The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Glad you weren't hurt worse!
Finally got the spay voucher for Marcy. Yay! She has an appointment on December 5. They're booked solid 'til then. That way, if she gets a wild hair up her butt and decides to try to sneak out, she won't come back pregnant. Honestly, I don't see her trying to sneak out. She was found on the street and she seems to have no desire to go back. She's never tried to slip out the door. It was raining pretty hard last week and she was sitting in the window looking out at it with a really smug look on her face. It cracked me up. But, better safe than sorry. Then we'll just need to see about getting her shots. And we'll need to call John's aunt to borrow her cat carrier again. We don't have one of our own right now. I don't know where we would put it if we did! We really need a bigger place.
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna make my mom mad. I've decided that when this baby is born, I don't want anyone there but John. It's nothing personal - I just don't want to have a huge audience. But, she'll get offended anyway. So that's gonna be fun. But I'm not changing my mind.
Baby decided to kick hard as heck for an hour again yesterday. This kid is great at causing pain! At least he's strong but he's sure making the end of this pregnancy miserable. And if the size of my belly is anything to go on, he's gonna be a big boy. I think John might have to cut out the doorway to get me out when I go into labor. I can't bend over to tie my own shoes anymore so I can only leave the house when John is here to tie them for me. Haha. I can't figure out where the belly came from. I haven't gained much weight and I can't see anywhere that I've lost it. My wedding ring is a bit loose so I must have lost a few ounces in my fingers.
Quick spay question - I've heard that putting a baby onesie on a cat after spaying keeps her from licking the incision and most cats fit a 0-3 month onesie. Marcy is pretty small - should I get a premie onesie for her?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I've heard that putting a baby onesie on a cat after spaying keeps her from licking the incision and most cats fit a 0-3 month onesie. Marcy is pretty small - should I get a premie onesie for her?
If a onesie is too big, you can use a tube sock. Just cut a hole for the head. You would use the elastic top part of the sock so that it will stay put. Don't bother with the legs, just around the belly.
I'm not putting into words how I've done it in the past. Hopefully you can understand what I'm getting at.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You only get shingles if you've previously had chicken pox, right?
Interesting story: My body seems to want nothing to do with chicken pox. When i was a kid, my mom tried really hard to get me to catch it. This was back when chicken pox parties were still a thing. I never did. While I was married to my ex husband, I had full coverage health insurance since he was a Marine. I was in for a check up and they decided to give me the chicken pox vaccine. Ok, sure. A couple years later, blood tests showed no immunity. So, they vaccinated me again. About 4ish years later, here I am pregnant and the doctor runs the typical blood tests. I'm still showing no immunity. It's like my body just flushes the virus without doing anything with it. It wants nothing whatsoever to do with chicken pox. She's gonna vaccinate me a third time after little man is born, but I doubt it will take. Maybe 3rd time is charm? Haha
So, I'm weird. It's fun, though.
You may just have a natural resistance, which doesn't always show up in titers. I was vaccinated FIVE TIMES for polio, and not one of them ever took. The pediatrician finally told Mom that I must have a natural immunity.

I think this child is going to kill me.
Just wait, my darling...just wait! It's a wonder that any of us survive motherhood. It's the biggest, most complex OTJ training program in the world. The hours suck, the pay is way, WAY too low, but OH THE PERKS are incredible.

Marcy is pretty small - should I get a premie onesie for her?
Get one of each, the cheapest you can find, at Wallyworld or a thrift shop, and let her try them on now. Then you'll know for sure.

Chilly and rainy here again today. When I went out last night to bring in the ferals' supper dishes, both of the kittens were snugged down in the Secret Feral Shelter. Mama might have been in with them, but they're the ones who poked their noses out.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
hope your heartburn goes away..what a pain in the butt.

Well I have my first injury:argh:...trying to be a smart :censored: and stay on the white line on bike and the pavement drops off like 5" and of course tire went along side it and I had to stabilize myself=out comes left ankle and catch myself-get back on and keep's a tad sore right now so ice and bandage and advil..It will be fine..I just think it's funny how I hopped off my bike just like I trained myself to do many years ago. Here's to no knee scraps. It's a very slow country road and not much traffic. I stay off busy roads. Too many morons texting and driving or smoking weed and texting...:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:

I honestly had no pain peddling back-I was 13 minutes into my's about 31 minutes for now what a moron I am. And got a text from Jon-no cat food-there was some-got to get some kibble at tractor supply after work. and a quick stop at drug store. Can I go home? Please??!!:frown::frown::frown:
Oh NO!!! Take care of yourself when you are Peddling!! We need you!! OUCH!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I feel like an afternoon nap but where am I supposed to sleep?View attachment 204300
Why, on top of all those warm, furry cats, of course! (Hey, they have no compunctions about sleeping on top of you!) :insertevillaugh:

Seriously, when I need to put the computer down on the spot Jasmine is occupying she gets two warnings and then down it goes, slowly so she can get out of the way at the last minute, but down all the same. And, sure enough, Jasmine does get out of the way, though she's stubborn enough that she invariably waits until the computer is right on top of her and s-l-o-w-l-y getting heavier.

Oh NO!!! Take care of yourself when you are Peddling!! We need you!! OUCH!!



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
Why, on top of all those warm, furry cats, of course! (Hey, they have no compunctions about sleeping on top of you!) :insertevillaugh:

Seriously, when I need to put the computer down on the spot Jasmine is occupying she gets two warnings and then down it goes, slowly so she can get out of the way at the last minute, but down all the same. And, sure enough, Jasmine does get out of the way, though she's stubborn enough that she invariably waits until the computer is right on top of her and s-l-o-w-l-y getting heavier.



My most recent computer companion. I have kitties that prefer anime. Others that like Chinese. Some like Korean and one likes Thai.
They all seem to like Minecraft.
I usually do move them but today I think my tonsils are acting up so I feel unwell.
A few of the cats like to cling to me like baby monkeys while I do housework.
One of them weighs about 12 lbs.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
My new smoke and CO2 detectors will arrive tomorrow :yess: No idea when, though. Amazon packages show up randomly all day. I'm hoping before 3pm so if I have any issues I can call the building superintendent for help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
My new smoke and CO2 detectors will arrive tomorrow :yess: No idea when, though. Amazon packages show up randomly all day. I'm hoping before 3pm so if I have any issues I can call the building superintendent for help.
That should be a great relief for both you and the cats.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I feel like an afternoon nap but where am I supposed to sleep?View attachment 204300

Yeah, I've had cat blankets too at one time or another, most cats I've ever had were 7. Pretty soon Patrick will have a new mom and I'll be down to 4, of which two are pushing 18 so I may not have four that much longer either. On the other hand, they are both healthy and may live another 10 years.
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