Am I Being Ripped Off By My Vet?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 25, 2018
So this is becoming a huge issue and it is financially killing me.

I bought home a new kitten months ago. The pet store I got him from told me he had a GI Tract Virus about a month before I got him but he was cured and all of his shots and vaccinations were performed before they sent him home to me.

Well a few weeks later this kitten starts vomitting alot and wouldnt eat. I took him into the vet and after the initial exam they told me he seemed okay and gave him an anti nauseating shot.

A month later, the same thing happens, this time worse ... he yowled all day and was vomitting alot... He also has a very fowl breath odor that can be smelled from across the room.I took them in. The vet does bloodwork on the kitten and injects him with fluid and even does a fecal exam and since then I havent had any issue with the kitten but they still couldnt find any issue with the kitten.

A month later...

His breath is absolutely awful and unbearable, also now my adult cat ALSO has a fowl breath which he never had before. My adult cat is also coughing atleast 5 times a week where he is hacking and hacking but nothing comes out for no apparent reason. Now Im concerned for them both.

I took them to the vet...

...The vet points out that my kitten has a huge underbite and his lower teeth are going into the roof of his mouth puncturing his mouth which they suspect is the cause of the smell and that my older cat needs a dental cleaning..They said they would need X-Rays to determine if there's anything in his lungs. The X-Rays will cost around $350. Making the total vet visit about $650 with two cats...couldn't afford that so I declined... ...up to this point everything seems fairly legit...

A month later....

My older cat stopped eating altogether and became very hostile to both me, and my other two cats. He refused to eat for two days and looked to be in pain as well. Took him to the vet. They did bloodwork which came out good, and urinal which came out good. Also, this time I approved the X-Rays. Here is where things start to feel balogne.

Midway through the day they called me up and told me they couldnt get my cat to sit still long enough for the X-Rays and they were trying to get them but only got bad shots and one decent shot of his stomach. So they still dont know whats going on with his lungs, and also they found something in his stomach that concerns them and they want me to bring him back tomorrow for another X-Ray after giving him some tranquilizers... Not only did I have to pay $500 for the exam (even after an exam which was done not even a full month ago by the same vet) and X-Rays and not have any idea as to whats wrong with my cat, but they also want me to pay another $350 tomorrow for another set of X-Rays.

Wouldnt any reputable vet know an animal is not going to just sit still and let you take X-Rays of them? Why am I needing to pay for another set of X-Rays a day later?

I'm just tired of paying for exams and not having any idea as to whats wrong with my cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I know it can be very expensive when they are sick, just like it is with us. I dont think most vets would run up a bill, but if you do not trust your vet can you find a different one?

I dont know about the stomach of the one, i would say it may need the x ray with tranquilizer. your vet may cut you a deal since they could not get a good one the first time?

a reputable vet will take x-rays with dental work. And it sounds like your guys need this. especially the kitten, that sounds like he needs teeth removed. Vet should be able to clean the other cats teeth, without xrays, unless he needs some removed as well?


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Find another vet (hopefully one that comes recommended from a friend or family member), and get a second opinion. It all may be legit, but seems like it is dragging on too long. Had a thorough exam been done the first time, you would likely have had a lot more information - and possibly a solution - before multiple visits and obviously a delay of diagnoses, allowing the issues to get worse before being treated. Yes, it means more expense initially, but it could likely result in being less expensive in the long haul.

I also think that there should have been a discount offered for second x-rays because the vet and their technicians should know how to handle a cat to get better results on the first try. Part of not doing so IS their fault. Sure, there are cats that can make x-ray taking very difficult - but, not impossible. My vet's office has the option to look at each x-ray as it is being taken to ensure they are being successful - they only do this, of course, in cases where the cat is being more difficult. And, if that should occur, they would most certainly contact the owner to see if a small amount of sedation would be approved to continue on with the x-rays.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I agree with others about getting a different vet. While I'm not sure if they are "purposefully" ripping you off, I question how they have handled things so far. Some vets just aren't that great when it comes to cats.
I might be biased though, as I have dealt with a vet, who in my opinion, was clueless about cats and kept ringing up our bill when we had problems with one of our cats. I never went back after that ordeal, and now have a wonderful vet who goes the extra mile and is very knowledgeable about cats. She's never charged me for a "failed" appointment (it's happened to me before too where my cat decided not to cooperate) or even charge an exam fee if I'm returning for an update, I only pay for the additional testing that needs to be done.

You'll have to pay all over again for the testing, but it will probably be better in the long run, having a vet you can trust in the future.
Again, just my opinion.
Good luck with your kitty, and I hope all ends well soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
Wouldnt any reputable vet know an animal is not going to just sit still and let you take X-Rays of them? Why am I needing to pay for another set of X-Rays a day later?
I have taken many xrays on dogs and cats that come out fine even if they aren't cooperating, but there are some pets that just need to be sedated for it. Sounds like the case with your pet. I don't think you should be paying for the xrays they messed up but you should pay for sedation of your cat and the xrays actually taken.

The teeth growing into the gums is SERIOUS so this needs dealt with asap. Has this been left untreated for the past month since they discovered it?? Especially with the bad breath you know infection is already present. Take care of this!

The older cat who needs a dental I would normally say is last priority, but since he stopped eating and his attitude changed I am alarmed. The lungs and coughing could be asthma which can turn into pneumonia if left untreated. Xrays are important here to see how the lungs look. Maybe consider switching to a non-clay or dust free cat litter, don't smoke in the house, don't burn candles or use air freshners inside in the meantime.

At this point I would want to know about the alarming thing in the older cats stomach and address the younger kittens mouth. Those are priority. Ask the vet what they think they saw in the stomach. Ask lots of questions if anything doesn't make sense. Good luck!

*PS I edited this heavily after I posted it as I realized I misread something. So if anyone read it before and was confused, that's what happened.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 21, 2018
I am, probably, one of the most untrusting souls alive. I've been mega-cheated by my pets' vets and my own doctors & dentists. I suggest getting another vet for nothing less than a second opinion. (And, I would tell the second vet what the first said until he's done his own exam, if at all.) Is this vet still paying off his education loans? He could see you as an easy mark.

I agree with those, above, that said he should have been able to get a good set of x-rays and you shouldn't have to pay for their errors or incompetence.

Oh, gee... I'm embarrassed to express my distrust in these service professionals. So sorry. :(

I truly wish you the best -- and a satisfactory outcome.

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Bad breath? First thing I think of is periodontal disease; essentially bad teeth & infection. I am amazed that your vet didn't thoroughly examine the teeth during that first visit. Periodontal disease can be very dangerous if left untreated; the infection can travel through the blood to the heart and cause major problems.

I agree that you might have to pay a little extra for tranq to take xrays, but your vet should have done that the first time around, not stick you for a full extra round of pics.

I would definitely look into a second opinion. This vet seems to be a bit fast & loose for my comfort.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 25, 2018
So basically, I did go back to the same vet, and yes I did have to pay for the X-Rays again, although they knocked $100 off, they told me my older cats stomach seems okay but he may (they can't confirm) have asthma. They gave me a inhaler for that.

In short, I've spent about $900 at this vet last weekend just to get this diagnosis and used my credit cards for most of it which Im currently paying back.
I'm never going back there again.

Issue is, I'm maxed out right now and facing a boatload of unexpected expenses and don't have the finances to get my cats dental work done. They referred me to another vet who wants to do another exam and then cut (not pull, but cut) and cap the problem teeth.

I also have a major surgery for myself scheduled in December and all my finances are allocated to that so I can't realistically forsee myself being able to fix my kittens mouth before January.

Not really sure what to do.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Keep looking for another vet. There is an entire new group that wants to do root canals and caps for dogs, and now, apparently cats.
I'm guessing you live in a large city. I went to several vets in the large city where I lived and they all wanted to send me to the specialist who would do the root canel and the cap, despite me saying I couldn't afford my own cap. (One of these was the vet I'd been going to for 20+ years, okay, his kid who'd taken over the practice.) None cared when I pointed out that sometimes a root canal goes wrong and leave you in huge pain. They said the dog wouldn't really care.

Once I got outside the big city I found vets were WTF, we don't mess with that, we extract the tooth. Better to lose the broken tooth than to be left in pain with no way to get help.

I later discovered if you went to a vet not in the snot side of town you didn't get pushed to root canals and caps.