My Old Cat Envies My New Cat


TCS Member
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Mar 13, 2018
I have this cat of mine (Dutert ) that's been with me for 2 years he's cute, lovely and his hair ins't long like those of persian cats, and its meowing a lot since my mom brought a new cat to our house and i've never seen him acting like this before. I just dont know what to do. I have been searching forums, websites and videos but there seems to be not related to my case. My mom brought the new cat to our house when my old cat was not around. He always has his time hunting or playing outside of the house and sometimes go into the woods. So this new cat (Silver) of mine is a persian cat and with its thick furs we decided to clean the house and rearranged the things in both my room and my parent's room, to remove those dust so that Silver can go underneath the bed without him dirtying his body or fur. My mom change a lot of my room since she decided to let Silver to have my room. My room now is very spacious allowing Silver to play freely. When Dutert arrived (arround 12 Dawn) our rooms are already being changed, specially my room since he always sleeps in my room, he started meowing like crazy, very loud and it's like he envies Silver or I don't know what we was meowing about. So I thought that he was hungry so i gave him his meal 1 fish and a scoop of cat food ( Yeah he eats a lot 3-5 times a day and he is not fat or obese his body is just right ) but after he finished his meal he started meowing like crazy again. I wasn't expecting him to be like that since he knew that we really loved him we treated him like real family. He wanted to leave the house so I locked all of our doors and blocked all the ways that he can climb to so he can get out of the house. I felt sorry for Dutert and was not expecting him to become distant to now. Every time i come home from school he was always there sitting in his favorite chair and would meow a lot asking for his meal. I would cuddle him a lot, but now a lot has changed since the arrival of Silver every time i arrived home from school he's not in his favorite chair and I sometimes would find him outside near our house not lively or lovely as ever, it breaks my heart to see him changed this much, sometimes he's not even outside near our house I don't know where he went maybe into the woods or somewhere else where I'm not able to find him.

I hope that he will not leave the house and won't come back again. If anyone has the same case as mine feel free to share your thoughts on how you'd deal with this kind of problem.

Advance thanks to the ones who will hlep


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TCS Member
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Mar 13, 2018
Hello and welcome to The Cat Site. I'm not sure about jealousy, but it's possible you have to redo the introductions between the 2 cats.

Here are a TCS article that may help:
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction

Also a few on cats and stress:
Is Your Cat Stressed Out?
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats
Thanks, i've tried introducing them a lot of times every time he returns home, he doesn't hate Silver nor Silver did hate Dutert the only things that's lrft for me to try is to find the problem of his stress and a find a possible solution for it. Hopefully Dutert won't leave us and would go to another place. Thanks again