9 weeks old kitten behavior


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 12, 2020
A little bit of background before I get into her behavior: I have just gotten my first kitten and have only really ever had dogs, other than my dads ultra-affectionate lap cat. My kitten was given to my friend in a Walmart parking lot from a homeless women so I really don’t know her past, but she was around 4-5 weeks so I do know she was not with her momma and littermates long enough. She is somewhat skiddish, where when she hears a loud noise she will go to great lengths to get away and hide, but I say somewhat because overall she doesn’t mind a noisy environment. She loves my large dogs and plays with them constantly. I know she is comfortable with me becuse She likes to cuddle me when she is sleepy, purrs and licks/cleans my face, and is often relaxed and sleeping on her back if she wants to be around me. She also lets me rub and kiss her tummy and seems to actually enjoy it, again, only when she wants to be around me. Now for the behavior I am concerned about/don’t understand. She is temperamental and sometimes will grab and bite my hand hard when she doesn’t want to be touched/picked up (this behavior appears different then when she is trying to play). In fact one time she did this and I let her go, then as she was walking away, she turned around and slapped my face with her claws and drew blood and I have no idea what provoked it. When you pick her up at least half of the time her ears go back, but she does not hiss and never acts aggressively past the ears back. If she sees someone trying to pick her up sometimes she runs and hides. Now I know this behavior is not crazy I just truly don’t understand why sometimes she is super sweet and loving and other times she gets mad and runs away. I understand if she wants space every once in a while but I feel it’s pretty random and doesn’t just happen when she’s had enough play/attention. She also never seeks out attention/affection. I always initiate it and sometimes she accepts and other times she doesn’t. She also will sleep with me on my bed sometimes and other times she sleeps in her bed away from me. I’m not sure if this is all normal in a 9 week old kitten as the only other kitten I’ve ever had long term experience with was my dads kitten, which absolutely loved attention and would rub against you and pure all the time, and my neighbors cat that I watched for a week, which greeted me at the door every time I came in and wanted me to sit down with him for cuddles. This is really the type of kitten I want, and am concerned she will never be like this.



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Try hissing, and loud ow's and sad ow's- these will help her to better understand which behavior is unacceptable. When she runs, I personally would just let her go, ignore her and go about your normal business. She's learning as fast as she can, and with time and patience the loving aspect of her personality should come through more and more.

However, give her the emotional space to become the cat that SHE is, and don't try to pigeonhole her into your expectations. Appreciate her and enjoy her as she grows, it doesn't last long 💗

If you haven't gotten her to the vet you'll want to do that very soon.

You might also consider getting a purr toy or heartbeat toy for her so that when she's frightened by something she has that to help her.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I cannot say it any better than Furballsmom Furballsmom did. She's going to take some time and patience. DO try the OW OW OW, or a sharp hiss when she bites or swipes at you. Her mama would certainly do that, and she came into this world knowing what a hiss means!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 12, 2020
Thank you guys for the replies! I do say ow and hiss when she won’t stop biting after my OWs and it usually works, but not always. She does attack me less in terms of play as she use to constantly attack my feet when I walked or was in bed. She is a super great kitty and plays so much it’s crazy. I do not require her to be ultra affectionate like my other kitty experiences but it was what I wanted when getting a kitty. Although she isn’t like this I still truly love her and have bonded with her so much and already can’t imagine life without her.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 11, 2014
Greendale, Wi
A little bit of background before I get into her behavior: I have just gotten my first kitten and have only really ever had dogs, other than my dads ultra-affectionate lap cat. My kitten was given to my friend in a Walmart parking lot from a homeless women so I really don’t know her past, but she was around 4-5 weeks so I do know she was not with her momma and littermates long enough. She is somewhat skiddish, where when she hears a loud noise she will go to great lengths to get away and hide, but I say somewhat because overall she doesn’t mind a noisy environment. She loves my large dogs and plays with them constantly. I know she is comfortable with me becuse She likes to cuddle me when she is sleepy, purrs and licks/cleans my face, and is often relaxed and sleeping on her back if she wants to be around me. She also lets me rub and kiss her tummy and seems to actually enjoy it, again, only when she wants to be around me. Now for the behavior I am concerned about/don’t understand. She is temperamental and sometimes will grab and bite my hand hard when she doesn’t want to be touched/picked up (this behavior appears different then when she is trying to play). In fact one time she did this and I let her go, then as she was walking away, she turned around and slapped my face with her claws and drew blood and I have no idea what provoked it. When you pick her up at least half of the time her ears go back, but she does not hiss and never acts aggressively past the ears back. If she sees someone trying to pick her up sometimes she runs and hides. Now I know this behavior is not crazy I just truly don’t understand why sometimes she is super sweet and loving and other times she gets mad and runs away. I understand if she wants space every once in a while but I feel it’s pretty random and doesn’t just happen when she’s had enough play/attention. She also never seeks out attention/affection. I always initiate it and sometimes she accepts and other times she doesn’t. She also will sleep with me on my bed sometimes and other times she sleeps in her bed away from me. I’m not sure if this is all normal in a 9 week old kitten as the only other kitten I’ve ever had long term experience with was my dads kitten, which absolutely loved attention and would rub against you and pure all the time, and my neighbors cat that I watched for a week, which greeted me at the door every time I came in and wanted me to sit down with him for cuddles. This is really the type of kitten I want, and am concerned she will never be like this.
You got great information from others. Just wanted to add: most cats do not like to be picked up. I only pick mine up when I have to. She is perfectly normal otherwise & quite affectionate.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Yeah, 9 week old kitten, its totally normal to have ants in the pants if you've heard that expression. Meaning they are too busy to sit still and get affection unless there are tired or in the mood. Don't force it, she'll grow up.

Be careful with the negative reinforcement for the scratching since the cat may not be 100% fully bonded yet. You are going to try and avoid the situations that provoke the cat anyway per the advice above, so you may or may not need to work on deterring non-play scratching/biting yet. You might still need to train away those behaviors as Furballsmom Furballsmom suggested, and her methods work, but try letting the kitten be the boss of where, when and how you interact with her. For example, if you know she won't be receptive to petting because she is active, wait till she is sleepy. Its like that old joke: "Doctor, it hurts when I do [whatever it is], what should I do?" and the doctor answers, "Don't do that." That isn't giving up, its just acknowledging that your kitten is 9 weeks old and it will take some time.

One little trick is that when she is sleep and in her favorite spot, you can make a call noise of some sort (click, coo, whatever) for a bit as you pet her. Then you can try using that noise (and maybe a treat too) to summon her to that spot. A lot of kittens develop a spot where they will allow petting even if not sleepy, and this might help her develop such a spot. You can then use that same call noise to add additional similar spots over time. It often seems to work, although I have a one year old now that has developed her own spots, and I can't seem to add any, so I can't claim total mastery of the process lol.