Question Of The Day, Wednesday, October 11, 2017

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  • #22


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Wish my scanner worked.

@Brouce is grouce, welcome to TCS. We're very glad to have you here, and hope that you and your cat(s) will be part of our community for a very long time.

There are some important threads you should know about:
New Cats on the Block is a good place for you to introduce yourself and your cats to us.
post funny picture and memes here This is page 85(!) of our humor thread; you'll probably want to go through the whole thing at your leisure; for now I suggest you just start at the end and work back.
The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017 is where we get together to just talk about most anything. This is the place where you'll find it easiest to get to know us.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I do to. I met him once at the Arabian Horse show. He was very nice and not what I expected. Nicer than most the people there. Got a couple of pictures of him sitting back having a smoke.
Wish my scanner worked.
I loved Patrick Swayze too. Good to hear he was nice in person.
Can you take a picture of the pictures with your phone?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
I don't like rom-coms or romantic movies or anything like that, and never took to Princess Bride or Dirty Dancing (Only other exemption is The Sound of Music) but for whatever reason I always enjoy Ever After: A Cinderella Story. I've liked it since I was a kid, and easy to re-watch. Which says a lot since I'm not a big rewatcher of movies either.

I think it is because.. 1) There is some intelligent inclinations. Even if far from perfect, you have Da Vinci, humorously done historically accurate references, Thomas More etc 2) Which connects to the female lead, she is smart and bookish had a modern thinking father who believed in education for his daughter and even taught her sword-fighting 3) The (relatively silly) prince gets literally turned on by how well read, articulate and clever she was "Oh whoa. She reads books, stands up for herself and can quote social philosophers. That is sooo hot" Sure, he noticed she was also pretty, but once the brains kicked in and thoughts challenged, booya! He even gifts her by showing her a library :drool: 4) One of her step sisters turns out to be more complex, interesting and enduring 5) In the end despite being sold off to a perverted dealer the female protagonists ends up saving herself and the prince didn't need to save her.

As a ten year old girl, when I first saw the movie, I liked that :biggrin: and the sentiment remains. Sure it has some floofy scenes but oh well! Although can be shy to admit I like it, especially since I pretty much explain the reason with a small essay lol

I also like the occasional original animated movie :think: