The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
Talk about a solo! I love both those songs. I think Black Betty has a pretty good fast solo (and is probably top 10 for dorkiest music videos ever:)

However, one of my all-time favorite live guitar solos (since recorded ones are another thing altogether,) is Prince doing Purple Rain at the 2007 super bowl halftime show. It actually started raining on him! Apparently, the powers that be kept trying to get him to life to a side stage, where it was safe, and he was like "Nah. I'm prince. I got this."

Aside from Prince being an amazing guitarist, he made the best of the weather (very PAWsitive, indeed,) and turned even an over-produced spectacle like the halftime show into something magical.

Although I'm a mediocre (read: rhythm) guitarist at best, my husband is a luthier and quite good at playing, too. So, I've been around enough musicians and enough arguments about what's the best guitar solo ever to know that there are many valid opinions on the topic. Does anyone else have a favorite guitar solo? One that makes your toes tap, curl, stomp or slide, and which just can't help but make you feel PAWSITIVE when you hear it?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --No, I don't know who Dusty Springfield is. Cute lyrics- "spooky little boy like you." I like it. I recognize the Dire Straits song though, love it.

You had me up and outta my chair
I knew it! You don't fool me. You were dancing around the room weren't you?

tinydestroyer tinydestroyer --Great pic. Hand holding with your cat, what could be better? Wish mine would do that...Like I said above, loved the Dusty song.

Positive: Since we're talking about Prince, I'll share my all-time favorite song of his, it's called 7 (Seven). He went to the same church as me & I guess it's about some of the Bible teachings.

7 by Prince


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
So, I've been around enough musicians and enough arguments about what's the best guitar solo ever to know that there are many valid opinions on the topic. Does anyone else have a favorite guitar solo? One that makes your toes tap, curl, stomp or slide, and which just can't help but make you feel PAWSITIVE when you hear it?
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer - Favourite is easy. July of 1967. My Cousin LOVED The Monkees and no sane person would go with her to see them. Her Parents and mine railroaded me into accompanying her to see them in Buffalo, July 20th. The stinking Monkees of all things. When the time came, they were dreadful - truly dreadful. The opening act - as usual - was a guy no one had ever heard of. Late at night, when it's quiet, sometimes I can still hear that solo in the middle of Purple Haze

No haze here tonight; the sky is gloriously clear, with an absolute blaze of stars spread across the whole of the Heavens. Looks a little like a night in July of '67 in fact....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Shane Kent Shane Kent - You were a few degrees cooler overnight; it dropped to 34º F last night, with some brisk winds, and what might have been a brief period of sleet, but no snow. The weather did pull down a lot of leaves, however, and I'll be all day up on the ladder gluing them back on the trees since I'm just not ready for Winter yet!

View attachment 257783

Maybe the world isn't quite as bad as we all think it is. Here's a short article from this morning's Battle Creek Enquirer about a pizza parlour and a lo-o-o-o-o-ong-distance delivery:

Steve's Pizza doesn't deliver, but it did for a cancer patient in Indianapolis
Thank you 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine for sharing the story of how Steve's Pizza went the distance to help someone going through difficult times. It's stories like these that get me thinking - could there be something I could do today to make the load lighter for another? What an awesome story this was, thanks for posting!:rock:

Also pawsitive - the little things and one of those little things which is giving me a chuckle now is listening to Speedy in the kitchen crunching on a midnite snack, mind you, after being in a deep sleep for the last hour! I'm chuckling because I know she will head back to sleep in just a few moments! Cats need their nutrition for naps I imagine!:sleepycat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Well I am here and smiling so that is a positive ,even though I am way behind on reading posts! I’ve been playing catch up at home with lots of positive work. I am recovering well from dental work and a slight bump with lots of comfort from great kitties! Nothing snuggles better! A huge flock of birds migrated through today and kept the cats happily amused with their antics. I love the sound. The air is slightly cooler and there are less mosquitos so that is a very positive note. A new refrigerator arrived this morning so I can restock the kitty treats! My last ,quick positive for tonight is the best. The last kitten from a feral named Flowers got adopted today. Poppy was the smallest kitten in the litter and the last to leave me but she found her family today.

I caught a couple of pretty silhouettes against a gorgeous blue sky. Have a great night everyone.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Pawsitive: it's quite nearly sixty degrees here under bright blue skies - at the end of the third week of October.

Very pawsitive: marking the thirty-first anniversary of Black Monday, the Dow is currently up nearly 170 points this morning.

Extremely pawsitive: there are ten cats at the open windows right now, and White Tip is asleep beside me.

Happy seventy-third birthday to Jeanne C. Riley. 1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 - I just know that you want the guitarist's sport jacket.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
neely neely --Enjoy your visit with your sister & brother-in-law, that sounds like fun.

Jcatbird Jcatbird --Great news about the adoptions. Hope everything goes okay with the dental work. You know about my love/hate relationships with dentists.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Harper Valley PTA is one of my favorite songs. :)

Positive funny story: There was a pair of pants (not mine) hanging in the hallway. I walked by just in time to see Demi running, jumping, claws out, joyfully swinging from this pair of pants. Somebody (not me) is gonna be walking around with a hole in the seat of their pants. :lol:

Here's one of my favorite one hit wonders, I actually saw them in concert.
Everything You Want by Vertical Horizon


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Jcatbird Jcatbird YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May she have a long, happy, healthy, safe, Loved life!
Enjoying everyone's PAWSitive posts.
I'm not familiar with most of the artists in the music videos, but as far as guitarists go, here is THE GREATEST guitarist in history, accompanied by other great guitarists and singers including THE GREATEST Roma singer in France in his time. They are all family.:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
Got a really positive experience with Dr. Elsey's Customer Service a few minutes ago. Screwed up my order, called CS, and of all things, talked to the person who sent me the samples! And, Wah-Lah! What problem? All's taken cared of! ... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Great song, with a vid by Man of Water taken at The Wedge Newport Beach, CA;

Just for Grins, here's another vid by Man of Water, at The Wedge;

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background

1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 --You're not that old either. I'm not even sure if my dad is old, he's in the other room blasting ACDC. How does he go from listening to George Jones to ACDC in the same hour? :headscratch:

Haha that's funny to read! Guess I am the same..I have tons of different types of music on this computer..from 1970s rock, country to modern pop and rock songs..I could jam out to ACDC then listen to the Judds or Nine Inch Nails the next minute..Alice in Chains is another good rock band I don't mind...but then I would play some old country songs from Alabama or Dan Seals...

A positive-your story Maggie sounds like my dad, He too loves The Who then he would be singing along to Garth Brooks..his favorite song is Thunder Rolls. and He only likes the original version that they didn't play on the radio...

Now for some fun music,

I just love me some Kenny Chesney!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Now for some fun music,

I just love me some Kenny Chesney!

foxxycat foxxycat - Now that's pawsitive! I'll see your Kenny Chesney and raise you a Jason Aldean:

We're having one of those fabled October days here, with the woods alive with colour, and the sunlight streaming down through the branches. If you're inside, you're missing out!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Hey, foxxycat foxxycat and 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine : If it ain't CAT, it ain't...much. It's been said, "As goes Caterpillar, so goes the nation" and IDK about that, but I think it can't be far wrong. It's PAWSitive for me, anyway.:yess:View attachment 257950
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Hilarious. Oz says:

"I cannots be replaced...


...I is already purrfect!"​

Well, this was my first year with a new all-organic lawn service, and I never expected the place to look this great near the end of October. Anyone who tells you that all-natural fertilisers and spot-weeders are just too expensive, tell 'em it just ain't true! I'm sold now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Aedan was such a big boy, today! He had to have his finger pricked so they could squeeze out some blood to do a CBC and iron test and he didn't cry at all. Then he got his flu shot. He cried a little for that one. And I got my flu shot. John's gonna swing by the health department and get his before work. Our health department is offering it for free right now and us getting ours will help protect Aedan even more.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Natural stuff for growing will outdo any synthetics any day. In my yard only compost and other organic stuff is allowed. Years ago we had this Shellfish compost from a small company in Maine that I absolutely loved. Unfortunately due to excessive Government regulations they had to close their doors, but if one can find shellfish compost I swear it's better than cow manure. The 2nd best is chicken poo. Something about chickens makes things grow huge. We have a guy at work that grows 10 foot tall tomato plants..he won't tell me what the secret is, he won't use I am guessing it's a mixture of the above. The positive is this gentleman harvested his honey this morning from his Bee hives..he's been growing stuff his whole life, moved here from Wisconsin.

Anyways I just wanted to let you know 1catovertheline that there's tons of beneficial bugs and stuff to add to the yard/gardens to combat diseases and low growth rates..

A positive is last Sunday I was digging up stray wild daisy clumps in my yard and moved them to border one long garden I rototilled back in 2007? 2009? Can't remember what year but when I pulled up those clumps- I found many earth worms which means the soil is nice and rich. That's the goal of every gardener...put enough food in the soil and the worms will come. Nothing like a pretty flower to make one happy!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I was so super proud of my girl this morning. I was home a bit longer this morning because we had meetings today, and S was in the middle of the cat tree. Lelia clearly wanted up but when she tried, S swatted at her. So, she nibbled a bit of food, regrouped, and ran up past S to the top bed and settled in. S was not happy and deliberately did a cheek rub to put her scent on the tree and left. Because sometimes they can share, but I guess not today.

I'm glad Lelia is better than her human at sticking up for herself, though. What a good girl.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Pawsitive: it's quite nearly sixty degrees here under bright blue skies - at the end of the third week of October.

Very pawsitive: marking the thirty-first anniversary of Black Monday, the Dow is currently up nearly 170 points this morning.

Extremely pawsitive: there are ten cats at the open windows right now, and White Tip is asleep beside me.

Happy seventy-third birthday to Jeanne C. Riley. 1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 - I just know that you want the guitarist's sport jacket.

Hey man, you got me. I actually own four. They go nice with my pink golf pants. :flail:

I'm pawsitive because last night I had one of those off the wall dreams that woke me up laughing at my own stupidity. I decided to harness the dogs up for a sled ride and yours truly, aka the Biggest Genius You've Ever Met, decided to take the cats along...without carriers, or harnesses. And the entire nightmare sled ride was me hanging onto, grappling at cats threatening to leap off the sled, yelling as I get slapped or scratched or bitten.
If I take one of those online "make yourself smarter" courses and studied hard for 2 or 3 years, I bet I could get my IQ up to zero. :flail:
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