Do Cats Visit Us After Death ?


Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
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Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
~ We miss our furry friends after death because they become such a pleasant part of our lives - often better than our human counterparts ! Here is an interesting set of occurrences about cats who come back to visit after death ...

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Very interesting! I love to believe they do want to come back to visit, I know of my own Chrissy's distinctive tabby hairs she so carefully left me, one by one, every morning for weeks after her death, on my vanity, just in the mornings. I kept them all, they are as special as she was.
I will never forget her dramatic way of reassuring us she was OK, when we were crying and looking to the star lit sky for comfort. My husband cried out "are you OK Chrissy, did you make it to a safe place?!" And at that exact moment a shooting star soared sideways across the heavens! I wish I could keep that feeling I had right then, but time has a way of fading special moments no matter how hard you try to hold on. But it will always be a very special, magical time in my life.
I also think some cats are content to "go into the night". They are ready to leave this earth and are whole and happy again. Like my sweet boy, Burt. Some, like my Chrissy, are too dramatic to go quietly. As in life, they are life force that is too strong to go quietly. She was a drama queen in life, and she was one in death.I think my grief kept her tied here because my grief was so strong. I believe she is at rest now, waiting for me to join her. She is still a part of my life and always will be. Believe! There are too many things in this world that can't be explained.
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Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I believe that they do visit us in many forms, especially if they loved living with us. 3 months after Simon passed from stomach cancer we took in Stanley, and a short time after he did at least 11 things that only Simon used to do and none of the other cats did any of them, just things Simon used to do and we were amazed. We talked to Cindy Wenger, an amazing animal communicator and told her about it and she said it was Simon's way of saying that he is still with us, he loved living here and is still here, and after we heard that and vocally acknowledged it by saying "we understand Simon, it's okay, you can live here forever with us" Stanley stopped doing all but 1 or 2 of those things immediately!

I believe it.....


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2017
Syracuse, NY
My Beamer was put down at around 1:00 pm on Jan. 20th. Later that evening, I was in my bedroom and heard his meow coming from the living room. I couldn't believe I heard his meow! I think he stopped by to tell me that he was alright. It was a gift, I think. I felt very relieved after that.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
People think I am crazy, but I share my home with two spirit kitties. They were never mine in life, but they certainly seem to be mine now! So yes, they can come back, and being cats, may stay in a place or with a person that they loved. These two play with Hekitty when she's in the mood for it, and it is very obvious that she is playing with another being, and sleep on my bed. It is the oddest thing to wake up in the middle of the night and feel, not one, but three distinct warm bodies curled up against me.
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Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
To di and bob :
~ I know exactly what you mean . A sudden rain shower and unexpected rainbow ; a bluejay singing outside your door ; a missing item belonging to the one gone turns up for you to discover ; a dead plant that suddenly springs to life .
They do not always appear to us as they were in life - but they appear nonetheless ! :bouquet::rbheart:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Some signs are too subtle for us to pick up on. I have been thinking of Chrissy many times and something strange (which I didn't figure out until later) has happened. I HAVE had rainbows appear when it didn't even rain! (but rain was miles away) You might even get a sudden feeling of peace, or even sadness, that overtakes you. I think that when I think of her she is trying to get through to me. Sometimes I see a little dark tabby sitting in the shadows watching me, it could be her, or a neighbor cat I haven't seen around. It's strange though that the little one only appears rarely, and I never see her out in the open. Who knows, but I DO know there are certain things that don't have an explanation.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
For us it is the appearance of pure white little feathers, placed in spots where you are about to walk or look at something, like they were placed there on purpose so you see them. And also Cardinals, Deb's nana loved them, and my nana used to tell me that everytime she sees a Cardinal she thinks of her, and now we think of them both when we see them. And years ago when we were trying to trap Sabrina so we could bring her inside to live with us and we had to use her babies as "bait" so she would enter into the drop box so we could trap her (which was just HORRIBLE and nerve wracking by the way) we were struggling mightily with it and I looked kind of skyward and said "please Nan, we need help with this", and within seconds a Cardinal appeared on the fence and we trapped her soon after, no doubt in our minds that was help from above!!!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
View attachment 239137
I, like les26, believe that the appearance of small pure white feathers is a sign. These were waiting for me on my lawn last weekend when I walked across one of my darling Whiskas favourite places to sit. I believe they were a gift from him. I lost him March this year.
Absolutely! I looked at that picture magnified and you can look until your eyes pop out there are no dark ones at all, they are white and billowy, just like the ones we would get after my friend passed away, they were pure white "Angel's wings", most definitely a sign that Whiskas is just fine now and happy and he is letting you know he is alright.....


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I'll elaborate about the white feathers; after my friend passed away from bone cancer December 16th 2007 Deb & I were very upset, he coached soccer with me and to see him fall ill so quickly was very tough to see and deal with. A short time later I was sitting alone in church, no one near me, sad and thinking about him and all of a sudden I heard this voice in my head saying "I know you're not used to me talking to you here...and I said "okay...." and twice I heard the words "I'm fine......I'm fine....." and with tears in my eyes I whispered "I'm glad you're fine...." After that we started to get these beautiful billowy pure white feathers, outside, inside the house, Deb would get them on her clothing, one fell from the kitchen cupboard once and I don't know of any birds that live in there lol! One time she was talking to her friend at work, never moved, and her friend said "you have something on your's a white feather", and she would have seen that since she just talked to her for 20 minutes! Another time she was at choir practice in church and a guy said "Deb, wait, there's something on your shoulder" and she said "don't tell me, a white feather" and he said "yes, how'd you know?" and she said "I'm getting them all the time!" lol! My friend used to have fun with her so we knew it was him from the afterlife. I took his Mother to church one Easter and as I walked out the dining room door there one was, and they are usually placed in a spot where you are going to step and you KNOW they weren't there 2 seconds earlier! One time I was getting the water cooler ready on the back porch for soccer and I thought I should invite Pat his mother to come see us play since it was only 1 mile up the road from us, and 3 seconds later there was a white feather on the picnic bench that was not just there. So yes, I believe 1,000% these are signs from someone be it person or pet that they are just fine now, just fine......:)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
Every so often I have dreams about Shady, who has been gone 10 years now. The dreams are not fantastic or strange in any way. Just about me doing ordinary things around the house and Shady is with me and we will have a cuddle on the couch or something. I always consider that as a visit from him.:)
For a few years after his death I would feel him walking around on the bed at night and then snuggling against me. I believe he was comforting me until I was strong enough to make it on my own.
All these years later and I'm still crying my eyes out as I type this. I can tell you that love never ever dies.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 7, 2018
My dog Molly passed away over two years ago. She was fantastic loyal dog that could go for walks without a leash and would follow me every where and never run away. I was heartbroken when I had to put her down. Fast forward to last November and this cat shows up at my townhouse (I lived in a very large complex), she had obviously had a litter of kittens somewhere so we tried to follow her to find them, but never did. She kept coming back. One morning, she was sitting on the hood of my car just staring in my livingroom window. A few days later, I was walking with my step son in the evening so he could ride his bike around the townhouse block.....Gracie as I call her now, followed me the entire six times we went around the block just like Molly would. She just recently gave me 7 healthy baby kittens and she is just as docile and loyal as Molly was. I can tell when she stares at me that she is telling me she loves me. The picture of Molly and me was taken the day before I had to put her down.
Gracie Tired.jpg
Baby Pile up 2.jpg
Gracie and Rocky loves.jpg


My cat is a princess
Adult Cat
Jun 13, 2018
dairy state
I have had some experiences with my past cats after they passed away. The first cat, I swear I heard her scratching on my carpet while I was asleep and I literally jumped up in my bed and woke up from the sound. Then my other cat I swore I felt her jump off of my bed while I was sleeping. I also mysteriously found a couple of pieces of cat food under our old chair and I know it wasn't this recent cat's food because it was a different shape, it was the shape of my past cat's food! It was so weird too because I'm a good housekeeper and swore I had all her old fur and food cleaned up.


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 17, 2018
My beloved kitties Henri and Mon Amie, who I lost to the terrible disease FIP in May 2015, visit me in dreams from time to time. Those dreams are always very emotional for me. I am heartbroken over losing them...the grief never goes away. I still think about them every day. :bawling:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It's almost impossible NOT to feel sad when thinking of loved ones who are gone. After all, they were such a big part of our lives. The emptiness is overwhelming at times......sigh...... but we can't lose sight of the fact that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, with all it's roller coaster of emotions. Keep in mind how much we would have missed, how empty that part of our lives would have been without them in it. And then rejoice for having had the opportunity to have them in our lives and to have loved them.