The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
That's still going to miss a half centimeter tumor that would be easily treated. Instead you have to wait until it's the size of a red potato and much more likely to kill you. God forbid you be fat like me, that layer of fat makes things harder to feel. It'd have to be the size of a softball to be felt through my stomach fat.
Not being able to see much on x-rays and other tests is what had me loose a lot of weight when I weighed 275 lbs, over 125.00 lbs. Some of it crept back on which I am in the process of losing again. Eat everything but only half of what you ate before, eat very slowly and use small plates and utensils. This way you fool your eyes and you won't feel deprived from eating your favorite foods. Instead of beer and wine try a whole big can of Sprite Zero with a tiny bit of rum or brandy in it, this is for those who do indulge. I don't eat chips or other snack food, so that helps and I got turned off sweet stuff of any kind about 2 years ago, it made my heart thump and my BP would go down which is no fun, it feels scary, wondering if I'm having a heart attack or my ulcer acting up. No munchies for me either. Losing weight this time around is rather easy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Toad was a pumpkin for Halloween. It was hard to take pictures of her in her costume because she's so wriggly and energetic, but I assure you she was adorable!

She's adorable, but I'm surprised she was willing to tolerate a costume! What a sweetheart she must be.

Hey! Look at that! It's actually including the picture in the quote!



Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I'm not sure, but it would make sense. I don't know of another blood test for ovarian cancer. Your doctor was right - the CA-125 test is not reliable enough to be used as a screening method by itself. I think it is always run with another test, usually ultrasound. My doctor said basically the same thing your doctor did but added that if you have a baseline negative, results of later tests are more meaningful.

The odds of me ever finding that blood test result are very low because there were and are so many labs in the D.C. area where I lived at the time. I should probably have it run now as a baseline - assuming that I'm currently cancer-free. That's not a wise assumption to make in my family, though. If it's at all questionable, then I'll start the hunt for the old test.
For ovarian cancer screening: the blood test is CA-125. It can be effected by other factors also, but it involved in a screening protocol. This consist of the blood test, a Pelvic Ultrasound, manual exam and patient history. If anything is suspicion, then the patient is referred for a CAT scan, MRI and more intensive blood testing.

I was an US tech, and had a co-worker pass from Ovarian CA. She was Nurse.

@margd.. If you are concerned, you can still have all of the above, or at least the blood test done.. At this point, and since it has been so many years, I would think the results you are looking for would not be very helpful... and do not forget: there has been so much research since you last had this checked. I would ask and make it part of a yearly physical exam, if I was concerned.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Of course that would depend on one's age and how far the cancer had gone. My stage 3 colon cancer was cut out, chemo-ed and radiated to death and here I am 16 1/2 years later with no re-occurrence. Sure, that first year was something else, I don't really remember it (9/11 anyone? it just passed me by, it made no impression on me at all until much later when I finally figured out what had happened). Life is always worth living but one should also have the chance to end it peacefully when it becomes too much.

Blakeney Green

TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 3, 2017
Upstate NY
She's adorable, but I'm surprised she was willing to tolerate a costume! What a sweetheart she must be.
She is definitely a sweetheart! She actually didn't seem to mind the costume. I only had it on her for like five minutes and took it off at the first sign that that she wasn't liking it anymore - I think once she got too hot. While she was wearing it she just seemed to take it as an interesting diversion.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Today was payback day.

First, I pretty much emptied our basket that was overflowing with torn packages and untagged items. Not completely, but pretty close. But that means I took an entire shopping cart filled with loose underwear and socks to the front for Guest Services to defect/salvage. Yeah, I'm sure they were cursing my name. So I got a bag of discounted Halloween candy for them as a "sorry" present.

Second, harassment from motorists is virtually gone. Yeah, someone honked at me today even though I didn't impede his progress in the slightest (two lanes going the same direction), but it's the first time in a month maybe someone has honked at me, and near passes are gone. I still get the stupid idiots proceeding when their heads are turned to look to their side rather than where they are going, but that happens to everyone. (Just the stakes are a lot higher when they have 2000 pounds of steel protecting them and I don't.) While part of it is the simple fact that they can't make me go away so they have to get used to me, I'm pretty sure the police hold another part of that. I'm betting several people have called to report me and they in turn tell them I'm legally in the right and I can be there. Also, people see me ride on by the speed trap without the police so much as blinking at me. So they got 3 big bags of discounted Halloween candy tonight as a "thank you for keeping me safe" present.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Second, harassment from motorists is virtually gone. Yeah, someone honked at me today even though I didn't impede his progress in the slightest (two lanes going the same direction), but it's the first time in a month maybe someone has honked at me, and near passes are gone. I still get the stupid idiots proceeding when their heads are turned to look to their side rather than where they are going, but that happens to everyone. (Just the stakes are a lot higher when they have 2000 pounds of steel protecting them and I don't.) While part of it is the simple fact that they can't make me go away so they have to get used to me, I'm pretty sure the police hold another part of that. I'm betting several people have called to report me and they in turn tell them I'm legally in the right and I can be there. Also, people see me ride on by the speed trap without the police so much as blinking at me. So they got 3 big bags of discounted Halloween candy tonight as a "thank you for keeping me safe" present.
Good for you, arouetta arouetta ! Not only is expressing your gratitude the right thing to do, it also makes certain that the police are aware of you, and that their sympathies are on your side. Simple courtesy goes a long way toward making life better.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Last night Honeybee was being funny. I had to put some cat toothpaste on a qtip and rub on her gums-she kept trying to bite the qtip...and licking my hands LIKE crazy!! Like it was kitty crack!! Haahaahahaa She let me poke around her mouth for the most part as long as I kept putting a glob of the stuff on her teeth but then she eats it right away-so not sure how it's supposed to work? If she licks it-it wont do it's job. I have a long thin bristle cat brush but I was just trying to get her used to the qtip-tonight we will try the brush. There's 2 hard sections of tarter on top back molars and it needs to be GONE. None of the other gums are red or anything-just those two spots.

This morning she was biting Jon. He said she bites him when he ignores her. He yelled at her NO! two times but didn't seem to do anything other than make her jump off him. I got her to go into the bedroom and she slipped under the bed-where I slid a bowl of tuna for her which I could hear her happily slurping up. I got to get a piece of carpet or something to put under there to catch the tuna fragments...both girls are messy eaters.

Anyone have luck with kitty brushing teeth? Pumps didn't mind the qtip too much but didn't really like me poking in her mouth. Honeybee didn't care-I ran that qtip all over her upper gums=lifted the lip in front-didn't faze her.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Anyone have luck with kitty brushing teeth? Pumps didn't mind the qtip too much but didn't really like me poking in her mouth. Honeybee didn't care-I ran that qtip all over her upper gums=lifted the lip in front-didn't faze her.

My cats get their teeth brushed. I've been doing it since they were kittens. Are you using CET toothpaste? Most cats love that. Leroy doesn't care if I poke the totbrush into his mouth.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Anyone have luck with kitty brushing teeth? Pumps didn't mind the qtip too much but didn't really like me poking in her mouth. Honeybee didn't care-I ran that qtip all over her upper gums=lifted the lip in front-didn't faze her.
If I tried to stick my finger or any other object (ie. q-tip) in Samai's mouth, I wouldn't have a hand left to pull away. Just a bloody pulp.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
kashmir64 kashmir64 that's what I thought too...I got lucky with these two cats. My angel FLoey would have shredded me if I dare even LOOK in her mouth nevermind lift a lip. She hated when had to check her hydration on her gums-gave me lots of dirty looks and growled and try to bite me. She was NOT able to be pilled. Even 3 vets couldn't pill her. She had 50lb strong jaws-there was NO way we could shove a pill down throat OR force feed was always on her terms..which I totally understand..that's why we got along so well.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Google sent me to the wrong place. The local (county) police didn't get the candy, the (county) police a few miles away got the candy.

Guess I'll be buying more candy next time I can get the car from my husband.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Google sent me to the wrong place. The local (county) police didn't get the candy, the (county) police a few miles away got the candy.

Guess I'll be buying more candy next time I can get the car from my husband.
What?! Google has a lot to answer for is all I can say.

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