Marmalade Needs A Forever Home.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2019
Hey all,

I am having cat problems. Marmalade is a very nice female cat. She never grew up and stays a kitten. I've tried training and learning about cats... I just can't get anything across Marmelade. She knows the meaning of words... "No" or "Bad". I feel like a retarded pet owner. She was put in advanced high end training Vet. Colleges, however Marmelade still fails to understand. The vet. said she has Cognitive Deficits. Recently, Marmelade made small progress and is able to understand a little. "How ya doin?" She says, "Meow."

My biggest problem with her is I can't breed her. I've tried introducing her to males, but she is afraid and the males treat her as trash. She gets clawed, beaten, scratched, and hurt. She is so afraid, she hides under the blankets away from visitors. She is extremely well behaved, however Marmelade is hurting to, she lives in Waltham, MA. I need to find a nice upper class forever home so she can be happy.

Can anyone help?


RIP </3
Super Cat
Dec 27, 2018
Hi, there are quite a few things to consider for which I will post about once we see the answers to (not enough info currently):

-did you go to a cat-only vet?
-is she a purebreed? Is that why you are trying to breed her? If so, what breed?


RIP </3
Super Cat
Dec 27, 2018
If anyone treated me the way those males are treating her, I'd hide too. This hardly seems normal male cat behavior.
Good point... what’s going on here? Are these reputable breeders you are talking with that know what they are doing?

Marmalade could also have some kind of underlying health issues they are picking up on.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
SIGH...if she is purebred, and was obtained for breeding purposes, and if you are very attached to her, you could attempt insemination, although there is little information on its success in cats, and if she does, indeed, have cognetive issues, she might not be able to mother her kittens properly. Is there a chance you could spay her, keep her as a pet, and find another, more suitable female for breeding? I hate to see her torn out of a home she loves and is comfortable in.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Your vet has diagnosed 'Cognitive Deficits' based on your cat's inability to understand commands? That is very strange.

It's important to know that TCS is a pro spay and neuter website, and so you will meet resistance to breeding with Marmalade. And I'm not sure why you want to breed with her and yet also rehome her?

Please get this girl spayed. It will help her a great deal as she won't be going on heat all the time.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Can't be of much help, other than to say, please find a new home for Marmalade and if nothing else, find a no-kill shelter for her - who hopefully will find a good home for her.

She is actually one smart cat, and isn't cut out for what you wanted her for. Here are some shelters you might want to contact:


RIP </3
Super Cat
Dec 27, 2018
I would personally take them in too... I don’t care about any kind of special needs (bar I can afford them), breed (or lack thereof) or anything.

I am located in Ontario, Canada though. And although I was willing to go to Quebec city the other day to get Chanelle. Going across the border to the States and bringing a cat back is a whole different level. Pretty sure I would need health check papers for Marmalade and such. I know some people adopt cats/dogs from war torn countries, so it does happen.

Also this doesn’t seem that urgent? With Chanelle the crazy lady was willing to kill Chanelle if no one took her by today... in your case it’s just putting off breeding? Or are there other cats and such? Do you run a cattery? Not enough info...

She's a witch

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Europe/WA, USA
Hey all,

I am having cat problems. Marmalade is a very nice female cat. She never grew up and stays a kitten. I've tried training and learning about cats... I just can't get anything across Marmelade. She knows the meaning of words... "No" or "Bad". I feel like a retarded pet owner. She was put in advanced high end training Vet. Colleges, however Marmelade still fails to understand. The vet. said she has Cognitive Deficits. Recently, Marmelade made small progress and is able to understand a little. "How ya doin?" She says, "Meow."

My biggest problem with her is I can't breed her. I've tried introducing her to males, but she is afraid and the males treat her as trash. She gets clawed, beaten, scratched, and hurt. She is so afraid, she hides under the blankets away from visitors. She is extremely well behaved, however Marmelade is hurting to, she lives in Waltham, MA. I need to find a nice upper class forever home so she can be happy.

Can anyone help?
Why would you breed a cat that you say has cognitive issues? Are you even a breeder? If so, is this normal for you to breed cats with possible development issues? Aren’t you afraid that her kittens might have the same problem?
If she is - as you say- still a kitten, is she even in heat when you introduce her to the tomcats?
What does “a nice upper class forever home” mean for you, what exactly do you look for in possible adopters?

Please do not give her away before spaying her.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2019
I love Marmelade and don't want to take her outta America. She is an Orange and White American Mix.

It is not urgent and I've given up on breeding her. She was given free Vet. care at Harvard downtown Boston. They held her several months for safe keeping and observation. They said she is like a 7 day old kitten. She isn't pure breed because my ex-roomate decided to breed cats without health regard.

Due to a Seizure, my family wants to visit in May at graduation. They might take me back into Texas to care. Marmalade has anxiety and stress, it takes a lot outta me.

I am not sure, however her ancestory is from Oregon.

I posted pictures of her on my Facebook page:
Nellie Travis


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
She was given free Vet. care at Harvard downtown Boston.
Harvard as in Harvard University? Harvard doesn't own any vet hospital or are affiliated with the veterinary community in any way. Where downtown was your cat given free vet care? The Animal Rescue League?

She was put in advanced high end training Vet. Colleges
What behavior training classes at a vet college (Tufts?) did you take your cat to? Cats can't be trained the same way as dogs.

If you are not willing to care for the cat simply because she will not breed (which, as mentioned by others, is not a good idea), please give her up to a shelter. Someone already posted the link to The Cat Connection which is local to you.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi M Marmelade

Going by the pictures I'd say your cat is a domestic short hair. She isn't any particular breed, just a pretty ginger and white girl.

She looks pretty smart too. Training a cat to use a toilet is quite impressive!

I suggest you get her spayed ASAP. Cats stand a much better chance of being adopted if they are spayed. They will have less behaviour and health issues. What's more you won't have to worry about your girl being subjected to any more traumatic attempts to mate or giving birth to kittens that end up being euthanized.

Is there no way you keep her? Couldn't you take her home with you to Texas? She'll be a lot less stressed out once she's away from your roommate's male cats.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2019
My family already owns 2 cats. I am not only getting rid of her because she cant breed. There literally no space if I go back. The shelter may be need to here. I have no intentions on having kittens now.

It musta been like Tufts, I can't remember. I'm sure I can find info. on her somewhere.

She has been trained to use toilets and not scratch furniture. She loves posts and sleeping in sunny areas.

I am having the give her away because a shelter sounds terrible. I'm afraid they'd feed her milk and u know some cats are lactose intolerant.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
Hi M Marmelade (Hi Nellie!)-- :wave3:

Thank you for wanting to find a new good home for your kitty! Thank you for showing us your Facebook page, it was really helpful! You do some great work for people, and I can see you love cats!

If you think your family will visit in a few months and you might go back with them to Texas, maybe that means we have a little time to try to help you find a great home for your kitty, Marmelade. There may be a sanctuary or shelter I am thinking of I could try contacting, and make them aware of your situation. I haven't written to them before but maybe there is a way they can help find a happy, longterm safe home for Marmelade if you do move away from the Boston/ Waltham area. They love special kitties! They will care a great deal about her welfare, too, like you.

You write about how Marmelade is afraid and hurting, and stressed, and it does sound like she is going through some scary times! She sounds like a wonderful, unique cat and maybe this place I am thinking of that could help will know more about what to do for your kitty.

The other thing, too, is you mentioned good people at might be able to help you find Marmelade a new home, too. Do you have a contact person from there that might want to do this? Maybe even that person at could contact the cat sanctuary I am thinking of, too -- the sanctuary is in a city near Boston, very close to you.

So I have a couple of questions, just more about Marmelade...

How many years old is Marmelade?

When was her last check-up at a vet, just for a health check-up?

Did any vets talk with you about the thought of getting her spayed, so that her body and moods would go through a lot less stress? I think it would be a good idea to get her in for vet care and getting spayed very soon, if it can be arranged.

How old was she when she saw those vets that said she had Cognitive Deficits, and where did that happen?

You mentioned her history is from Oregon -- so I was looking at the front page of your Facebook page (that link you gave us) and I see that you were in Oregon at school in the Spring of 2012 -- did you get your Marmelade at that time? Was it there in Oregon that you had the ex-roommate that you said bred cats without any regard for health, or was that roommate in Massachusetts? (I'm just trying to find out how old she is.... could she be 5-6 years old? Or is she younger?)

If she comes from a litter where an ex-roommate was breeding cats without considering a lot of health or mind issues that can occur in those cases, Marmelade could be struggling with sort of delayed development in some ways for sure, if the inbreeding somehow made that happen. Is that what you and her vets are thinking, for Marmelade's case?

Well, while I wait for you to visit TheCatSite again, I think I might try to send an email or two to that shelter I was thinking of. I will try to get back to you!

I am sorry my post is so long, I hope I was able to make sense!
