Swanie Is Very Sick - And Might Have Cancer

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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I am devastated. I don't think I'm going to survive this.

It all started over the weekend, he was pooping a lot but just little bits at a time. We took him to the E-Vet and they took XRays of his colon. Said they saw a lot of gas but not much poop in his colon. They also took a blood test. Then he got a URI, so Monday we got an appointment with our regular vet. She checked him extensively (awesome vet!), found a heart murmur. Then she looked at the blood test results from the eVet and saw that his protein was elevated. So she took more bloodwork. Yesterday morning she had some of the results and said it looked like it might be cancer. He needs an ultrasound, but I think she's holding off until we can get him over the URI. Or she might suggest having it and having a feeding tube put in at the same time. She is still evaluating.

He is not eating. They are syringe feeding him, we are taking him in this morning, and again at noon and 5:00. Feeding tube is an option. He is so stuffed up, the antihistamines aren't working, he can't smell his food. I think he also has some nausea because I saw him licking his lips.

I can't stand this, he went from his normal self to this? I love him so much, I just want to sit in a corner and cry. But I have to go to work and carry on like nothing is wrong.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 30, 2018
I have nothing helpful to add, except that I completely understand where you are coming from! My own baby girl is currently in the ER vet for the 3rd time since 9/21 (they actually recognized us the other night before we even got in the door...not a milestone I ever I wanted to reach!) She is the sunshine in my everyday and right now they believe she likely has a brain tumor.

This is the most devastating news I've ever gotten and I don't know how I will keep going without her if we can't get her fixed. And it's really hard because like you (and so many cat parents I'm sure), we have to get up and go to work and soldier on as if nothing is happening. My co-workers here in my office (we are spread across the county) are generally understanding, but literally EVERYONE I work with has kids, and my co-worker who would take over a lot of my admin duties for me to be off... both of his kids are sick right now (high fevers, one had a seizure last week).... so it seems my suffering always has to be on the back burner because humans (and even dogs it seems) trump cats. And maybe if I kids I'd feel the same way...but I don't and it sucks that we have to power through in situations like this instead of be able to process and be where we want to be.

I'm not trying to make this about me, just wanted you to know that someone else completely 100% gets how you are feeling literally at this exact moment and I am SOOO sorry that your kitty is not doing well. It sounds like your vet is very, very thorough and are doing all they can to help, and I hope that they can promptly find you a diagnosis so you guys can figure out what your next steps are!

I am definitely new to all of this intense medical stuff, but why would they have to wait for the URI to clear before they do the ultrasound? Would the images not be conclusive or something? (Sorry if that is a naive question)


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I am so sorry you are going through all of that. But, if you truly trust your vet, go with her recommendations at this point. Keep in mind, it is possible that the heart murmur, URI, and the congestion issues are all contributing to his lack of eating/appetite, which can cause extra gas in his colon. However, these conditions are treatable!

I don't know what the vet saw in the blood test that made her think cancer is a possibility - but, at this stage it is just that: a possibility. I hope that she makes a decision soon about when to get the MRI done.

You and your cat are troopers! Going to the vets 3 times a day is overwhelming, but you both are toughing it out.

Please keep us updated.
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
S sperry01 I am so sorry you and your kitty are going through this. It's both good and bad that the ER people get to know you. We went through this with Cynthia when she had cancer, and they got to know us and her, and they seemed to really like her. Sadly, she has since passed, but we had another 22 months of good quality life with her thanks to the wonderful people at the ER hospital.

Prayers that your baby will live a long and happy life.

As to why they wanted to wait to do the ultrasound, he was just so miserable with the cold/virus that they didn't want to put him through it. Also wanted to wait for all the results to the tests.
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
FeebysOwner FeebysOwner I do trust my vet, she has a 5 star rating and deservedly so. She's done everything in her power to help Swanie, and knows her limits. Which is why my boy is currently in the Emergency Hospital.

The EVet took X-Rays of his colon, and said he had a lot of gas, so we know all of that could be and probably is contributing to his not eating, but he's big and at high risk for that kidney thing, so we can't just keep trying and hope he will feel better enough to eat.

One thing in the blood test was high protein level, so she did an additional test and found something else was very high. I don't remember what she said, but she said it could indicate cancer. We also just found out he does likely have heart disease. I think she said he was at 900 in the test and normal is 100. So he will be seeing a cardiologist today.
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
We took Swanie to the vet this morning so they could give him his medicine and syringe feed him, but he resisted the feeding. The Vet had previously discussed with us the option to have a feeding tube put in, and have the ultrasound done at the same time. She actually gave us a number of scenarios. So today, the tech called her when she couldn't get Swanie to eat, and the vet called the emergency hospital to arrange for him to go today and have whatever done.

We took him over right away, and spoke to the doctor. They are coordinating care for him, which includes a cardiologist check, ultrasound, possibly more blood tests, a consultation with an internist about maybe inserting a feeding tube, and a nutritionist. They've admitted him for at least 24-48 hours and will give him a nutritional IV (and/or possibly try to syringe feed) after they do the tests. It was unbelievably hard to leave him there, but it's best for him. We can visit him tonight, but he is in ISO because of the URI, so we won't be able to be in a room with him or pet him.

Poor Cricket is stressed from all this, she's not eating as much as she usually does, and I couldn't get her to come out from under the bed when we got home. (Update - she just now came flying partway down the stairs, but she's standing there looking all around. Probably looking for Swanie.)
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Mass on his colon, enlarged lymph nodes. They are doing a needle biopsy.
Heart disease that could cause a blood clot to kill him instantly

How am I going to bear this?


TCS Member
Oct 10, 2018
San Francisco, Ca
I'm very curious how your vet could diagnose cancer from a blood test. Mine was only able to guess at cancer from the fluid analysis and a possible mass they felt. I can't offer any advice on his condition as this is the first time my kitty has ever been sick, but I feel the same - I don't know how I can bear it when a week ago he was perfectly fine and things got so bad so fast. I guess this is something every pet owner has to eventually deal with. I hope they find some treatment for your swanie that can make him feel better.
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TCS Member
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I'm very curious how your vet could diagnose cancer from a blood test. Mine was only able to guess at cancer from the fluid analysis and a possible mass they felt. I can't offer any advice on his condition as this is the first time my kitty has ever been sick, but I feel the same - I don't know how I can bear it when a week ago he was perfectly fine and things got so bad so fast. I guess this is something every pet owner has to eventually deal with. I hope they find some treatment for your swanie that can make him feel better.
Same thing with Swanie, he seemed fine until last Friday evening then everything hit.

My vet became concerned when she saw the results of the e-vet blood test that Swanie's protein was high. So she took another blood test and something else came back very high (I don't remember what she said. If she sends us the blood tests, I'll see it). She said she has seen that combination in lymphoma and another cancer, which I can't remember. I had heard before that elevated protein can be a sign of cancer. She didn't diagnose it for sure, we needed an ultra sound for that.

What kind of cancer does your cat have. Our rb kitty Cindy had mast cell. She had surgery and chemo and lived another 22 months before we ultimately lost her. I hope they can find some treatment for your kitty.

We don't know what kind of lymphoma yet, test results for that will be back tomorrow. Then we can see where we go from there.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 30, 2018
Oh my gosh, I am SO SORRY to hear all of that! That is definitely a lot of news to digest in such a short period of time, and my heart hurts for you and Swanie. I really have nothing helpful to offer, but am thinking about you guys and wish you all the best
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TCS Member
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Thank you all for your support. I am waiting for the doctor to call with biopsy report. I have so much anxiety I can hardly breath.

One good thing, they say he ate all the food they gave him last night!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Yay - about eating!! If nothing else, you know he must not feel too bad about being there, or he wouldn't have eaten.

Hoping you will get some more good news from the doctor - soon!


TCS Member
Oct 10, 2018
San Francisco, Ca
I'v heard its always a good sign when they're eating and drinking!

Thanks for the info on protein levels - I think they mentioned something about slightly elevated levels in Novas urinalysis as well. They don't know what kind of cancer, given his very weak condition I don't know if it makes sense to continue with diagnostic testing.

Good luck with the biopsy results!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 30, 2018
How's Swanie doing? Been thinking about you guys and I hope you're both doing better. I know they are running tests and you're waiting on results, but I really just wanted to check in and see how it's all going.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Thank you all for your support. I am waiting for the doctor to call with biopsy report. I have so much anxiety I can hardly breath.

One good thing, they say he ate all the food they gave him last night!
misty8723 misty8723 , any updates? I'm reading this and hoping there's good news.
:redheartpump: Lots of love your way my friend.:rock:
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