Mental health struggles?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 30, 2019
Does anyone else here struggle with their mental health?

I struggle a lot with pretty bad anxiety and on and off again depression (thankfully that's not as severe as the anxiety). The anxiety has probably been much of my life, through more severe in recent years. The depression has been developing in recent years, and was at its worst about a year and a half ago when I was going through some new health issues (a benign heart rythym problem, and CIS, which is basically pre-MS and required me starting an injectable medication). Lately, while I still deal with depressive moods, it's mostly been my anxiety that's been bothering me. Super sky-high at times, and my job as a teacher is very stressful and overwhelming nearly constantly. Ugh.

That being said, I am getting help. I am on a low dose of medication (room to go up if I need to), and am working with a wonderful counselor online - which is great because it fits well with my schedule with being about to "email" back and forth each weekday, and we do video chat sessions when I happen to have a weekday off that she's available. It's been very helpful.

I also found that getting my kitten (foster fail :) ) has been helpful. Not a miracle cure for sure, but as an introvert especially, it's nice to have a warm, furry creature to come home to who doesn't expect any conversation, has no needs/expectations/judgements of me other than to be fed, watered, and stroked. Purrs are oh so soothing, and he loved to lay on top of me/my chest at times (lying down in bed on computer) and his weight can be comforting (though I'm a bit worried how he'll "fit" once full grown, lol). I don't think he senses when I've had a rough time, but I've also only had him a little over a month now so who knows.

Anyway, not sure why I'm writing all this. 🤷‍♀️ Does anyone else struggle with mental health issues? What has helped you? Do your cat/cats help?


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
I suffer from deep depression and anxiety and now that I have insurance we are going to try ECT, that is the only thing that has ever worked for me.

Having Jeff in my life did make me feel like I had a purpose. She left me in March of last year and it's been a constant struggle since.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
You are certainly not alone! I have C-PTSD, depression, and agoraphobia as well as a few physical health problems. I see a therapist every two weeks and am on several medications that help enough that I can almost function. I have my amazing husband, two children, a daughter-in-law, a grandson, and nine cats who help a great deal with day-to-day life.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I suffered from depression from age 18 to 29. I got my depression into remission around August of 2015. I say my depression is in remission because I don't want to assume that my depression is gone when it could easily come back. That helps me be hypervigilant about keeping up with self-care so I don't slip back into a depressive episode.

The biggest thing I need to manage is my sleep schedule. Therapists and doctors told me repeatedly that regulating my sleep schedule would help me a lot, but I never listened. On my 29th birthday (in June 2015), I told myself I was not going to stay up all night anymore because by that point I was pulling all-nighters for no reason at least 3 times a week. Three months later my depression was better. At the time, I also found the right combination of medications, shut down my Facebook account for a month, stopped using my computer in bed, and forced myself to leave my bedroom during the day and that also propelled me toward remission.

If I have a few days where I feel down or depressed, I take a step back and evaluate what I could be doing better when it comes to self-care, then work on fixing it. I see my therapist every two weeks and my psychiatrist every few months because I'm still on the medications. I tried going off of them about a year ago, but I think I tapered too quickly and it didn't work out. I'm on a lower dosage, but I still need them.

I also have anxiety (OCD, social and generalized) and since my depression got better, I've noticed the anxiety more. I want to socialize sometimes, but I know that if I plan on doing more than one new social thing in a week, I have trouble. I can handle going to my parents' house on one day of my weekend and then hanging out with a friend the next day, but if I have a date one day, I will have trouble even going to a familiar social environment on another day. When it comes to my OCD (mostly disturbing and very upsetting intrusive thoughts), it used to be A LOT worse, but I found that it got better when I allowed the intrusive thought to exist but I wouldn't react to it. It took a lot of work but I'm able to tell when I have an OCD thought and I say, "the thought does not represent who I am and I can let the thought play out and it will not change who I really am."

I have Tourette syndrome (I'm also autistic) and it actually helps me recognize when I need to take an extended weekend off work because my tics get bad when I'm stressed out. They also will sometimes get worse when the seasons change (the equinoxes, not the solstices weirdly enough), so it can be a little confusing sometimes.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I have had a lifelong struggle with depression and occasional anxiety. Sleep deprivation is certainly an aggravating factor. My natural sleep cycle is what I have heard called an extreme lark. My natural sleep cycle is to go to sleep around 7 or 8 in the evening and wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning. When I feel myself slipping back into depression I give in to my normal sleep cycle. After a few days of getting enough sleep when my body wants to sleep I begin coming back out of it.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Yes you are not alone. I, too, have been dealing with depression for as long as I can remember - and have in fact contemplated suicide during my Grade School years, and even during my early stages of adulthood, yet managed to overcome those temptations. But unlike you and the rest, I have not sought any professional help yet.

There are days when it really goes so bad but I have to show up at work and act normal. There are nights that I just feel the need to scream but I cannot. My pets help me a lot. Where I am it is my cats who are there for me and somehow sense when I am in my deepest abyss, particularly my Bourbon. It is difficult, especially when everyone around me do not seem to understand, including my own husband.

You just hang in there and be strong. You can write a song, poetry, anything to help you express the turbulence in your heart and soul when you need to. Or, you can just cuddle your cat. Its warmth and purrs really would help you a lot.

We are all here for you. When you need someone to talk to, you can talk to us. :redheartpump:


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
I have chronic depression..chronic anxiety..and panic attacks..I have good days..and bad days...never know when its gonna hit...Am on meds to help though...And YES my cat is definitely a BIG HELP...Hes my comfort ...As I am his...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
Yup, struggled with depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember.

Tried medications for about 10 years, but they just made me more numb and after trying many kinds never felt better. I also have PTSD, so my mood dips probably aren't so much from chemical imbalances as unresolved trauma. I have a really hard time being present and feel the need to keep busy, which is a coping mechanism to stay distracted. Medication does help a lot of people, but just wasn't for me.
I do see a therapist currently as well.

It has been a great help keeping a steady sleep schedule and cutting out sugar and processed food. Whenever I stay up too late or eat crap food, I feel my mood dip and become depressed or highly irritable.

My cat Isabelle has been a tremendous help as she will crawl into my lap and rub her head against mine and purr when I start crying. She is highly empathetic and responsive to me.


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
I am diagnosed with depression, anxiety and OCD and am currently under a therapist.
I forgot to list it in my post..but I think I have OCD...havent been diagnosed with it yet but sure am starting to show signs I never noticed before even though they were there...But going to talk to my Dr about it...

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
Yes I've been depressed on and off since my teens. The last time was bad medication didn't work my husband decided to get the cat's for me, he wanted to give me something to distract me from myself I think. It's been 2 years now and I'm doing okay still have bad day's but nothing like it was. Unfortunately I lost one of my boys but still having Patches gets me to smile the little trills he does and cuddles only I get he's my heart cat. So I guess my hubby's plan worked.


Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
I forgot to list it in my post..but I think I have OCD...havent been diagnosed with it yet but sure am starting to show signs I never noticed before even though they were there...But going to talk to my Dr about it...
~ Yes good idea... Fortunately the medications that lift mood also help with OCD. Both conditions seem to often be related .


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Remember the sensitive souls are usually the ones afflicted with low mood/depression and anxiety. 💓
I really believe this and thank James for bringing it up. I'm a yoga and meditation teacher and a lot of my students have various mental issues. Their bravery, tenacity and deep knowledge of 'life' is always an inspiration.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 20, 2019
Istanbul, Turkey
I have anxiety disorder as well. I probably had it all my life but got diagnosed at 18, when I also developed panic disorder and was having major panic attacks. I was on medication back then that thankfully treated the "totally out of the blue" panic attacks. I have an on-and-off case of agoraphobia since though. I'm in my 30s now.

My Hima definitely helps with general anxiety disorder but I become a mess when she shows even the mildest sign of sickness. Loved ones' health is already a trigger for me but it wasn't nearly this bad until January 2019 when she was hospitalized and the vet suspected of a fatal disease, which is also when I learned she was coronavirus positive.

My anxiety disorder isn't as bad as it used to be so I can usually calm myself down much quicker. But anxiety triggers all kinds of digestive problems in me and that continues even after I got calmed down. I still remind around online that anxiety can be very physically exhausting and sometimes when someone cancels out a plan at the last minute or something like that, there might be more than emotions going on.

Anyway, you are not alone. I don't think the modern world even with its population alone fits all humans. Things and our lifestyles changed so fast evolution couldn't catch up (yet.) I truly believe it. ALSO, make sure you get a blood test sometimes. Some vitamin deficiencies make anxiety worse. Vitamin D is one of them and millions of people are deficient during the winter.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I was DX with clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder in 1982. I have been on meds ever since and they
are effective. Sometimes doc has to tweak them, If it weren't for the meds I don't know if I would still be here. Exercise
helps a lot, specifically walking, listening to music, and being with Big Cal. I lost my Vincie girl 5 months and have
backslided since then but I take it one day at a time. I also do guided imagery, where I close my eyes and imagine the
most calming scenario, usually walking barefoot on warm white sand, sitting in a chaise lounge on that beach and
reading. Hope this helps :hugs: