be fed it is like everything is undone. Casper can also get vocal a bit as well but mostly stays quiet. I think Casper is just faster to catch onto things than Kovu. They both have they own purrsonalities and it is interesting.

Is there something I can do differently? Am I doing something wrong or am I just doomed to except he may never learn lol? Cats are so independent and stubborn. I know they are cats but I also believe you can train them on somethings such as this.

I also feel like I want to introduce them to letting them come into my room to sleep with me and my dog Dublin but I've had experiences with Casper running on me and pouncing and trying to play with me at night when I first got him so unfortunately he got the boot out the room and they both cant sleep with me and get put in the other room I have at night because of the noise they can make at night. I kind of feel bad because I am shutting them out and not allowing them in my room at all but I need to be able to sleep and I don't want them to think they can just come into my room.

I think it saddens me that Casper used to sleep with me at one point when he was a kitten and I loved it but now he doesn't I feel like sleeping with my cats and dog is a bonding opportunity I am missing out on. I already feel like I don't spend enough time with them my dog included. Is there something I can do to ease them into sleeping with me but make sure their energy is down so they are not playing about and making noise at night? I have tried playing with them but it doesn't seem to tire them out to much. Maybe my play isn't effective enough? :/

I appreciate any feedback thank you.


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
We have two veeery vocal cats as well. And not just at feeding times or when they are kept in a room. Gohan meows at the walls, meows if we make food that sizzles, meows after eating and after using the litter box. Olive howls if she is bored or anxious, when we feed her, and if she thinks the litter box is too dirty.

I’ve found with Gohan sometimes acknowledging him helps, and sometimes ignoring. Olive has to have her issues addressed or be ignored. Acknowledgment makes it worse.

It sounds like the loudest times are right before feeding and when they are eager to be let out in the morning. I personally don’t think you can train Kudo out of these times - at least for Olive her desire to eat or be let out overrides any conditioning I might do. I don’t mind the feeding time meows so much since it’s very short period of time.

If you want to try and train him to be quiet it sounds like what you’re doing is the right method, I’d keep going a few more months and see. I just don’t think my cats would change if I tried that.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 24, 2021

So I have 2 cats one Casper and the other Kovu. Casper I got from a rescue place where he had a foster parent and Kovu I got from the shelter.

Kovu seems to be my problem kitten. He can be a bit talkative and it can drive me crazy. He is very vocal when it comes to me feeding them and when I let them out of the room when I get up in the morning. I am trying to teach him to be quiet during those times.

When I get up in the morning he meows the be let out and I try not to let him out until he is quiet but I feel bad that Casper has to suffer and not be let out until Kovu is quiet since they are both in the room but Kovu does not seem to be getting it. We have done this for a little over a month.

When it comes to feeding it is the exact same thing just about except I feed Casper 1st because he is quiet and with hold food from Kovu and make sure he doesn't try to eat Casper's food. Then I feed when he is quiet but in the morning as soon as he knows he's about to be fed it is like everything is undone. Casper can also get vocal a bit as well but mostly stays quiet. I think Casper is just faster to catch onto things than Kovu. They both have they own purrsonalities and it is interesting.

Is there something I can do differently? Am I doing something wrong or am I just doomed to except he may never learn lol? Cats are so independent and stubborn. I know they are cats but I also believe you can train them on somethings such as this.

I also feel like I want to introduce them to letting them come into my room to sleep with me and my dog Dublin but I've had experiences with Casper running on me and pouncing and trying to play with me at night when I first got him so unfortunately he got the boot out the room and they both cant sleep with me and get put in the other room I have at night because of the noise they can make at night. I kind of feel bad because I am shutting them out and not allowing them in my room at all but I need to be able to sleep and I don't want them to think they can just come into my room.

I think it saddens me that Casper used to sleep with me at one point when he was a kitten and I loved it but now he doesn't I feel like sleeping with my cats and dog is a bonding opportunity I am missing out on. I already feel like I don't spend enough time with them my dog included. Is there something I can do to ease them into sleeping with me but make sure their energy is down so they are not playing about and making noise at night? I have tried playing with them but it doesn't seem to tire them out to much. Maybe my play isn't effective enough? :/

I appreciate any feedback thank you.
I think you’re doing well on training your cats to behave well. But like you said, they have their own personalities. Some cats are quiet and reserved, some are vocal and active. Just like people, sometimes we just need to accept them for who they are. May I ask how old are your cats?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 29, 2020
I think you’re doing well on training your cats to behave well. But like you said, they have their own personalities. Some cats are quiet and reserved, some are vocal and active. Just like people, sometimes we just need to accept them for who they are. May I ask how old are your cats?
I believe they are 6-8 months old. Not absolutely certain just going by their papers and what my vet has said.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 29, 2020
We have two veeery vocal cats as well. And not just at feeding times or when they are kept in a room. Gohan meows at the walls, meows if we make food that sizzles, meows after eating and after using the litter box. Olive howls if she is bored or anxious, when we feed her, and if she thinks the litter box is too dirty.

I’ve found with Gohan sometimes acknowledging him helps, and sometimes ignoring. Olive has to have her issues addressed or be ignored. Acknowledgment makes it worse.

It sounds like the loudest times are right before feeding and when they are eager to be let out in the morning. I personally don’t think you can train Kudo out of these times - at least for Olive her desire to eat or be let out overrides any conditioning I might do. I don’t mind the feeding time meows so much since it’s very short period of time.

If you want to try and train him to be quiet it sounds like what you’re doing is the right method, I’d keep going a few more months and see. I just don’t think my cats would change if I tried that.
Good golly :sweat: My cats can meow, but your cats seem to have mines beat Haha. Kovu also can make weird sounds that I have never heard a cat make before and its so funny and cute ^^.

Yeah I will just try to push along with what I am doing and see if anything changes they are still kittens and learning. I also feel that them meowing to be let out is my fault and I caused that but its that or have to deal with struggling to sleep at night. Pick and choose the battles I guess lol! They may tap dance on my last nerves often but I love them.

Thanks for the advice and sharing you cats and what they do with me :) best of wishes to you and your cats.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014

So I have 2 cats one Casper and the other Kovu. Casper I got from a rescue place where he had a foster parent and Kovu I got from the shelter.

Kovu seems to be my problem kitten. He can be a bit talkative and it can drive me crazy. He is very vocal when it comes to me feeding them and when I let them out of the room when I get up in the morning. I am trying to teach him to be quiet during those times.

When I get up in the morning he meows the be let out and I try not to let him out until he is quiet but I feel bad that Casper has to suffer and not be let out until Kovu is quiet since they are both in the room but Kovu does not seem to be getting it. We have done this for a little over a month.

When it comes to feeding it is the exact same thing just about except I feed Casper 1st because he is quiet and with hold food from Kovu and make sure he doesn't try to eat Casper's food. Then I feed when he is quiet but in the morning as soon as he knows he's about to be fed it is like everything is undone. Casper can also get vocal a bit as well but mostly stays quiet. I think Casper is just faster to catch onto things than Kovu. They both have they own purrsonalities and it is interesting.

Is there something I can do differently? Am I doing something wrong or am I just doomed to except he may never learn lol? Cats are so independent and stubborn. I know they are cats but I also believe you can train them on somethings such as this.

I also feel like I want to introduce them to letting them come into my room to sleep with me and my dog Dublin but I've had experiences with Casper running on me and pouncing and trying to play with me at night when I first got him so unfortunately he got the boot out the room and they both cant sleep with me and get put in the other room I have at night because of the noise they can make at night. I kind of feel bad because I am shutting them out and not allowing them in my room at all but I need to be able to sleep and I don't want them to think they can just come into my room.

I think it saddens me that Casper used to sleep with me at one point when he was a kitten and I loved it but now he doesn't I feel like sleeping with my cats and dog is a bonding opportunity I am missing out on. I already feel like I don't spend enough time with them my dog included. Is there something I can do to ease them into sleeping with me but make sure their energy is down so they are not playing about and making noise at night? I have tried playing with them but it doesn't seem to tire them out to much. Maybe my play isn't effective enough? :/

I appreciate any feedback thank you.
I use a food timer. That solved the problem. When I feed them in the morning I have to keep putting her down then jumps back up. I counted 10x. Glad she's only 7 pds