Domestic Neutered Male Cat Killed Kitten :(


TCS Member
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Apr 7, 2019
Hello everyone. About two months ago I adopted a male cat that my Kids found in our doorstep. We love him dearly. About a month later we adopted another stray cat, this time a female, and soon we learned that she was pregnant (not by my cat, she was already pregnant when we got her). I neutered my male so he wouldn’t hurt the kittens, that was about 2 or 2.5 weeks ago. Four days ago the queen delivered four beautiful babies (one still born). I kept the male away all the time, but today I had to go out and my dear husband let the door open to the kittens room ☹ . When I got home, the male was near the kittens and the female was somewhere else in the house, so I took him and let her in with her kittens, but honestly I didn't think he had done anything since he is a very mellow cat. A few minutes later my son came in running and told me that one of the kittens was still… :( He or she was dead. He had several bites on his neck and shoulders, I tried to revive him but I couldn’t… How is this possible? I’ve read and read different sites and it says that domestic cats, neutered cats don´t attack kittens. I don’t understand. My heart is broken.
Also, he hurt another one, on the shoulder and neck. I took her to the vet, she seems to be fine, but she won’t nurse, so I have to feed her every one or two hours. I would like to confirm the quantities that I have to feed her, would you advice on that? She weights 120 grams. I’m terrified, I don’t want her to die. I left her with her mom and her little sister/brother, I hope this feeding thing doesn’t go for long and she can breastfeed again soon.
Thanks for reading


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Are the adult cats good friends? Toms usually dont attack kittens from a queen they are friends with... While toms new to the queen or the area are a wellknown real danger.

Apparently here happened one of the few exceptions... Yes, that is why we always recommend to let the first meetings be superwised, even if we think the meeting and presence will be problemfree.
Why, quite a few toms are co-parenting, even if not biological fathers. IF they are friends with momma. For neutered males its even fairly common.

Neutering 2-2,5 weeks ago isnt enough long time to be sure all the male hormones and instincts had disapperared. It may be enough on a friendly stud or tom - we can see difference in behavior already in one week with such a friendly stud. But a dominant, territorial tom it may take waay longer... Observe, such dominant tom may often be human friendly, even cuddly but beating up resident cats...

See it as a tragic accident - such as happens even in the best of families...

OK, the dosage:
8 ml / oz or 30ml, a day. Thus with 120 grammes, gives 32-35 ml a day, every other hour gives 2,5-3 ml each time.
If she wants more, its ok to give somewhat more, no problem.

If she is very weak, you may need to go down to every hour but just a little each time.
KMR in powder or goats milk.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Aw, so sad :(. Sorry for your loss.

Some non-mother cats don't recognize the kittens as kittens, and think they're mice or something. Also, yeah, he hasn't been neutered long enough for all the hormones to leave his body so it may be instinct for him to get rid of any other male's offspring.

It's generally best not to let any adult cats other than the mother be around baby kittens for at least the first month or so (some exceptions may be made if another cat is very close to the mother, but they still have to be watched at first).
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TCS Member
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Apr 7, 2019
Thank you, both. Indeed, it was a terrible accident :(

I'm really worried about the Little kitten that he also bite, she is alive but doesn't move, doesn't hold her head... Yesterday I gave her milk every hour, in the night every two - three hours. But she doesn't seem to be getting any better. I Will take her again to the vet today, but I would like to know what you think, should I separate her from her mother to try to feed her better? I left her there so she could feel her warm and try to nurse. I also tried to put her to the nipple and she bites it but then lets it go because she’s too weak.

Also, I can see the mother’s teats very swollen, I am worried that she gets obstructed ducts, what can I do? She is very sweet even though we’ve known each other for over three weeks

Thank you



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:welcomesign: Welcome to TCS! Condolences on losing the little baby to attack - it sounds like maybe the adult male still had his tom hormones in play; it can take a month for some, with other boys it is just a matter of days before they revert to their big-kittenhood. It is especially tragic for the children to have discovered that - it has been over 50 years since my sister's cat Patches had her kittens killed by a tomcat and I still recall us kids crying about it. Please tell them that I feel real sorry for you all going through that.
How is the little girl kitten doing? If she is cold and lethargic, I would put her on a heated rice-or-cornmeal sock or a heated pet pad(make sure she can crawl away) prior to feeding. To keep her strength up, I would rub white Karo corn syrup on her gums and then give her tiny amounts of warmed pedialyte (dilute with water 50/50) every 5-15 minutes, depending on how well she perks up and stays alert.
However this pans out, it is a learning experience for both you and the children and what you learn now will be useful later! My prayers and vibes go out to you all :vibes::vibes::cheerleader::heartshape::grouphug2:

Please keep us updated!! :sunshine:
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TCS Member
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Apr 7, 2019
… It is especially tragic for the children to have discovered that - it has been over 50 years since my sister's cat Patches had her kittens killed by a tomcat and I still recall us kids crying about it. Please tell them that I feel real sorry for you all going through that.
... My prayers and vibes go out to you all :vibes::vibes::cheerleader::heartshape::grouphug2:

Please keep us updated!! :sunshine:

I know, my poor son was very upset :( . Thanks for your words…

The Little kitten died less than 24 hours later of the attack ☹

We are a little traumatized I guess but taking super extra care of the remaining little kitten. He is a little over two weeks old now, and I would like to know what steps can I take to socialize him with my tomcat…. Little by little , supervised and with extra care I know… He was neutered on March 22, so its almost a month now. I am planning to wait until the little kitten is 3 weeks old to hold him and let the male start sniffing on him.

What would you recommend?

Thanks in advance!!

Tania – Little kitten Granma (his name is Rocket and I am almost sure he’s a male)
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TCS Member
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Apr 7, 2019
Sorry for the misspells!!

We want to keep lilttle Rocket too, so that's why is so important for me to help them get along well and begin to lessen the risk for the kitten...


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am sorry that you had to experience this. Years ago my favorite all time male cat who was neutered attempted to kill a litter that he had fathered. Oddly, another male stray that I never saw before or after was with him. I literally made it to the garage where the kittens were in the nick of time and swooped them up and shooed him off. (He later became an indoor only cat, feral mom was spayed, kittens all got homes.) I would go very slowly with the intro and possibly not push the April 22 date too closely. As for my male, as years went on, lots of kittens were rescued and brought inside and he was never the least bit aggressive again.
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TCS Member
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Apr 7, 2019
Thank you! I'm glad you were able to sabe the kittens!! So strange that he was with another male to try to kill them, right? As if the other one had convinced him or something :S

I've been reading a couple of articles on this subject, only they refer to older kittens that don't have their moms with them. So, I Will start this week by placing some cloths left with the kitten all around the house, to help the male get familiar with the odor. Then, they recommend start placing the kitten in different rooms with a closed door so that they can start smelling at each other. Then put the kitten in a crate or behind a safety gate so they can see each other safely, and give them something yummie to eat at the same time. I realize this is going to take several months.

My mayor doubt right now is… what about the mom? I imagine she must not be part of all this integrating Project because she might get violent with the male in order to defend her kitten? So I think she must be in another room when I try all this stuff?

Wish me luck…


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
You will need to go at the pace mom is comfortable with so as not to stress her. A lot of moms become more comfortable with other interaction once the kittens are more mobile, around 3-4 weeks. Wait until she seems a bit more calm. Her kitten will smell like the other cat if they interact, and you do not want to jeopardize the mom/baby relationship. Introductions can happen later, and once the kitten can hold its own.

You can go ahead and make a spay appointment for mom for when the kitten is 2 months old. Spaying and lack of hormones will help your adult cats to bond better as well.