My cat was diagnosed with stomach cancer but I’m confused.

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  • #21


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
UPDATE: I wound up taking him to a 24 hour hospital at 2am. Luckily I did. He was severely dehydrated and after evaluation, I was told he was in really bad shape. I explained everything that occurred thus far and they immediately started supportive care. His heart rate and blood pressure dropped dangerously low 3 times and they were able to get it back up. Blood work showed most his levels were low... I prepared for the worst. 24 hours later and around the clock supportive care, my baby boy is eating, walking around, talking And has made significant improvement. He’s not 100% out of the woods yet, but he is on the path to recovery. They were able to bring his levels almost back to normal and holding steady. They performed numerous diagnostic tests and repeat blood draws, so far, everything looks good. A gastro test was done and also good. pancreatic test results will take a few days but that is ok as well. Still trying to figure out what the Initial cause is that started his vomiting and led to dehydration but as of right now, there doesn’t seem to be any underlying issue. This is all such great news but even bigger news is.... it is NOT likely to be cancer! I am so relieved right now but so angry at the same time because my vet obviously not only misdiagnosed him but also didn’t give him the prompt and proper treatment he needed. My vet just gave me this terrible diagnoses, told me there was nothing they can do and sent us on our way. We went through hell these past few days. My baby almost died and I never would have known. Always trust your gut instincts, I knew something didn’t add up, I just wish I didn’t wait so long, 2 days, to take him elsewhere. I am mentally exhausted so I will update again when he’s home, which hopefully will be by tomorrow. I’d like to thank everyone in this forum who responded and sent prayers our way. Each and everyone one of you have been so helpful. Made me feel that I wasn’t alone through all of this and all the advice and encouragement nudged me to take him elsewhere. I was afraid to leave him somewhere with the fear of losing him without being able to hold him. I’m so thankful to have found this forum. It’s nice to hear from actual cat/pet parents who sometimes know better then the Docs or have had similar experiences. So thank you all from the bottom of my ♥. Please excuse the way I’m writing right now, I am so mentally and physically drained. I will update as soon as my little guy is home safe and sound.
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  • #22


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
Hi Brandee.

I take it that you're returning there tomorrow for fluids. However, if you don't have another immanent venue for him, do insist on some pain medication then. I'm appalled that this wasn't offered and hasn't been available to him. Personally, I wouldn't accept much more, if anything else from that clinic, though.

You said he hasn't had a bowel movement........but, with no other detail. When did you last see stool? How regular (regularly spaced) and at what frequency was he defecating? Do you know if his stool is usually hard? Describe how it looks. Has he ever strained to defecate?

If resources were not an issue, I believe I'd use a "referral hospital" - these are often specialty centers with 24-hour ER availability. DO Consider this if you cannot get him in to a new Vet tomorrow - he needs immediate treatment and nutrition. BTW, feeding tubes are standard operating procedure these days, so don't hesitate if it's recommended.

I would, though, be looking for a competent feline Vet. A starting point can be a cat-only (not "friendly") clinic with, ideally, the longest-practicing Vet, often an owner. 'Sweet young things' are most often sweet know-nothings. Another source can be the AAFP website: - for 'Practice Type' it's feline-only....and, do not check the gray "Cat Friendly" box.

You asked about standard blood tests diagnosing Pancreatitis. No, a more specific test is needed. There's a reliable, plain-language coverage of all that here. (you'll notice that Calcium levels are most often lower than normal with this, though)

It's my understanding that diagnostic imaging may not 'see' some foreign objects that can block the GI tract - that is where the use of techniques like Barium imaging come in 'handy'.....a competent Vet will know.

Keep us updated.
Thank you for responding, this was very helpful. I just posted and update.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
UPDATE: I wound up taking him to a 24 hour hospital at 2am. Luckily I did. He was severely dehydrated and after evaluation, I was told he was in really bad shape. I explained everything that occurred thus far and they immediately started supportive care. His heart rate and blood pressure dropped dangerously low 3 times and they were able to get it back up. Blood work showed most his levels were low... I prepared for the worst. 24 hours later and around the clock supportive care, my baby boy is eating, walking around, talking And has made significant improvement. He’s not 100% out of the woods yet, but he is on the path to recovery. They were able to bring his levels almost back to normal and holding steady. They performed numerous diagnostic tests and repeat blood draws, so far, everything looks good. A gastro test was done and also good. pancreatic test results will take a few days but that is ok as well. Still trying to figure out what the Initial cause is that started his vomiting and led to dehydration but as of right now, there doesn’t seem to be any underlying issue. This is all such great news but even bigger news is.... it is NOT likely to be cancer! I am so relieved right now but so angry at the same time because my vet obviously not only misdiagnosed him but also didn’t give him the prompt and proper treatment he needed. My vet just gave me this terrible diagnoses, told me there was nothing they can do and sent us on our way. We went through hell these past few days. My baby almost died and I never would have known. Always trust your gut instincts, I knew something didn’t add up, I just wish I didn’t wait so long, 2 days, to take him elsewhere. I am mentally exhausted so I will update again when he’s home, which hopefully will be by tomorrow. I’d like to thank everyone in this forum who responded and sent prayers our way. Each and everyone one of you have been so helpful. Made me feel that I wasn’t alone through all of this and all the advice and encouragement nudged me to take him elsewhere. I was afraid to leave him somewhere with the fear of losing him without being able to hold him. I’m so thankful to have found this forum. It’s nice to hear from actual cat/pet parents who sometimes know better then the Docs or have had similar experiences. So thank you all from the bottom of my ♥. Please excuse the way I’m writing right now, I am so mentally and physically drained. I will update as soon as my little guy is home safe and sound.
I am so happy for you that stomach cancer has been ruled out. After what you told me the other night before I went to bed, I had a very strong feeling that it wasn't stomach cancer that is why I mentioned about getting a 2nd opinion. The diagnosis didn't seem right to me. Now I hope the bloodwork completely rules out pancreatitis as well, confirming what your vet told you. TG you took your kitty to this other place and they got him feeling better. If you listened to this other vet, it would have been tragic. It is almost like your vet gave up and just threw Stomach Cancer out there. Lazy and unprofessional and it put you through hell. Also, to not give you pain killers for your kitty is appalling. Shame on him/her. With that said, I hope they find the root cause of your kitty's ailment.

Don't hesitate to come back to the forum if you have more questions or even if you just want to talk more about what your cat is going through. I am sure there are others who may be going through something similar and find this thread very helpful.

Well, take it easy. Once again so happy that the worse was ruled out.🙂

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
There's one outstanding item to be put on your to-do list, to be done when all the 'dust' settles, he's stable and you have some definitive answers: you will have the power to lessen the chances of this happening to anyone else and their cat.

The owner of that practice has to be informed in the clearest possible manner of the entirety of this incident. We could talk about the 'how-to's' of that at a later date but, the sooner they are at least apprised/alerted that a serious incident has occurred, the sooner they will be able to take even the most basic measures to implement monitoring/supervision of that Veterinarian's work. (and, they will want to - plus, their insurance company will!).

So, two parts to that: first, a brief formal 'heads-up' to the Practice Manager requesting that the owner be informed and that you will be making a formal complaint to the Veterinary College (not a school but the regulatory body) in your State; second would be filing that complaint, which I think could wait until all is well settled.
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  • #25


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
There's one outstanding item to be put on your to-do list, to be done when all the 'dust' settles, he's stable and you have some definitive answers: you will have the power to lessen the chances of this happening to anyone else and their cat.

The owner of that practice has to be informed in the clearest possible manner of the entirety of this incident. We could talk about the 'how-to's' of that at a later date but, the sooner they are at least apprised/alerted that a serious incident has occurred, the sooner they will be able to take even the most basic measures to implement monitoring/supervision of that Veterinarian's work. (and, they will want to - plus, their insurance company will!).

So, two parts to that: first, a brief formal 'heads-up' to the Practice Manager requesting that the owner be informed and that you will be making a formal complaint to the Veterinary College (not a school but the regulatory body) in your State; second would be filing that complaint, which I think could wait until all is well settled.
Hi, yes I did contact them and I am now deciding how I will proceed. It has been a very emotional few days and I’m going to post an update below. For now, I’ll have to put a pin into going further with making sure this vet never does this to anyone else. I just have to much on my plate right now but thank you so much for the great advice!
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  • #26


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
Another update:
I picked smudge up from the hospital yesterday and by the time we arrived home, his breathing was labored. It seemed to have worsen as the evening approached and at 2am, we took him back to emergency. smudgy was in congestive heart failure with fluid build up. Today, they were able to bring his breaths per minute to a normal range and breathing without oxygen. Everything he has been through has caused such a strain on his little heart...he’s only 9lbs. He doesn’t have a noticeable murmur but sounds are irregular. If the fluid doesn’t subside then they will need to tap him but hopefully he will be well enough to come home tomorrow. We will need to bring him back on Tuesday to see the cardiologist for a full workup to get a more definitive answer. It’s possible at this point that he does not have heart disease, although it’s more then likely, but there’s a slight chance he just had fluid overload from all that he needed due to the severe GI upset. I can’t help but wonder “what if I had taken him there to begin with”?, “what if I had taken him on Sunday instead of Monday”?.... I’m on an emotional roller coaster! NOW I’m researching CHF and heart disease (left sided). If its not heart disease and just CHF that night, is it possible for CHF never to reoccur? If it is heart disease, time frame is 6 to 12 months. Or is that time frame for either or, or both. I’m so mentally drained..... If anyone can provide insight, I will be forever grateful.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
I hope another member who is well versed in these feline health conditions answers this post. I know you are doing your research, but to hear from someone who has gone through this would be most helpful.

Please do not torment yourself with the "what ifs". You won't be able to think clearly and you will be drained mentally and physically. I have been where you currently are quite a number of times. I had 4 cats who had cancer (different types) and been put through the wringer over and over. I also take care of outdoor cats and seen a lot of hardship there as well. Stay strong and take care of yourself. You and your kitty are in my thoughts and 🙏.
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  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
I hope another member who is well versed in these feline health conditions answers this post. I know you are doing your research, but to hear from someone who has gone through this would be most helpful.

Please do not torment yourself with the "what ifs". You won't be able to think clearly and you will be drained mentally and physically. I have been where you currently are quite a number of times. I had 4 cats who had cancer (different types) and been put through the wringer over and over. I also take care of outdoor cats and seen a lot of hardship there as well. Stay strong and take care of yourself. You and your kitty are in my thoughts and 🙏.
Thank you, I’m trying

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Sorry to be late.

On your questions:
"If its not heart disease and just CHF that night, is it possible for CHF never to reoccur? If it is heart disease, time frame is 6 to 12 months. Or is that time frame for either or, or both."​
Honestly, those are best answered by the folks treating him at the specialty hospital. Otherwise, at best, you're getting second-hand information from lay/non-professional experts, because to the best of my knowledge, there are no fully qualified Vets (of the type you've been dealing with) on the site currently.

Write down all of these questions and ensure you are given time for full answers/explanations. (I don't mean to be directive per's just what I have learned 'the hard way' and what I would do for the best outcome.)

And, to expand a little on whenallhell...'s urging, forget, just forget all the what if's..........they're useless/non-productive now - in fact, they're even worse, because they will distract your necessary focus and drain your energy. You must think clearly, get to understand what is happening and what may potentially happen. Nothing else matters. (and, yes, fine to 'pin' the followup, lots of time for that later)

I will say that I admire your tenacity and strength in all of this - you're amazing, kid! I feel like I really could have used your support in a similar situation many years ago.

Now.........look here. I've just reviewed this entire file, and I have to advise that it haven't paid the mandatory kitty taxes yet. Everyone utilizing our services is obliged to provide photo ID of these cats, emphasis on photosssssssssss....and, of course, the more you provide, the better you grease the tax collectors' palms.....

So, bring on the pics, pleeeeeeeeeeeease !


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I’m so mentally drained.
Find something -- music, photos of your baby, photos of other babies, meditation, Holy Basil (for the stress and anxiety), exercise, whatever it is that might work for you, because he is like a little sponge for your emotions. f you can find a way to relax a bit, it will be beneficial for both of you :purr:
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  • #31


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
Sorry to be late.

On your questions:
"If its not heart disease and just CHF that night, is it possible for CHF never to reoccur? If it is heart disease, time frame is 6 to 12 months. Or is that time frame for either or, or both."​
Honestly, those are best answered by the folks treating him at the specialty hospital. Otherwise, at best, you're getting second-hand information from lay/non-professional experts, because to the best of my knowledge, there are no fully qualified Vets (of the type you've been dealing with) on the site currently.

Write down all of these questions and ensure you are given time for full answers/explanations. (I don't mean to be directive per's just what I have learned 'the hard way' and what I would do for the best outcome.)

And, to expand a little on whenallhell...'s urging, forget, just forget all the what if's..........they're useless/non-productive now - in fact, they're even worse, because they will distract your necessary focus and drain your energy. You must think clearly, get to understand what is happening and what may potentially happen. Nothing else matters. (and, yes, fine to 'pin' the followup, lots of time for that later)

I will say that I admire your tenacity and strength in all of this - you're amazing, kid! I feel like I really could have used your support in a similar situation many years ago.

Now.........look here. I've just reviewed this entire file, and I have to advise that it haven't paid the mandatory kitty taxes yet. Everyone utilizing our services is obliged to provide photo ID of these cats, emphasis on photosssssssssss....and, of course, the more you provide, the better you grease the tax collectors' palms.....

So, bring on the pics, pleeeeeeeeeeeease !
Your post made me smile...thank you for that! This is a picture of my little Smudgy in the hospital the day before I took him home and the labored breathing began. I just love him sooooooo much!

