I literally think we experienced some sort of miracle. Great news at the specialist hospital!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 21, 2018
I rescued Mousse a bit over a year ago. Long story short, we didn't think she would survive long and even our regular vet wasn't super optimistic. She had chronic diarrhea. She was emaciated and her nose and mouth were ulcerated. She was 10 and had recently been spayed before we brought her home but the spay site was badly infected. It took a lot of time (and money) but we got all her issues squared away. The last thing was a heart murmur. We ended up bringing her to a cardiologist hours away for a heart ultrasound. It turned out to be severe HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). The specialist was pessimistic about the prognosis and there was a lot of talk about making our time with her count, keeping her comfortable, possible heart failure, a 6 month prognosis, etc. It was absolutely heartbreaking. Here was this cat who had only experienced being a pet for a year and most of it had been spent sick. Here was a cat who went from 5lbs on adoption day to 8.4lbs a year later, whose coat was now fluffy and plushy when it had once been thin, and who loved cuddles and basking in the sun. I couldn't imagine that this was going to be it for her. That after 10 years of breeding she'd only experience one year as a beloved pet. We cried a lot that day and discussed options. We decided we would try medications to give her the best possible quality of life for however long she had left. We put her on atenolol to relax her heart, clopidogrel to thin her blood since she was at risk for a clot, and fortekor to lower her high blood pressure. She seemed to respond well to the medication. The cardiologist ran blood work and a chest x-ray at the 6 month mark and didn't note any changes but still stated that her condition was grave and not to expect much.

Fast forward to last week. We took her back to the hospital four hours away for another 6 month re-check. This time, they did a repeat ultrasound and a blood pressure monitoring. The specialist came back in and said he had good news. He said in cases this severe there is usually a predictable progression. Sometimes, it can stabilize for awhile with no progression. But, in my cat's case not only has the condition not progressed, there is improvement in the condition of her heart. The heart muscle walls aren't as thick as they were and the heart is pumping blood more efficiently. He said he is greatly surprised but happy. We are keeping her on the same medication but she is doing so well that she no longer needs 6 month ultrasounds and will only need them once a year now. He also said she is no longer on the cusp of CHF and that it wouldn't be unrealistic to expect another couple of years with her if everything continues to go well. We cried this time too but it was happy tears. We had no idea that HCM could ever improve. He was careful to remind us that this is still a severe heart condition but that improvement means we can take a bit of a breath.

As I write this, Mousse is asleep on my chair. She took my spot so I decided to sit on the floor. She deserves it. I'm beyond thankful for the fact that she will have another winter with us. She will get to sit on her window hammock and watch the snow flakes. She will get to play with my wife's Christmas ornaments and stare at the flames of my Hannukah menorah. She will have another summer with us. She'll get to spend days out on the catio watching the birds in the back yard and snoring in the sun.



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
That is a wonderful story and I am so happy that you received such a good outcome on the recheck. It is so kind of you to adopt an older breeding mom who might not have had the best care or lived a good life.

Having rescued older animals, a 12 year old lab my oldest, I do believe that animals are much more zen than we are and that they live in the present for the most part. Mousse is probably enjoying her new life so much, despite the rocky start, that she has no intention of looking back.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Brilliant news for you and your girl. This story brought tears to my eyes I was so glad she's improved. Mousse is a very lucky lady finding you to give a cat with her problems a forever home. :rock: she's beautiful.
What wonderful news! I'm so happy for you and your family! :dancingblackcat: :purr::dancingblackcat::purr::dancingblackcat:

Just one word of caution: Cats have no idea where their tails are until the tail gets stepped on or something. I have seen a long-haired cat, like your Mousse, catch her tail on fire walking past a candle, and I've never lit a candle around cats since. Please make sure that Mousse can't get too close to your menorah. (Note: I got to the cat and smothered the fire with my hands before it hit skin - she never knew, and the house didn't burn down, but only because I saw it happen and reacted quickly.)


She's a witch

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Europe/WA, USA
What wonderful news! I'm so happy for you and your family! :dancingblackcat: :purr::dancingblackcat::purr::dancingblackcat:

Just one word of caution: Cats have no idea where their tails are until the tail gets stepped on or something. I have seen a long-haired cat, like your Mousse, catch her tail on fire walking past a candle, and I've never lit a candle around cats since. Please make sure that Mousse can't get too close to your menorah. (Note: I got to the cat and smothered the fire with my hands before it hit skin - she never knew, and the house didn't burn down, but only because I saw it happen and reacted quickly.)

And my kitten burnt her whiskers by sticking her head too close to a candle...
Also, candle smoke can affect cats’ respiratory track, they are much smaller than we are after all, although I may be over worried about this as my cat has asthma. Nevertheless I wouldn’t risk having her by the candle smoke to avoid any more issues.

Glad she’s doing better!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Wowowow this is so great! My longhaired boy has HCM too and we found out when he had an episode of failure
Last cardiologist check was in September &
He was also pleased with how he was doing! Its now mild-moderate thickening vs severe thickening as we had heard before!!!!
Hes on almost all the same meds as Mousse
I hope I have more time with him


Slave in a cat house
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
Yay! This happened with our little guy Schrödinger! He had very severe HCM as a kitten and we weren't sure what the outcome would be. We had him on atenolol and a blood thinner for a very long time, and eventually, he got to where he no longer needed the medicine any more. His heart went back to normal, and he is now over 14 years old. We are so happy for your great news, and sending furry purrs and sandpaper kisses to Mousse! :happycat: